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Daten per Streams in Datei schreiben

Ein Thema von delphinub23 · begonnen am 22. Jul 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 23. Jul 2014

Registriert seit: 27. Okt 2010
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Delphi XE3 Professional

Daten per Streams in Datei schreiben

  Alt 22. Jul 2014, 10:51
Hallo Leute!

Gleich vorweg: Ich habe noch nicht oft mit Streams gearbeitet.

Ich möchte per Stream verschiedene Daten in eine Datei schreiben und wieder lesen können.
Im Detail sind die Daten Klassen, welche irgendwelche Informationen enthalten (Beschreibung, etc...).
Die Klassen kennen sich untereinander nicht. Somit muss ich die Daten im Stream anhand von Headern identifizieren können.

In meiner Vorstellung sieht das so aus:
|_HeaderA_|_DataA___________|_HeaderB_|_DataB_____ ______|_HeaderC_|_DataC___________|

Nur leider habe ich keine Idee, wie ich das umsetzen kann
So sieht mein Testframe aus:

unit FmStreamOperations;




    This is the first record that should be saved to a file
      most important properties:
      @ version field that can be interpreted from reader classes
      @ conentlen field when the record ends and the next record begins

    NOTE: packed record because the memory alignment of regular records are
          subject to change between releases

  TDummyHeaderA = packed record
    // after structure changes increment this
    Version: Integer;
    // position of begin of content
    Pos: Integer;
    // Integer should be enough to prevent to low allocation for the content
    Len: LongInt;
    // do not use dynamic length; ShortString (String[255]) instead of String
    HeaderType: ShortString;

    This is the second record that should be saved to a file
      most important properties:
      @ version field that can be interpreted from reader classes
      @ conentlen field when the record ends and the next record begins

    NOTE: packed record because the memory alignment of regular records are
          subject to change between releases

  TDummyHeaderB = packed record
    // after structure changes increment this
    Version: Integer;
    // position of begin of content
    Pos: Integer;
    // Integer should be enough to prevent to low allocation for the content
    Len: Integer;
    // do not use dynamic length; ShortString (String[255]) instead of String
    HeaderType: ShortString;

    This is the third record that should be saved to a file
      most important properties:
      @ version field that can be interpreted from reader classes
      @ conentlen field when the record ends and the next record begins

    NOTE: packed record because the memory alignment of regular records are
          subject to change between releases

  TDummyHeaderC = packed record
    // after structure changes increment this
    Version: Integer;
    // position of begin of content
    Pos: Integer;
    // Integer should be enough to prevent to low allocation for the content
    Len: Integer;
    // do not use dynamic length; ShortString (String[255]) instead of String
    HeaderType: ShortString;

    This is a dummy class for testing the header TDatasetHeaderA

  TDummyA = class(TPersistent)
    FValueA: Integer;
    FValueB: string;
    FValueC: Boolean;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property ValueA: Integer read FValueA write FValueA;
    property ValueB: string read FValueB write FValueB;
    property ValueC: Boolean read FValueC write FValueC;

    This is a dummy class for testing the header TDatasetHeaderB

  TDummyB = class(TPersistent)
    FValueA: Int64;
    FValueB: ShortString;
    FValueC: PChar;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property ValueA: Int64 read FValueA write FValueA;
    property ValueB: ShortString read FValueB write FValueB;
    property ValueC: PChar read FValueC write FValueC;

    This is a dummy class for testing the header TDatasetHeaderC

  TDummyC = class(TPersistent)
    FValueA: SmallInt;
    FValueB: Char;
    FValueC: Double;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property ValueA: SmallInt read FValueA write FValueA;
    property ValueB: Char read FValueB write FValueB;
    property ValueC: Double read FValueC write FValueC;

    Testframe form

  TFmTestframe = class(TForm)
    ButtonSave: TButton;
    ButtonLoad: TButton;
    procedure ButtonSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure ButtonLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
    { Private-Deklarationen }
    { Public-Deklarationen }


  const C_FILE_EXT = 'bin';
  const C_FILE_LOC = 'C:\';
  FmTestframe: TFmTestframe;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TFmTestframe.ButtonLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
  Stream: TFileStream;
  FileName: string;
  HeaderA: TDummyHeaderA;
  DataA: TDummyA;
  // Try to load TDummyHeaderA & TDummyA from file via stream to the objects
  FileName :=
    Format('%s.ExampleFileWrittenWithStream.%s', [C_FILE_LOC, C_FILE_EXT]);
  // !! don't forget to check if the file exist and is accessable in production builds
  Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
    // Stream.Read(...) <----- ??? What to do here?

procedure TFmTestframe.ButtonSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
  Stream: TFileStream;
  HeaderA: TDummyHeaderA;
  DataA: TDummyA;
  FileName: string;
  // Try it with TDummyHeaderA & TDummyA first
  // Fill TDummyHeaderA with data
  HeaderA.Version := 1;
  HeaderA.Pos := 0; { replace with start point of the content??? }
  HeaderA.Len := 0; { replace with the length of the content??? }
  HeaderA.HeaderType := '[Type] Dummy Header A';

  // TDummyA is filled with dummy data by the constructor
  DataA := TDummyA.Create;
    // Try to save TDummyHeaderA & TDummyA into file via stream
    FileName :=
      Format('%s.ExampleFileWrittenWithStream.%s', [C_FILE_LOC, C_FILE_EXT]);
    // !! don't forget to check if the file exist and is accessable in production builds
    Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
      // Stream.Write(HeaderA, ...) <----- ??? What to do here?
      // ...
      // ..
      // .

{ TDummyA }

constructor TDummyA.Create;
  FValueA := 1;
  FValueB := 'DummyA Example Text';
  FValueC := True;

destructor TDummyA.Destroy;

{ TDummyB }

constructor TDummyB.Create;
  FValueA := 9823323232313;
  FValueB := 'Dummy B';
  FValueC := PChar('Pointer to string test');

destructor TDummyB.Destroy;

{ TDummyC }

constructor TDummyC.Create;
  FValueA := -1;
  FValueB := 'C';
  FValueC := 3.14;

destructor TDummyC.Destroy;

Es wäre nett, wenn mir jemand Hilfestellung geben könnte

Geändert von delphinub23 (22. Jul 2014 um 10:56 Uhr)
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