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Truncate float without rounding

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 5. Jan 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 8. Jan 2014
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482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 17:33
Delphi-Version: 5
How to truncate float number to n digits after point, but without rounding it, for example 147.258 --> 147.25 (input is extended)

Geändert von WojTec ( 5. Jan 2014 um 18:00 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von Bernhard Geyer
Bernhard Geyer

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AW: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 17:34
For two digits:

myVal := 147.258;
myVal := Trunc(myVal*100)/100;
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AW: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 18:06
// For n digits:

Function RoundedReal(n:Double; count:Integer):Double;
// count: Anzahl der Stellen nach dem Komma
var multi:Double;
     multi := IntPower(10, count);
     n := Round(n * multi);
     result := n / multi;
// IntPower erfordert die Unit 'Math'

Geändert von kamel08 ( 5. Jan 2014 um 18:10 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 18:14
Thanks you, now I understand how it working

BTW: if input is Extended and want to truncate to 0 digits (like Round), output should be what type? Cardinal?
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AW: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 20:44
The output will be extended same way. You have to convert it to an integer yourself.
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Registriert seit: 23. Jan 2008
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Delphi 2007 Enterprise

AW: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 20:53
For a totally general case, an Int64 would cover the largest range out of the integer types, that might be put in by an Extended. Cardinal most notably misses the sign. It depends on what you use the number for if you could use smaller types as output. (But even an Int64 can not cover the full range of an Extended by design - not without some rather wild re-mappings.)
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Benutzerbild von sx2008

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AW: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 20:55
It seems that the Int()-function is rather unknown to most programmers.
Function RoundedReal(n:Double; decimalplaces:Integer):Double;
var multi:Double;
  Assert(decimalplaces >=0);
  multi := IntPower(10, decimalplaces);
  Result := Int(n * multi) / multi;
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 23:00
I know Int() IF we are here, could you explain me differences between Round(), Trunc() and Int()?
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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

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AW: Re: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 23:06
I know Int() IF we are here, could you explain me differences between Round(), Trunc() and Int()?
If we are here, did you read the documentation about Round, Trunc, Int, Floor, Ceil?
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AW: Truncate float without rounding

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 23:07
Look it up in google, I just did it and it worked (google) so it's not down and will help you same way.
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