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WLAN Kieker

Ein Thema von Garfield · begonnen am 12. Mai 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 13. Mai 2014
Benutzerbild von Garfield

Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2004
Ort: Aken (Anhalt-Bitterfeld)
1.335 Beiträge
Delphi XE5 Professional

AW: WLAN Kieker

  Alt 12. Mai 2014, 21:56
Es gibt nur diese

A parameter is incorrect. This error is returned if the hClientHandle, pInterfaceGuid, or ppAvailableNetworkList parameter is NULL. This error is returned if the pReserved is not NULL. This error is also returned if the dwFlags parameter value is set to value that is not valid or the hClientHandle parameter is not valid.

The handle hClientHandle was not found in the handle table.

The radio associated with the interface is turned off. There are no available networks when the radio is off.

Various error codes.

Not enough memory is available to process this request and allocate memory for the query results.
Gruss Garfield
Ubuntu 22.04: Laz2.2.2/FPC3.2.2 - VirtBox6.1+W10: D7PE, DXE5Prof
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