Registriert seit: 4. Dez 2013 47 Beiträge |
ich habe gerade einen Dialog in Arbeit, aus dem ich später vorher registrierte Tools auswählen will. Jedoch erhalte ich die im Titel genannte Exception, die ich mir nicht erklären kann. Es geht um einen Auswahldialog, aus dem ich ein vorher registriertes Kommandozeilentool als aktuell aktives auswählen will. Doch dieser Dialog wirft die genannte Exception bei AssignCommands im Hauptprogramm:
Der Delphi Debugger springt in diese Systemroutine -> _LStrArrayClr(var StrArray; cnt: longint) an diese Stelle:
procedure TMainForm.menuActiveToolClick(Sender: TObject);
var CurrentTool: Integer; begin if Assigned(CmdLines) and (CmdLines.Count > 0) then begin if Assigned(DlgChooseCommandTool) then DlgChooseCommandTool.AssignCommands(CmdLines); //Hier kommt die Exception DlgChooseCommandTool.ShowModal; if DlgChooseCommandTool.ModalResult = mrOk then begin CurrentTool := DlgChooseCommandTool.ChoosedIndex; ShowMessage('Index Of Current Tool is: '+IntToStr(CurrentTool)); end; end else ShowMessage('Bitte registrieren Sie zuerst ein Tool im Menü [Tool registrieren...]!'); end;
Hier ist der Auswahldialog:
CALL _FreeMem
Diese Unit stellt mein Kommandotoolinterface bereit:
unit UDlgChooseCommandTool;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, UCommandInterface, UCmdTools; type TCommands = class(TInterfacedObject, ICommandTool) private FCommands: TCmdTools; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function GetCommand(Index: Integer): TCmdTool; function GetCount: Integer; procedure AssignCommands(Commands: TCmdTools); procedure RegisterCommand( Name, Command: String; Options:String=''; CfgFile:String=''; AOptionsFactory:TOptionsFactory=nil ); procedure SetCommand(Index: Integer; Value: TCmdTool); property Command[Index: Integer]: TCmdTool read GetCommand; property Count: Integer read GetCount; end; TDlgChooseCommandTool = class(TForm) lbxChoosedCommandTool: TListBox; cbxChoosedCommandTool: TComboBox; lbRegisteredCommandTools: TLabel; lbChoosedCommandTool: TLabel; btnOk: TButton; btnCancel: TButton; btnHelp: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure lbxChoosedCommandToolClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnOkClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FCommands: TCommands; FCurrentChoosed: Integer; //FOptionsFactory: TComponent; function GetChoosedIndex: Integer; public { Public declarations } procedure AssignCommands(Commands: TCmdTools); property ChoosedIndex: Integer read GetChoosedIndex; end; var DlgChooseCommandTool: TDlgChooseCommandTool; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TDlgChooseCommandTool.AssignCommands(Commands: TCmdTools); var Index: Integer; begin if (Assigned(Commands)) and (Assigned(FCommands)) then begin FCommands.AssignCommands(Commands); for Index := 0 to Commands.Count - 1 do begin cbxChoosedCommandTool.Items.Add(FCommands.Command[Index].Name); lbxChoosedCommandTool.Items.Add(FCommands.Command[Index].Name); end; end; end; procedure TDlgChooseCommandTool.btnOkClick(Sender: TObject); begin GetChoosedIndex; end; procedure TDlgChooseCommandTool.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FCommands := TCommands.Create; end; procedure TDlgChooseCommandTool.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FCommands) then begin FCommands.Free; FCommands := nil; end; end; function TDlgChooseCommandTool.GetChoosedIndex: Integer; var Index: Integer; begin Result := -1; while Index < lbxChoosedCommandTool.Items.Count do begin if cbxChoosedCommandTool.Items[Index] = cbxChoosedCommandTool.Text then begin FCurrentChoosed := Index; Result := Index; Index := lbxChoosedCommandTool.Items.Count; end; Inc(Index); end; end; procedure TDlgChooseCommandTool.lbxChoosedCommandToolClick(Sender: TObject); begin cbxChoosedCommandTool.ItemIndex := lbxChoosedCommandTool.ItemIndex; cbxChoosedCommandTool.Text := cbxChoosedCommandTool.Items[cbxChoosedCommandTool.ItemIndex]; end; { TCommands } procedure TCommands.AssignCommands(Commands: TCmdTools); begin if Assigned(Commands) then FCommands.Assign(Commands); end; constructor TCommands.Create; begin inherited Create; FCommands := TCmdTools.Create; end; destructor TCommands.Destroy; begin FCommands.Free; inherited; end; function TCommands.GetCommand(Index: Integer): TCmdTool; begin if Assigned(FCommands) then Result := TCmdTool(FCommands[Index]) else Result := nil; end; function TCommands.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FCommands.Count; end; procedure TCommands.RegisterCommand(Name, Command, Options, CfgFile: String; AOptionsFactory: TOptionsFactory); begin FCommands.AddCmdTool(RegisterCommandLineTool(Name, Command, Options, CfgFile, AOptionsFactory)); end; procedure TCommands.SetCommand(Index: Integer; Value: TCmdTool); begin { FCommands.CmdTool[Index].Name := Value.Name; FCommands.CmdTool[Index].Command := Value.Command; FCommands.CmdTool[Index].CfgFile := Value.CfgFile; } FCommands.CmdTool[Index].Factory := Value.Factory; end; end.
