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mutiple procedures in threads

Ein Thema von question · begonnen am 31. Dez 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 31. Dez 2013
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mutiple procedures in threads

  Alt 31. Dez 2013, 09:51
Dear all,

As there is one topics has been already discussed about multi-threading, neverthless i would like to ask one question.

In Delphi , i have created several procedures to save data into DB, and i have call all the procedure in button-click event, for example
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
saveTopersonal(); // i would like to use multi-thread for all the procedures with a status-bar
i would like to use multi-threading with a status bar, when one procedure will execute then this status-bar will increase and show a message-which procedure is saving currently. could anybody please help me, how can i use multi-thread ,in my situation and with a status-bar?
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Benutzerbild von Bernhard Geyer
Bernhard Geyer

Registriert seit: 13. Aug 2002
17.210 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: mutiple procedures in threads

  Alt 31. Dez 2013, 11:09
You will need to create a database connection for every thread.

But I think that this isn't a good idea because all of the data normale should be saved in a transaction to avoid data inconsistence.
If you have problems in performance we should taka a look at you code to save the data. Perhaps you have some issue that are caused by unfavorable implementation (not using of prepared statements, ...)
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AW: mutiple procedures in threads

  Alt 31. Dez 2013, 13:32
You are free to process all your SaveXXXX() procedures in *one* separate thread. multiple threads is useless as the individual methods have to be processed in order I guess.
I would like to use multi-thread for all the procedures with a status-bar
This is a contradiction: If you want to process all methods simultaneously, there is no need for a status bar.

However, How about this (untested, might be close to Delphi):
TNotifyStringEvent = Procedure (Sender : TObject; msg : string) of Object;
TSaveThread = Class (TThread)
  fMsg : String;
  fOnShowStatus : TNotifyStringEvent;
  Procedure Execute: Override;
  Constructor Create; Override;
  OnShowStatus : TNotifyStringEvent Read fOnShowStatus write fOnShowStatus;

Constructor TTSaveThread.Create;
  Inherited Create(True);
  FreeOnTerminate := true;

Procedure TTsaveThread.ShowStatus (msg : String);
  fMsg := msg;

Procedure TSaveThread.DoShowStatus;
  If Assigned (fOnShowStatus) then fOnShowStatus(Sender, fMsg);

Procedure TTSaveThread.Execute;
  ShowStatus('Saving Child');
  ShowStatus('Saving Root');
  ShowStatus('Saving Admin');
  ShowStatus('Saving To Public');
  ShowStatus('Saving Secret Data');

Procedure TMyForm.ButtonClick(Sender : TObject);
  ProgressBar.Minimum := 1;
  ProgressBar.Maximum := 5;
  ProgressBar.Position := 1;
  myThread := TSaveThread.Create;
  myThread.OnShowStatus := MyShowStatus;
  myThread.OnTerminate := SaveDone;

Procedure TMyForm.SaveDone (Sender : TObject);
  Showmessage('Save finished');

Procedure TMyForm.MyShowStatus (Sender : TObject; msg : String);
  lbProgress.Caption := msg;
This will create a thread which will do the work in the background leaving the form operational. When a step is finished, it calls an event and the subscriber (our form) can update the progress bar and a label.

However, you must include logic to cancel the thread in case your form is closed. Otherwise the event call will access a nonexistent or at least invisible form. Also, you might think that closing the form should be either forbidden, wait for the thread to finish or cancel the thread's execution.

My advice: Study the thread demos thoroughly.

PS: There is a much simpler approach without a thread. just update the progressbar and the label prior to executing each step in the main form. However this puts your form in a blocking state and you have to take care on processing messages in between yourself. I would prefer using a thread and add logic to let the form/thread behave properly on any attempt to close the form.
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