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TComport änderung in der Receive Procedure

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Ein Thema von joehd · begonnen am 5. Jan 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 17. Jan 2014
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2008
Ort: Heidelberg
110 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

TComport änderung in der Receive Procedure

  Alt 5. Jan 2014, 18:39
Delphi-Version: XE2
ich benutze die Componente Delphi TComport Component
wegen das ich auch die Sonderzeichen in der Übertragung benötige die bei einem normalen String irgend wie nicht mit rüber kommen habe ich die Componente umgeschrieben und aus einem String einen Ansistring gemacht.

Ich habe festgestellt das im RAW Modus nicht alle Zeichen unter Delphi XE2 kommen wenn man nicht auch Ansisitring geht. Ich habe folgende Änderungen gemacht jedoch erhalte ich noch eine Warnung aber trotzdem geht es.

Die Unit der Componente ist hier

unit ComPort;


  Delphi TComport Component
  Developed on: D4 Pro/upd 2&3
  Tested on  :  WIN-NT4/SP6, WIN98se, WIN95/OSR1

                    This software is FREEWARE
  If this software works, it was surely written by Dirk Claessens
  (If it does'nt, I don't know anything about it.)

  Some of TComport's properties are important under certain circumstances.

  -The Windows port driver does receive callbacks in chunks that are typically
  8 bytes long. With ReceiveMode = rmRAW, TComport will simply pass this chunks
  on to the application without any processing.

  -With ReceiveMode=rmTERM, TComport will accumulate characters until a certain
  terminator string is present in it's buffer ( CR/LF for example), and then
  call the application with a complete message, including the terminator.

  - WinQSizeIn and WinQSizeOut set the size of Windows' driver buffers.
  Both are by default set to 8Kbyte. This should be sufficient for most
  applications.  If you expect that more then this amount will be sent/received
  without any flow control, you may need to adjust the buffersize to a larger value.
  Doing: for i:= 1 to 100 do
              Comport1.Send(<1000 characters>)
  is guaranteed to cause a  buffer overflow !

  -Is there modem control in TComport? Yes and no.
  -All modem events are reported ( CTS,DSR,RLSD,RING)
  -Modem control signals can be set (RTS,DTR)
  -There is _no_ support for setting the CTS/DTR flow control bits of the
    Windows driver. MS made a mess of this, and it may not work on certain
    hardware ( some notebooks for example)
  - Basically, to dial a number with a modem, do:
    -Set baudrate etc...
    -Open the port
    -Send the modem initialisation strings
    -Set RTS true
    -send 'ATDT<number_to_dial' + CR to the port
    -When the RLSD event fires, do SetDTR(true)
    -From this point on, you're on your own <g>
  -All error conditions are grouped into 1 event. I have not bothered to
  split it up in parity,framing,...etc. If the error event fires, check all
  communication parameters. _something_ will be wrong here, or the line is



  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

  version = '1.5';
   // useful constants
  NUL = #0; SOH = #1; STX = #2; ETX = #3; EOT = #4; ENQ = #5; ACK = #6; BEL = #7; BS = #8;
  TAB = #9; LF = #10; VT = #11; FF = #12; CR = #13; SO = #14; SI = #15; DLE = #16;
  DC1 = #17; DC2 = #18; DC3 = #19; DC4 = #20; NAK = #21; SYN = #22; ETB = #23; CAN = #24;
  EM = #25; SUB = #26; ESC = #27; FS = #28; GS = #29; RS = #30; US = #31;

   // default receive terminator for receivemode rmTERM
  DefaultTerminator = #13#10;


  EComError = class( Exception );
  TParity = ( ptNONE, ptODD, ptEVEN, ptMARK, ptSPACE );
  TStopBit = ( sbONE, sbONE5, snTWO );
  TReceiveMode = ( rmRAW, rmTERM );

