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Get file version - something wrong

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 13. Aug 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Aug 2014
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
480 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Get file version - something wrong

  Alt 13. Aug 2014, 10:41
Delphi-Version: XE5
I want to get version info from executable, so I checked MSDN and wrote something like this:

  Size := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(AFileName), hWnd);
  if Size > 0 then
    GetMem(Buffer, Size);
      if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(AFileName), hWnd, Size, Buffer) then
        if VerQueryValue(Buffer, '\', Pointer(FixedFileInfo), L) then
          if VerQueryValue(Buffer, PChar('\VarFileInfo\Translation'), Pointer(pD), L) then
            Translation := IntToHex(pD^, 8);
            Temp := Copy(Translation, 5, 4);
            if StrToIntDef('$' + Temp, 0) = 0 then
              Temp := IntToHex(1033, 4)
            Translation := Temp + Copy(Translation, 1, 4);
            Translation := '040904E4'

          // Here query for values
I checked on 16, 32 and 64 bit files and working well in most cases, but not for all For example for firefox.exe returns nulls (but query for translation passes) What's wrong with this?

Geändert von WojTec (13. Aug 2014 um 10:45 Uhr)
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Der schöne Günther

Registriert seit: 6. Mär 2013
6.139 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Get file version - something wrong

  Alt 13. Aug 2014, 10:46
You already know of a scenario that is going to fail. And you have the might of the debugger at your fingertips. What's stopping you from first finding out which call returns NULL?
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
480 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: AW: Get file version - something wrong

  Alt 13. Aug 2014, 11:39
So, I told

VerQueryValue(Buffer, PChar('\VarFileInfo\Translation')...

is success. Problem is with

VerQueryValue(Buffer, PChar('\StringFileInfo\' + Translation + '\(specified entries in table here)')

- here it fails on some files, looks like can't access, because wrong translation code
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Registriert seit: 3. Mai 2006
Ort: Graz
441 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Get file version - something wrong

  Alt 13. Aug 2014, 21:50
Heres an example how I'm doing it (see attachement).. its ripped from my component library and displays some of the version info in a memo.
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: 7z VersionInfo.7z (4,0 KB, 73x aufgerufen)

Software isn't released ... it is allowed to escape!
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
480 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Get file version - something wrong

  Alt 14. Aug 2014, 13:32
Nice, thanks! It woreking very well.

I did something wrong with translation I see.
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