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load a dll at run-time

Ein Thema von tony.huerlimann · begonnen am 27. Nov 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 28. Nov 2013
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Registriert seit: 15. Dez 2010
6 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Enterprise

load a dll at run-time

  Alt 27. Nov 2013, 15:21
Delphi-Version: 5
I have a strange problem when loading a dll at run-time into Delphi. The following correct Dephi code:

1) loads a dll (gurobi55.dll) at run-time
2) sets three pointers to three functions into the dll
3) runs the three dll functions and exits

Normally this code runs well: it reads a mathematical model from a file and
solves it by optimizing a function defined in the file. The result is then stored in a
second file 'gurobi.log' and the programm exits.

Now the file 'ALUAM.mps' defines a large model (450MB) with 3200000 variables. Normally, it is
no problem for the commercial solver Gurobi to solve such problems. However, Delphi
(XE2 and XE5, 64bit) crashed some time after calling GRBoptimize() with a FLOATING POINT ERROR.

If I run an identical code in C++ Builder (XE5, 64bit) it runs fine.
My question: Is there a fundamental difference between Delphi(Pascal) and C++ Builder
in loading and running dll Functions? Is there a memory limitation in Delphi's handling
of a dll memory storage? Or what could be the problem here?

The two complete programs are as follows (by the way these two code snippets
shows also --for the novice-- how to implement dynamically loading libraries in Windows (dll)
in Delphi AND in C++ Builder).

------------------ BEGIN DELPHI CODE XE5, 64bit compiler ---------
program GurobiTest;
uses System.SysUtils, Windows;

label QUIT;
type pAChar = pAnsiChar;
      GRBenv = pointer;
      GRBmodel = pointer;

var h:HMODULE; err:integer;

   GRBloadenv: function(var envP:GRBenv; logfilename:pAChar):integer; stdcall;
   GRBreadmodel: function(env:GRBenv; filename:pAChar; var mp:GRBmodel):integer; stdcall;
   GRBoptimize: function(model:GRBmodel):integer; stdcall;

  GRBloadenv := GetProcAddress(h,'GRBloadenv');
  GRBreadmodel := GetProcAddress(h,'GRBreadmodel');
  GRBoptimize := GetProcAddress(h,'GRBoptimize');

  err:= GRBloadenv(grEnv, 'gurobi.log');
  if err<>0 then goto QUIT;

  if err<>0 then goto QUIT;

  err:= GRBoptimize(grLp);
  if err<>0 then goto QUIT;

------------------ END DELPHI CODE -------------------------------

----------- BEGIN C++ CODE: C++ Builder XE5, 64bit compiler -------
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused

#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <windows.h>

typedef void* GRBmodel;

typedef void* GRBenv;

typedef char* pAChar;

typedef int (__stdcall* sGurobi__0)(GRBenv& envp, pAChar LogFileName);
sGurobi__0 GRBloadenv;;

typedef int (__stdcall* sGurobi__1)(GRBmodel model, pAChar AttrName, GRBmodel& modelp);
sGurobi__1 GRBreadmodel;;

typedef int ( __stdcall * sGurobi__2 )(GRBmodel model);
sGurobi__2 GRBoptimize;;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
   int err;
   HMODULE hdll = NULL;
   GRBenv grEnv = NULL;
   GRBmodel grLp = NULL;

   hdll = LoadLibrary("C:\\gurobi550\\win64\\bin\\gurobi55.dll");
   if (err) goto QUIT;

   GRBloadenv = (sGurobi__0) GetProcAddress( hdll, "GRBloadenv" );
   GRBreadmodel = (sGurobi__1) GetProcAddress(hdll,"GRBreadmodel");
   GRBoptimize = (sGurobi__2) GetProcAddress(hdll,"GRBoptimize");

   err = GRBloadenv(grEnv, "gurobi.log");
   if (err) goto QUIT;

  err = GRBreadmodel(grEnv,"ALUAM.mps",grLp);
  if (err) goto QUIT;

  err = GRBoptimize(grLp);
  if (err) goto QUIT;

   return 0;
-------------------------------------- END C++ CODE --------------

Thanks for help
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Benutzerbild von baumina

Registriert seit: 5. Mai 2008
Ort: Oberschwaben
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AW: load a dll at run-time

  Alt 27. Nov 2013, 16:21
Take a look at

Console applications are 32-bit programs that run without a graphical interface, in a console window, on a target platform.
I think it isnt 64-bit.
Hinter dir gehts abwärts und vor dir steil bergauf ! (Wolfgang Ambros)
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Benutzerbild von lbccaleb

Registriert seit: 25. Mai 2006
Ort: Rostock / Bremen
2.037 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

AW: load a dll at run-time

  Alt 27. Nov 2013, 18:46
Do you really still use jump marks?

A example how you can dynamically load a Libary can you find here:

Btw, you have to link external Posts:

program GurobiTest;
uses System.SysUtils, Windows;

//label QUIT;
  pAChar = pAnsiChar;
  GRBenv = pointer;
  GRBmodel = pointer;

  err: integer;
  grEnv: GRBenv;
  grLp: GRBmodel;

   GRBloadenv: function(var envP:GRBenv; logfilename:pAChar):integer; stdcall;
   GRBreadmodel: function(env:GRBenv; filename:pAChar; var mp:GRBmodel):integer; stdcall;
   GRBoptimize: function(model:GRBmodel):integer; stdcall;

  h := LoadLibrary('C:/gurobi550/win64/bin/gurobi55.dll');
  if h = 0 then begin;
    ShowMessage('Cannot load dll');

  GRBloadenv := GetProcAddress(h,'GRBloadenv');
  GRBreadmodel := GetProcAddress(h,'GRBreadmodel');
  GRBoptimize := GetProcAddress(h,'GRBoptimize');

  if Assigned(GRBloadenv) then begin;
    err := GRBloadenv(grEnv, 'gurobi.log');
    if err <> 0 then

  if Assigned(GRBreadmodel) then begin;
    err := GRBreadmodel(grEnv, 'ALUAM.mps', grLp);
    if err <> 0 then

  if Assigned(GRBoptimize) then begin;
    err := GRBoptimize(grLp);
    if err <> 0 then

-->not testet
MFG Caleb
TheSmallOne (MediaPlayer)
Die Dinge werden berechenbar, wenn man die Natur einer Sache durchschaut hat (Blade)

Geändert von lbccaleb (27. Nov 2013 um 19:19 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 15. Dez 2010
6 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Enterprise

AW: load a dll at run-time

  Alt 28. Nov 2013, 09:19
problem resolved
Ed Rothberg from Gurobi gave me the answer that I can post here. He wrote:

The answer is contained in this Stack Overflow post...

quick summary: 1.0/0.0 gives a +Inf result in nearly every language.
In Delphi, it gives an exception. There's something in your input data
that is causing a divide-by-zero within the Gurobi library.
you send us 'ALUAM.mps', we can look at where the divide-by-zero is
coming from. The simple fix is to turn off divide-by-zero exceptions in
Delphi (SetExceptionMask(GetExceptionMask()+ [exZeroDivide]).
I checked it out. In the Delphi code above. I added the instruction before LoadLibrary() as follows. Add also "Math" in the uses list:


SetExceptionMask(GetExceptionMask() + [exZeroDivide]);

Thank you Ed
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Der schöne Günther

Registriert seit: 6. Mär 2013
6.191 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: load a dll at run-time

  Alt 28. Nov 2013, 10:47
Nice. I never would have guessed.
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