  TCommThread = class;
  // callback templates
  TReceiveNotify = procedure( CharsReceived: DWORD ) of object;
  TLineEventNotify = procedure( EventWord: DWORD; ModemStatus: DWORD ) of object;
  TReceiveProc = procedure( Data: ansistring ) of object;
  TStatusChanged = procedure( Status: boolean ) of object;
  TComPort = class( TComponent )
    { Private declarations }
    FPortID: string;
    FBaud: DWORD;
    FDataBits: byte;
    FParity: TParity;
    FStopBits: TStopBit;
    FReceiveMode: TReceiveMode;
    ComThread: TCommThread; // see below
    FOpen: boolean;
    FReceiveCallBack: TReceiveProc;
      FOnRLSDChanged: TStatusChanged;
      FOnPortClose: TNotifyEvent;
      FWinQSizeOut: DWORD;
    FTerminator: string;
    RxBuf: string;
    procedure ReceiveNotify( NReceived: DWORD );
    procedure EventNotify( EventMask, ModemStatus: DWORD );
    procedure SetTerminator( TermStr: string );
    function GetTerminator: string;

    { Protected declarations }

    { Public declarations }
    constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure Open;
    procedure Close;
    procedure Send( Data: string );
    procedure SetDTR( Status: boolean );
    procedure SetRTS( Status: boolean );
    function NextToken( var s: string; Separator: char ): string;
    function StrToParity( sParity: string ): TParity;
    function ParityToStr( ParityMember: TParity ): string;
    function StopbToStr( Stopmember: TStopBit ): string;
    function StrToStopb( sStopBit: string ): TStopBit;

    { Published declarations }
    property Port: string read FPortID write FPortID;
    property Baud: DWORD read FBaud write FBaud;
    property DataBits: byte read FDatabits write FDataBits;
    property Parity: TParity read FParity write FParity;
    property StopBits: TStopBit read FStopBits write FStopBits;
    property WinQSizeIn: DWORD read FWinQSizeIn write FWinQSizeIn;
    property WinQSizeOut: DWORD read FWinQSizeOut write FWinQSizeOut;
    property ReceiveMode: TReceiveMode read FReceiveMode write FReceiveMode;
    property Terminator: string read GetTerminator write SetTerminator;
    // events
    property OnPortOpen: TNotifyEvent read FOnPortOpen write FOnPortOpen;
    property OnPortClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnPortClose write FOnPortClose;
    property ReceiveCallBack: TReceiveProc read FReceiveCallBack
    write FReceiveCallBack;
    property OnCTSChanged: TStatusChanged read FOnCTSChanged
    write FOnCTSChanged;
    property OnDSRChanged: TStatusChanged read FOnDSRChanged
    write FOnDSRChanged;
    property OnRingChanged: TStatusChanged read FOnRingChanged
    write FOnRingChanged;
    property OnRLSDChanged: TStatusChanged read FOnRLSDChanged
    write FOnRLSDChanged;
    property OnError: TNotifyEvent read FonError write FOnError;

  TCommThread = class( TThread )
    DCB: TDCB;
    hCloseEvent: THandle;
      TXOverLap: TOverLapped;
    FEventMask: DWORD;
    FModemStatus: DWORD;

    hCom: THandle;
    FOnReceive: TReceiveNotify;
    FLineEvent: TLineEventNotify;
    ErrorMask: DWORD;
    procedure Execute; override;
    procedure EventHandler;
    destructor Destroy; override;

    constructor Create( APort: string );
    procedure SetCommPars( ABaudRate: DWORD;
      AByteSize: byte;
      AParity: DWORD;
      NStopBits: TStopBit );
    function HandleValid: boolean;
    function WriteComm( var buf; ByteCount: integer ): DWORD;
    procedure ReadComm( var buf; CharsToRead: DWORD );
    procedure SignalTerminate;
    procedure ClearComm;

// utility to enumerate available ports
procedure EnumPorts( PortList: TStrings );

procedure Register;


procedure Register;
  RegisterComponents( 'Samples', [TComPort] );

procedure EnumPorts( PortList: TStrings );
  MaxPorts : integer;
  hPort : THandle;
  PortNumber : integer;
  PortName : string;
  if PortList = nil then EXIT;

