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Strange AV

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 14. Dez 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 15. Dez 2013
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Strange AV

  Alt 14. Dez 2013, 19:35
Delphi-Version: XE5
procedure TForm1.ListView1Resize(Sender: TObject);
  I: Integer;
  FileName: string;
  for I := 0 to ListView1.Items.Count do
    FileName := ListView1.Items[I].SubItems[4];
    FileName := MinimizeName(FileName, ListView1.Canvas, ListView1.Column[5].Width);
    ListView1.Items[I].SubItems[4] := FileName
There is 7 columns. Why this raises AV
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Registriert seit: 23. Jan 2008
3.687 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

AW: Strange AV

  Alt 14. Dez 2013, 19:38
Because .Count gives you the count. Not the highest index. That would generally be Count-1, in zero based arrays and lists.
(I would be interested in how many threads here deal with this infamous off-by-one issue )
"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When a million people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion." (Richard Dawkins)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Strange AV

  Alt 14. Dez 2013, 19:56
Oh my gosh! I totally did not notice it! What the completely stupid error
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.291 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Strange AV

  Alt 14. Dez 2013, 21:01
The title of your posts I would call "bad".

And your description of the error is even worse.
- Neither the error occurs
- Yet what it is for an error

Yes, the messages can be copied from the error messages by pressing Ctrl + C.

And no, the message is not "strange". She even tells you exactly as you did wrong.

List index out of bounds (%d)
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.
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Registriert seit: 23. Jan 2008
3.687 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

AW: Re: Strange AV

  Alt 15. Dez 2013, 03:39
Oh my gosh! I totally did not notice it! What the completely stupid error
Rest assured: It wasn't the last time Those will follow us into our graves, I fear. The only "stupid" thing was to post it here, and expose us all to the fact, that even renowned programmers, as many of us are, aren't impregnable to the most basic faults available
"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When a million people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion." (Richard Dawkins)
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