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Volume Shadow Copy

Ein Thema von Allan · begonnen am 13. Feb 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Feb 2014
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Registriert seit: 24. Jun 2013
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Volume Shadow Copy

  Alt 13. Feb 2014, 05:32
I am trying out the Volume Shadow Copy example but getting the following error.

(Delphi Xe2 on Win 7)

In procedure GetBackupComponentsAndInitialize...

at line CreateVssBackupComponents(BackupComps);

I get "..... raised too many consecutive exceptions:
'Access violation at 0x00000000: read of address 0x00000000' Process Stopped..."

I have compiled the programs with following two changes.

For Xe2 I have only changed
If (Not CopyFile(PAnsiChar(Path),PAnsiChar(DestPath),True)) Then to
If (Not CopyFile(PWideChar(Path),PWideChar(DestPath),True)) Then and

unmarked from VssApi

Function CreateVssBackupComponents(
  Var ppBackup : IVssBackupComponents) : HRESULT; StdCall;
  External VSS_API_DLL name 'CreateVssBackupComponentsInternal'; { for Windows Server 2003 }

Procedure VssFreeSnapshotProperties(pProp : PVSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP); StdCall;
  External VSS_API_DLL;
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AW: Volume Shadow Copy

  Alt 13. Feb 2014, 08:52
What type of path information does 'CopyFile' expect? You cannot just change the type of parameter and expect the function to behave correctly. Remember: All that 'CopyFile' gets are two pointers to some stuff. It expects this stuff to be an array of 8-bit characters (I supose) but you now pass a list of 16-bit characters.
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Registriert seit: 24. Jun 2013
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AW: Volume Shadow Copy

  Alt 14. Feb 2014, 05:00
Point noted. That is not my problem though as I was just mentioning changes from the original praxis code.
My error is at procedure GetBackupComponentsAndInitialize...

at line CreateVssBackupComponents(BackupComps);

I get "..... raised too many consecutive exceptions:
'Access violation at 0x00000000: read of address 0x00000000' Process Stopped..."
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