  { where are we running on? }
  case Win32PlatForm of
    VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: MaxPorts := 256;
    VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: MaxPorts := 9;

  for PortNumber := 1 to MaxPorts do
    if PortNumber > 9 then
      PortName := '\\.\COM' + IntToStr( PortNumber ) // ask Microsoft why...
      PortName := 'COM' + IntToStr( PortNumber );

    hPort := CreateFile( PChar( PortName ),
      0 );

   // note that ports already in use by other apps
   // will *NOT* be detected here
    if not ( hPort = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) then
      PortList.Add( PortName );
    CloseHandle( hPort );

function TComPort.ParityToStr( Paritymember: TParity ): string;
  Result := GetEnumName( TypeInfo( TParity ), integer( ParityMember ) );

function TComPort.StrToParity( sParity: string ): TParity;
  Result := TParity( GetEnumValue( TypeInfo( TParity ), sParity ) );

function TComPort.StopbToStr( Stopmember: TStopBit ): string;
  Result := GetEnumName( TypeInfo( TStopBit ), integer( StopMember ) );

function TComPort.StrToStopb( sStopBit: string ): TStopBit;
  Result := TStopBit( GetEnumValue( TypeInfo( TStopBit ), sStopBit ) );

constructor TComPort.Create( AOwner: TComponent ); //override;
  inherited Create( AOwner );
  // set reasonable defaults
  FOpen := false;
  FPortID := 'COM1';
  FBaud := 9600;
  FParity := ptNONE;
  FDataBits := 8;
  FOpen := false;
  FWinQSizeIn := 8192;
  FWinQSizeOut := 8192;
  FReceiveMode := rmTERM;
  FTerminator := DefaultTerminator;
  RxBuf := '';

destructor TComPort.Destroy; //override;
  if FOpen then
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TComPort.Open;
  if not FOpen then

   // create the background thread
    ComThread := TCommThread.Create( FPortID );

   // we cannot open already occupied or nonexistent ports
    if not comThread.HandleValid then
      raise EComError.Create( 'TCOMPORT : cannot open ' + FPortID + #13
        + SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) );

   // hook up callbacks from thread
    ComThread.FOnReceive := Self.ReceiveNotify;
    ComThread.FLineEvent := Self.EventNotify;
   // set communication parameters
    ComThread.SetCommPars( Fbaud, FDataBits, DWORD( FParity ), FStopBits );
   // set buffersizes of Windows' driver
    SetUpComm( ComThread.hCom, FWinQSizeIn, FWinQSizeOut );
   // go...
    FOpen := true;
    if Assigned( FOnPortOpen ) then
      FOnPortOpen( Self );

procedure TComPort.Close;
  if FOpen then
    FOpen := false;
   // kill callbacks
    ComThread.FOnReceive := nil;
    ComThread.FLineEvent := nil;
   // signal thread
   // wait for standstill...
    if Assigned( FOnPortClose ) then
      FOnPortClose( Self );

// set DTR line
procedure TComPort.SetDTR( Status: boolean );
  if FOPen then
    case Status of
      true: EscapeCommFunction( ComThread.hCom, Windows.SETDTR );
      false: EscapeCommFunction( ComThread.hCom, Windows.CLRDTR );

// set RTS line
procedure TComPort.SetRTS( Status: boolean );
  if FOpen then
    case Status of
      true: EscapeCommFunction( ComThread.hCom, Windows.SETRTS );
      false: EscapeCommFunction( ComThread.hCom, Windows.CLRRTS );

// gets called from thread when line/modem events occur
procedure TComPort.EventNotify( EventMask, ModemStatus: DWORD );

  // check for each possible event,
  // and fire callback (if assigned)
  if ( EventMask and EV_CTS ) > 0 then
    if Assigned( FOnCTSChanged ) then
      FOnCTSChanged( ( ModemStatus and MS_CTS_ON ) = 0 );
  if ( EventMask and EV_DSR ) > 0 then
    if Assigned( FOnDSRChanged ) then
      FOnDSRChanged( ( ModemStatus and MS_DSR_ON ) = 0 );
  if ( EventMask and EV_RLSD ) > 0 then
    if Assigned( FOnRLSDChanged ) then
      FOnRLSDChanged( ( ModemStatus and MS_RLSD_ON ) = 0 );
  if ( EventMask and EV_RING ) > 0 then
    if Assigned( FOnRingChanged ) then
      FOnRingChanged( ( ModemStatus and MS_RING_ON ) = 0 );
  if ( EventMask and EV_ERR ) > 0 then
    if Assigned( FOnError ) then
      FOnError( Self );

