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Attach/Dittach DB using Delphi

Ein Thema von question · begonnen am 4. Dez 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 4. Dez 2013
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Attach/Dittach DB using Delphi

  Alt 4. Dez 2013, 11:51
Datenbank: mssql • Version: 2005 • Zugriff über: win 7
I have created a button called "DBAttached" using delphi and i would like to attached a MSSQL DB by clicking on this button. i am using the following query
CREATE DATABASE [database_name] ON
( FILENAME = 'C:\Program Files....\test.MDF'),
( FILENAME = 'C:\Program Files ....\test_log.LDF')
but when i run the program and click on the button , i get the error "test.MDF" kann nicht geöffnet werden. Betriebssystemfehler 5: "5(Zugriff verweigert)".
if i run the SQL server management studio as a administrator, then i can attached/dittached any DB using SQL server management studio only,
but how i can do the same using delphi as well?
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Registriert seit: 30. Nov 2005
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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Attach/Dittach DB using Delphi

  Alt 4. Dez 2013, 12:20

can you put the database to some other folder (progData)?
In Program-files folder you don't have write permissions.

Best regards
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Registriert seit: 17. Apr 2013
97 Beiträge

AW: Attach/Dittach DB using Delphi

  Alt 4. Dez 2013, 12:28
Hi Klaus,
yes, i have tried from another directory(c:\user\public) as well but it has the same problem
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AW: Attach/Dittach DB using Delphi

  Alt 4. Dez 2013, 21:08
your user account must have the disk admin server role to attach/detach databases.
The security system of the MS SQL server is quite complex and you need some time to understand it.
The local windows administrator has by default all rights on the SQL server.
If you're in the context of an normal windows user account you don't have the rights to create/delete/backup/attach/detach databases.
fork me on Github
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