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TWebbrower and how to click an image button with no id or tags?

Offene Frage von "Tomski"
Ein Thema von direktor · begonnen am 19. Mai 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 23. Feb 2021
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Registriert seit: 5. Apr 2014
22 Beiträge

TWebbrower and how to click an image button with no id or tags?

  Alt 19. Mai 2014, 14:52

I have a problem. Does anyone have any idea how to click an image button with no id or tags in TWebBrowser? The button code is below:

<BUTTON aria-disabled=true style="POSITION: relative; WIDTH: 16px" class=x-btn-text tabIndex=0 aria-describedby=x-auto-2 __eventBits="6144">&nbsp;
<IMG style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 12px; BACKGROUND: url( no-repeat -12px 0px; HEIGHT: 12px; TOP: 2px; LEFT: 1px" class=" x-btn-image" role=presentation border=0 src="" onload='this.__gwtLastUnhandledEvent="load";' __gwtLastUnhandledEvent="load">

Any idea is welcome.
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Volker Z.

Registriert seit: 4. Dez 2012
Ort: Augsburg, Bayern, Süddeutschland
419 Beiträge
Delphi XE4 Ultimate

AW: TWebbrower and how to click an image button with no id or tags?

  Alt 19. Mai 2014, 22:07

I have a problem. Does anyone have any idea how to click an image button with no id or tags in TWebBrowser?
I don' t know whether this particular button becomes unique by the attributes classname and tabIndex; if so you could try it this way:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  d : IHTMLDocument3;
  c : IHTMLElementCollection;
  i : Integer;
  e : IHTMLElement;
  s : string;
  d := WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument3;
  if not Assigned (d) then

  c := d.getElementsByTagName ('button');
  for i := 0 to c.length - 1 do
      e := c.item (i, EmptyParam) as IHTMLElement;
      if not Assigned (e) then
        Exception.Create ('Your message');

      if e.className = 'x-btn-textthen
          s := e.getAttribute ('tabIndex', 0);
          if s = '0then
Best regards
Volker Zeller
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Registriert seit: 5. Apr 2014
22 Beiträge

AW: TWebbrower and how to click an image button with no id or tags?

  Alt 20. Mai 2014, 06:57
Volker thank you for your reply. This bastards used a new technique developed only a few months ago. Check this out:

They replaced custom html tags and objects with user defined controlled by javascript widgets. That's you you see <button ... instead of <input type=button...
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Registriert seit: 5. Apr 2014
22 Beiträge

AW: TWebbrower and how to click an image button with no id or tags?

  Alt 20. Mai 2014, 09:14
Volker you are a genious! It really works!
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Registriert seit: 17. Jun 2010
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Delphi 2 Desktop

AW: TWebbrower and how to click an image button with no id or tags?

  Alt 23. Feb 2021, 12:02
Danke Volker, diese Routine klappt hervorragend...
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