// gets called from thread when characters were received
// note that Windows will typically report incoming
// characters in blocks of 8 or more characters
// depending on FreceiveMode, these chunks are either
// directly reported to the application ( rmRAW ),
// or accumulated in a buffer until a given terminator string
// was received ( rmTERM )
procedure TComPort.ReceiveNotify( NReceived: DWORD );
  TempBuf : ansistring;
  TermPos : integer;
  // chars were received, so prepare a buffer
  SetLength( TempBuf, NReceived );
  // read port anyway, so Window's buffer does not overflow
  ComThread.ReadComm( TempBuf[1], NReceived );
  // if active, process & do callback
  if FOpen and Assigned( FReceiveCallBack ) then
    case FReceiveMode of

      rmRAW: FReceiveCallBack( TempBuf );

      rmTERM: begin
          RxBuf := RxBuf + TempBuf; // accumulate
          TermPos := Pos( FTerminator, RxBuf );
              // do we have a terminator in the buffer?
          if TermPos > 0 then
                // extract up to and including terminator
            TempBuf := Copy( RxBuf, 1, TermPos
              + length( FTerminator ) - 1 );
                // notify app.
            FReceiveCallBack( TempBuf );
                //we must preserve fragments of next message, if any
            Delete( RxBuf, 1, TermPos + length( FTerminator ) - 1 );

procedure TComPort.Send( Data: string );
  if FOpen then
    ComThread.WriteComm( Data[1], Length( Data ) );

// in order to make control characters "readable",
// terminator strings entered from the Object Inspector
// or from code must be supplied in the form
// #<ascii code>#<ascii code>
// example : #13#10 for carriage return line feed
procedure TComPort.SetTerminator( TermStr: string );
  Temp : string;

  FTerminator := '';
  if Length( TermStr ) > 0 then
    Delete( TermStr, 1, 1 ); // delete leading '#'
  while length( TermStr ) > 0 do
    Temp := NextToken( TermStr, '#' );
      FTerminator := FTerminator + Chr( StrToInt( Temp ) );
      FTerminator := DefaultTerminator; // force sensible default
      raise EComError.Create( 'Illegal terminator string.' + #13
        + 'format : #<asciicode>#<asciicode>#<...>' + #13
        + 'example: #13#10' );
  if Length( FTerminator ) = 0 then
    raise EComError.Create( 'Terminator string cannot be empty!' );


// note that here the reverse is done:
// FTerminator internally contains the
// "true" character values, but here
// a "readable" string is returned,
// e.g. '#13#10' for carriage return/linefeed
function TComPort.GetTerminator: string;
  i : integer;
  Result := '';
  if Length( FTerminator ) > 0 then
    for i := 1 to Length( FTerminator ) do
      Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr( ord( FTerminator[i] ) )

function TComPort.NextToken( var s: string; Separator: char ): string;
  Sep_Pos : byte;
  Result := '';
  if length( s ) > 0 then begin
    Sep_Pos := pos( Separator, s );
    if Sep_Pos > 0 then begin
      Result := copy( s, 1, Pred( Sep_Pos ) );
      Delete( s, 1, Sep_Pos );
    else begin
      Result := s; // no more separators, return whole string
      s := '';


constructor TCommThread.Create( APort: string );
  hCom := CreateFile( PChar( APort ),
    0, // exclusive access
    nil, // no sec. attr.
    0 );
  // get current settings
  GetCommState( hCom, DCB );
  // set defaults
  with DCB do begin
    Baudrate := 9600;
    ByteSize := 8;
    Parity := EVENPARITY;
    StopBits := ONESTOPBIT;
    Flags := 1;
  SetUpComm( hCom, 512, 512 );
  SetCommState( hCom, DCB );
  SetCommMask( hCom, EV_RXCHAR
    or EV_CTS
    or EV_RLSD
    or EV_DSR
    or EV_RING
    or EV_ERR );
  inherited Create( true ); // create suspended
  Priority := tpHIGHER;
  FreeOnTerminate := true; // thread will automatically free itself

