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Get number digits

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 12. Dez 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 12. Dez 2013
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
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Delphi XE6 Professional

Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 18:00
Delphi-Version: 2010
How to get n digit from number, where n is position in numer?

To get all I have:

  while Number > 0 do
    Digit := Number mod 10;
    Number := Number div 10;
I need something like this:

function GetDigit(Number: Int64; Index: Byte): Byte
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AW: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 18:22
Not performant, but working:
function GetDigit(Number : int64; Index : byte) : byte;
   NumStr : string;
   NumStr := IntToStr(Number);
   // Index starts with 0 from the right
   result := StrToInt(copy(NumStr, length(NumStr)-Index, 1));
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AW: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 18:24
function DecDigitFromNumber(number:integer;digpos:byte);
  dummy : string;
Just typed in and not tested.

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AW: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 18:28
What' s your problem exactly? You could simply use a loop and divide by 10 within it. The resulting number mod 10 should give you the value you want. If this does not work, give us a short example of the values and the expected result.
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Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 18:32
Thanks guys, but I forgot about one the most important thing - I don't want string, just math or binary math

So, for example we have 1234. Now we need get second digit, result should be 2. In my sample I'll get all digits, I need just specified one on specified position in number, not all.
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AW: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 18:55
Something like this?
function GetDigit(Number: Int64; Index: Byte): Byte;
  temp: int64;
  i, CountDigits: byte;
  temp := Number;
  CountDigits := 0;
  (* Retrieve total count of digits in Number *)
  while temp > 0 do
      temp := temp div 10;
  (* Divide by 10 until Index is on the right *)
  for i := 1 to CountDigits - Index do
    Number := Number div 10;
  Result := Number mod 10;
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein)
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Re: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 19:37
Yes. But I thought about something more low level, like bits shift, etc. to boost performance. Anyway thanks for this
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AW: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 19:41
Here are the mathematical fucntions you need:

digitCount(x) := ⌈log10(x+1)⌉
extractDigit(x, digitIdx) := ⌊x / 10^(digitCount(x)-digitIdx)⌋ mod 10

(sidenote - "⌈⌉" stands for ceiling, "⌊⌋" for flooring)

Example number = 1234
digitCount(1234) = ⌈log10(1234+1)⌉
= ⌈3.09⌉
= 4

extractDigit(1234, 2) = ⌊1234 / 10^(4 - 2)⌋ mod 10
= ⌊1234 / 10^2⌋ mod 10
= ⌊1234 / 100⌋ mod 10
= ⌊12.34⌋ mod 10
= 12 mod 10
= 2

Edit: This is mathematically as low as it gets.. Cant think of a shorter way right now.
Bitshifting works on base 2. You would have to remap which is an extra overhead that is not needed.
There are assembler instructions (SSE, SSE2, ..) that are faster.
As far as I know the math.pas functions use the optimized assembler operations. Use it!
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AW: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 19:43
The numbers you (as a human) are thinking about are decimal numbers. Bitshifting integers is for binary numbers.
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
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Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Get number digits

  Alt 12. Dez 2013, 20:29
Wow, math is I looked for, thank you!
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