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Fast Report get data from stored procedure or inline table value function

Ein Thema von question · begonnen am 20. Feb 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Feb 2014
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Fast Report get data from stored procedure or inline table value function

  Alt 20. Feb 2014, 13:50
can anybody tell me please, how it is possible to get data from a Stored procedure or from a InlineTable value function in FastReport?
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AW: Fast Report get data from stored procedure or inline table value function

  Alt 20. Feb 2014, 17:54
Where is your problem? Create a TxxxQuery (or a TxxStoredProc, if you have one), fill it with the appropriate query statement, connect the dataset to a TFrxDataset (Forgot the exact name) open the designer, assign the data and use it.

There is a menu item 'data' where you can 'assign the data', i.e. like make it visible to the designer.

Another possibility is to directly connect to a database from within the designer.
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Registriert seit: 17. Apr 2013
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AW: Fast Report get data from stored procedure or inline table value function

  Alt 20. Feb 2014, 18:20
thanks for your reply

the problem is, i have a stored procedure and i have also a query for that, but when i connect with FastReport then it does not show any column, it happen only with stored procedure and with inline table valued function

furthermore ,i have checked the query and everything is ok so far but i dont know why in Fastreport does not show any data field
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Registriert seit: 17. Apr 2013
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AW: Fast Report get data from stored procedure or inline table value function

  Alt 20. Feb 2014, 21:36
for example, i have a inline table valued function 'dbo.FT_getuser'
if i run the query direct with fixed value 'select * from dbo.FT_getuser(1001)' then its work

but if i use the parameter 'select * from dbo.FT_getuser(:ID)'
and run the query like this


then it does not show any data field in fast report ,but in delphi it works
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