destructor TCommThread.Destroy;
  CloseHandle( hCom );

procedure TCommThread.SetCommPars( ABaudRate: DWORD;
  AByteSize: byte;
  AParity: DWORD;
  NStopBits: TStopBit );
    // read current settings
  GetCommState( hCom, DCB );
    // Set new values
  with DCB do begin
    Baudrate := ABaudRate;
    ByteSize := AByteSize;
    Parity := AParity;
    StopBits := DWORD( NStopBits );
    Flags := 1;
    // write back
  SetCommState( hCom, DCB );

function TCommThread.HandleValid: boolean;
  Result := not ( hCom = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );

procedure TCommThread.EventHandler; { synchronize }
  ComStat : TComStat;
  CharsToRead : DWORD;
  ClearCommError( hCom, ErrorMask, @ComStat );
   // anything received ?
  if ( FEventMask and EV_RXCHAR ) > 0 then
    CharsToRead := ComStat.cbInQue;
    if Assigned( FOnReceive ) then
      FOnReceive( CharsToRead );
     // event was handled, so clear this bit;
    FEventMask := FEventMask and not EV_RXCHAR;
   // any other events ?
  if ( FEventMask > 0 )
    and Assigned( FLineEvent ) then
    FLineEvent( FEventMask, FModemStatus );

procedure TCommTHread.ClearComm;
  PurgeComm( hCom, PURGE_RXCLEAR
  EscapeCommFunction( hCom, Windows.CLRDTR );
  EscapeCommFunction( hCom, Windows.CLRRTS );

procedure TCommThread.SignalTerminate;
  FonReceive := nil; // kill callbacks...
  SetEvent( hCloseEvent ); // signal thread to terminate

// receive & event thread
procedure TCommThread.Execute;
  HandlesToWaitFor: array[0..2] of THandle;
  ovlap : TOverLapped;
    EvSignal : DWORD;
  // set up a close event
  hCloseEvent := CreateEvent( nil, true, False, nil );
  // set up overlapped event
  FillChar( OvLap, sizeof( OvLap ), 0 );
  OvLap.hEvent := CreateEvent( nil, true, true, nil );
  EvHandle := ovLap.hEvent;
  // set up handle array
  HandlesToWaitFor[0] := hCloseEvent;
  HandlesToWaitFor[1] := OvLap.hEvent;

  // start spinning...
    // wait for event
    WaitCommEvent( hCom, FEventMask, @ovlap );
    // get modem status
    GetCommModemStatus( hCom, FModemStatus );
    // see which event occurred
    evSignal := WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, @HandlesToWaitFor, False, INFINITE );
    case EvSignal of
      WAIT_OBJECT_0: begin
          Priority := tpLOWEST;
          SetCommMask( hCom, 0 ); // clear event mask
      WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: Synchronize( EventHandler )
  until Terminated;
  // close handles
  CloseHandle( OvLap.hEvent );
  CloseHandle( hCloseEvent )

procedure TCommThread.ReadComm( var buf; CharsToRead: DWORD );
  ByteCount : DWORD;
  if CharsToRead > 0 then begin
    FillChar( RXOvLap, SizeOf( RXOvLap ), 0 );
    Readfile( hCom, Buf, CharsToRead, ByteCount, @RXOvLap )

function TCommThread.WriteComm( var buf; ByteCount: integer ): DWORD;
  FillChar( TXOverLap, SizeOf( TXOverLap ), 0 );
  WriteFile( hCom, Buf, ByteCount, Result, @TXOverLap );



1.5 : removed  CloseHandle( hCloseEvent ) from TCommThread.Destroy
      ( AV on NT when port was opened and then closed without doing
        anything with the port; (Time "hole" problem) )

