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XE7 veröffentlicht

Ein Thema von Union · begonnen am 2. Sep 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 19. Jan 2015
Der schöne Günther

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Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: XE7 veröffentlicht

  Alt 2. Sep 2014, 11:22

Die BDE ist jetzt komplett entfernt.

Was mir beim schnellen Durchsehen der ausführlichen Changelog auffällt:

PCRE 8.35 Does Not Accept Group Names Starting with Digits

In XE6, you could define named groups with names that contained any combination of digits and letters, such as "1" or "2nd". For example: "(?<1>\w+)\s+(?<2>fish)\s*".

In XE7, which includes the latest version of the PCRE library, it is no longer possible to use group names that start with a digit. That is, you cannot use group names such as "1" or "2nd" anymore. However, you can still use digits in the name as long as they are not the first character of the name, such as "g1" or "my2cents".
Ich glaube damit würde ich irgendwo auf die Nase fallen...
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat


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