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fast report if else

Ein Thema von question · begonnen am 17. Feb 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 18. Feb 2014
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fast report if else

  Alt 17. Feb 2014, 21:02
I am using fast report with delphi to create the report, i have a variable in fast report, [frxDBDataset1."lief"] and i would like to use an if else statement for example:
if [frxDBDataset1."lief"]>2 then [frxDBDataset1."lief"]=0
i was trying but not getting appropriate syntax for if else in fast report, can anybody help me please
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Benutzerbild von ibp

Registriert seit: 31. Mär 2004
Ort: Frankfurt am Main
1.511 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Architect

AW: fast report if else

  Alt 18. Feb 2014, 08:17
Hi, try that..

Geändert von ibp (18. Feb 2014 um 08:27 Uhr)
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AW: fast report if else

  Alt 18. Feb 2014, 08:25
I don't think that you can modify the contents of a data field. That's not what FastReport is made for.

IBP's approach is what you need in this case.

The more general approach is to copy fields you wish to modify to a local/global variable. You can access that variable from within the report designer (afaik) as well as set it from within the script code and delphi code.
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