TReceiveProc = Procedere( Data: ansistring ) of object;
und im Programm

Procedere TZeitmain.ID_ComPortReceiveCallBack(Data: ansistring)
procedure TZeitmain.ID_ComPortReceiveCallBack(Data: ansistring);
var x : integer;
  if length(tagidimp.text) > 30 then tagidimp.text := '';
  for x := 1 to length(data) do
      if ord(data[x]) = 1 then tagidimp.text := ''; // Begin neuen Tag erkannt
      tagidimp.text := tagidimp.text + inttostr(ord(data[x])) + ' ';// inttostr(ord(strcopy(data,x,1)));
      if ord(data[x]) = 0 then tagidimp.text := tagidimp.text + #13; //
  receivedata_led.Visible := not receivedata_led.Visible; // Led Blinken lassen
Jetzt kommt auch alles rüber aber es kommt im Delphi eine Fehlermeldung wegen Deklaration was habe ich da noch falsch gemacht ?
Kann mir da jemand helfen ? Ich sehe bestimmt den Wald vor Bäumen nicht ...
Ich betreibe die Componente im RAW Modus zum Empfang so das an den Zeichen nichts gemacht wird.

Die Componente für die Serielle Schnittstelle ist Freeware ! und Funktioniert bis Delphi XE5 nur für die die eine benötigen.

Danke schon mal !
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
immer wenn ich was suche finde ich es hier komisch oder ?
Arbeite mit D3 D5 D2007 DXE Prof
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2008
Ort: Heidelberg
110 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

AW: TComport änderung in der Receive Procedure

  Alt 12. Jan 2014, 13:35
Darf ich da nochmal Push machen keiner eine Idee ? Ich habe auf jeden Fall auch die tcom Komponente weiter erweitert so das sie jetzt auch die Pins RTS CTS DCD und so weiter bedienen kann.
Ich stelle das Projekt mal wieder zusammen dann lade ich es hoch. der oben beschriebene Fehler ist der einzige noch..
immer wenn ich was suche finde ich es hier komisch oder ?
Arbeite mit D3 D5 D2007 DXE Prof
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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
Ort: Stadthagen
9.454 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: TComport änderung in der Receive Procedure

  Alt 12. Jan 2014, 14:04
Wenn du dein Problem nochmals in hochdeutsch beschreiben könntest, dann steigt auch die Chance, dass man es versteht und jemand eine Lösung dafür hat.
Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ‎ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60)
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat

Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2008
Ort: Heidelberg
110 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

AW: TComport änderung in der Receive Procedure

  Alt 17. Jan 2014, 01:00
Ok dann beschreibe ich das problem nochmal.
Ich habe mir obige Komponente aus dem Internet geholt. Stellte nach etwas probieren einige unzulänglichkeiten fest. Diese habe ich dann behoben. Meine Anforderung an die komponente sind eigentlich 2. Einmal empfangen binärer / hexadezimaler Zeichen und die Steuerung der diversen port pins als Ausgänge. Die portpins der rs232 und die exceptions habe ich inzwischen vollständig implementiert. Der Empfang unverfälschter bits habe ich damit versucht zu lösen in dem ich aus strings ansi string Variablen gemacht habe. Denn der string kennt ja nur einen teil der zeichen zwischen 0 und 255. Das funktioniert auch fast aber beim übersetzen /speichrrn des Programm code kommt immer noch obige Fehlermeldung in delphi xe3. Woran kann das liegen und wie könnte mann echten binär empfang realisieren. Über den comport kommen zeichen wie 00 01 45 87 10 zeichen zwischen 0 und 255. Ohne Leerzeichen. Ich benötige also die echten empfangenen Zeichen von der Schnittstelle. Mir geht es also um den raw mode. Nicht nur darstellbare Zeichen. Ich wandle also jedes empfangene Zeichen in seinen ascii Code um.
Danke schon mal für die Hilfe.
hoffe ich habe das jetzt besser beschrieben.
immer wenn ich was suche finde ich es hier komisch oder ?
Arbeite mit D3 D5 D2007 DXE Prof
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