unit UCmdTools;
interface uses Classes, Contnrs, IniFiles; type //Platzhalter für späteren Optionsdialog //zur interaktiven Einstellung der Kom- //mandozeilenparameter des aktuell ausge- //wählten Tools TOptionsFactory = TComponent; //ein Kommandozeilentool TCmdTool = class(TObject) private FCfgFile: String; FCommand: String; FName: String; FOptions: String; FOptionsFactory: TOptionsFactory; function GetOptionsFactory: TOptionsFactory; procedure SetOptionsFactory(const Value: TOptionsFactory); public procedure ApplyOptions; virtual; abstract; constructor Create(aName,aCommand: String; aOptions:String=''; aCfgFile:String=''); destructor Destroy; override; function CfgFile: String; //cfg Datei für Kommandozeilenparameter function Command: String; //exename + Optionen function Name: String; //Name im Menü property Factory: TOptionsFactory read GetOptionsFactory write SetOptionsFactory; end; //Liste aller registrierten Tools TCmdTools = class(TObjectList) function GetCmdTool(Index: Integer): TCmdTool; function AddCmdTool(CmdTool: TCmdTool): Integer; property CmdTool[Index: Integer]: TCmdTool read GetCmdTool; end; var CmdLines: TCmdTools; //Diese Funktion soll ein Tool registrieren (in die Liste schreiben) function RegisterCommandLineTool(Name, Command: String; Options:String=''; CfgFile:String=''; AOptionsFactory:TOptionsFactory=nil): TCmdTool; implementation function RegisterCommandLineTool(Name, Command: String; Options:String=''; CfgFile:String=''; AOptionsFactory:TOptionsFactory=nil): TCmdTool; var CmdTool: TCmdTool; begin try CmdTool := TCmdTool.Create(Name, Command, Options, CfgFile); CmdTool.Factory := AOptionsFactory; CmdLines.AddCmdTool(CmdTool) finally Result := CmdTool; CmdTool.Free; end; end; { TCmdTools } function TCmdTools.AddCmdTool(CmdTool: TCmdTool): Integer; begin Result := Add(CmdTool); end; function TCmdTools.GetCmdTool(Index: Integer): TCmdTool; begin Result := TCmdTool(Items[Index]) end; { TCmdTool } function MakeOptFile(AOptions: String): String; var f: file; opts: array[0..127] of char; w:longint; begin fillchar(opts, Sizeof(opts), ' '); move(AOptions[1], opts, Sizeof(opts)); Assign(f, 'extrafpc.cfg'); Rewrite(f); blockwrite(f, opts, Sizeof(opts), w); Close(f); MakeOptFile := '@extrafpc.cfg'; end; function TCmdTool.CfgFile: String; begin Result := FCfgFile; end; function TCmdTool.Command: String; begin if FCommand <> '' then if FOptions <> '' then Result := FCommand + ' ' + FCfgFile + ' ' + FOptions; end; constructor TCmdTool.Create(aName,aCommand: String; aOptions:String=''; aCfgFile:String=''); begin FCfgFile := CfgFile; FOptions := FOptions; FCommand := Command; FName := Name; end; destructor TCmdTool.Destroy; begin if Assigned(FOptionsFactory) then begin FOptionsFactory.Free; FOptionsFactory := nil; end; inherited; end; function TCmdTool.GetOptionsFactory: TOptionsFactory; begin Result := FOptionsFactory; end; function TCmdTool.Name: String; begin Result := FName; end; procedure TCmdTool.SetOptionsFactory(const Value: TOptionsFactory); begin if FOptionsFactory <> Value then begin if Assigned(FOptionsFactory) then begin FOptionsFactory.Free; FOptionsFactory := nil; end; FOptionsFactory := Value; end; end; initialization CmdLines := TCmdTools.Create; finalization CmdLines.Free; end. |
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