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Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

Ein Thema von SlpLow · begonnen am 18. Nov 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Nov 2013
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Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

  Alt 18. Nov 2013, 18:47
Hallo liebe! Benötige Hilfe übersetzen bei VC++ zu Delphi!


void EditWIMFile(HANDLE hImg, int imgNum, LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pDesc)
//Get the info and divide it into two strings
WCHAR *ImgInfoBuf, TempString[100];
DWORD ImgInfoBufSize;
WIMGetImageInformation(hImg, (LPVOID *)&ImgInfoBuf, &ImgInfoBufSize);
wsprintf(TempString, TEXT("<IMAGE INDEX=\"%d\">"), imgNum);
WCHAR *StringPointer = wcsstr(ImgInfoBuf, TempString); 
WCHAR *SecondString = wcsstr(++StringPointer, TEXT("<"));
SecondString[-1] = 0; //end the first string 

//Copy the first string to a new buffer and add our extra info
WCHAR *NewInfoBuf = (WCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, ImgInfoBufSize + 200 * sizeof(WCHAR));
lstrcpy(NewInfoBuf, ImgInfoBuf);
if (*pName) {
wsprintf(TempString, TEXT(" <NAME>%s</NAME>\n  "), pName);
lstrcat(NewInfoBuf, TempString);

if (*pDesc) {
if (*pName)
wsprintf(TempString, TEXT("<DESCRIPTION>%s</DESCRIPTION>\n  "), pDesc);
wsprintf(TempString, TEXT(" <DESCRIPTION>%s</DESCRIPTION>\n  "), pDesc);
lstrcat(NewInfoBuf, TempString);

//Add the second string to the new buffer and reset the info in the file
lstrcat(NewInfoBuf, SecondString);
WIMSetImageInformation(hImg, NewInfoBuf, wcslen(NewInfoBuf) * sizeof(WCHAR));

//Free the storage

Geändert von SlpLow (19. Nov 2013 um 05:57 Uhr)
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Der schöne Günther

Registriert seit: 6. Mär 2013
6.189 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

  Alt 18. Nov 2013, 22:04
And which lines are you having problems with?

Also, please consider properly formatting and wrapping your code in <code></code>-tags.

void EditWIMFile(HANDLE hImg, int imgNum, LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pDesc) {
   //Get the info and divide it into two strings
   WCHAR *ImgInfoBuf, TempString[100];
   DWORD ImgInfoBufSize;
      (LPVOID *)&ImgInfoBuf,
   wsprintf(TempString, TEXT("<IMAGE INDEX=\"%d\">"), imgNum);
   WCHAR *StringPointer = wcsstr(ImgInfoBuf, TempString);
   WCHAR *SecondString = wcsstr(++StringPointer, TEXT("<"));
   SecondString[-1] = 0; //end the first string

   //Copy the first string to a new buffer and add our extra info
   WCHAR *NewInfoBuf = (WCHAR *)LocalAlloc(
      ImgInfoBufSize + 200 * sizeof(WCHAR)
   lstrcpy(NewInfoBuf, ImgInfoBuf);
   if (*pName) {
      wsprintf(TempString, TEXT(" <NAME>%s</NAME>\n "), pName);
      lstrcat(NewInfoBuf, TempString);
   if (*pDesc) {
      if (*pName)
         wsprintf(TempString, TEXT("<DESCRIPTION>%s</DESCRIPTION>\n "), pDesc);
         wsprintf(TempString, TEXT(" <DESCRIPTION>%s</DESCRIPTION>\n "), pDesc);
      lstrcat(NewInfoBuf, TempString);

   //Add the second string to the new buffer and reset the info in the file
   lstrcat(NewInfoBuf, SecondString);
   WIMSetImageInformation(hImg, NewInfoBuf, wcslen(NewInfoBuf) * sizeof(WCHAR));

   //Free the storage
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

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AW: Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

  Alt 18. Nov 2013, 22:21
Über die Suchfunktion kann man auch schon einige fertig übersetzte Delphi-Übersetzungen finden

Hier im Forum suchenWIMGetImageInformation
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.
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AW: Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

  Alt 19. Nov 2013, 01:02

Speichert keine!

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  CR = #13#10;
  WimHandle, ImageHandle: THandle;
  Created, ImageIdx: DWORD;
  WimName, MyTemp, pName, pDesc, aall, aa, bb, dd, cc, ns, ds, ErrCode: string;
  ImgInfoBuf, NewInfoBuf: PWideChar;
  pre: Integer;

  WimName := 'd:\Project\sources\install.wim';
  ImageIdx := 1;
  MyTemp := 'd:\Project\Temp';
  pName := 'Windows 7 HOMEBASIC (x64)';
  pDesc := 'Windows 7 HOMEBASIC (x64) AllDrivers';

  // Open file
  WimHandle := WIMCreateFile(PWideChar(WimName), WIM_GENERIC_READ,

  if WimHandle = 0 then
    ShowMessage('Error Open ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
    // Set temp
    if (not WIMSetTemporaryPath(WimHandle, PWideChar(MyTemp))) then
      ShowMessage('Error set temp ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
      // Load image
      ImageHandle := WIMLoadImage(WimHandle, ImageIdx);

      if ImageHandle = 0 then
        ShowMessage('Error load image ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
        if (not WIMGetImageInformation(ImageHandle, @ImgInfoBuf, @pre)) then
          ShowMessage('Error get info ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
          aall := ImgInfoBuf;
          // Parsing
          bb := '<IMAGE INDEX="' + IntToStr(ImageIdx) + '">';
          aa := Copy(aall, 1, Pos(bb, aall) - 1);
          bb := '<NAME>';
          aa := Copy(aall, 1, Pos(bb, aall) - 1);
          bb := '<FLAGS>';
          cc := ' ' + Copy(aall, Pos(bb, aall), Length(aall));
          ns := '<NAME>' + pName + '</NAME>' + CR;
          ds := ' <DESCRIPTION>' + pDesc + '</DESCRIPTION>' + CR;
          aall := aa + ns + ds + cc;
          NewInfoBuf := PWideChar(aall);
          // if (not WIMGetImageInformation(ImageHandle, @ImgInfoBuf, @pre)) then
          if (not WIMSetImageInformation(ImageHandle, ImgInfoBuf, pre)) then
            ShowMessage('Error set info ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));

Geändert von SlpLow (19. Nov 2013 um 05:58 Uhr)
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AW: Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

  Alt 19. Nov 2013, 08:07
function SysErrorMessageEx(ErrorCode: Longint): string;
  Len: Integer;
  Buffer: array [0 .. 4095] of char;
  Len := FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM or
    FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nil, ErrorCode, 0, Buffer,
    SizeOf(Buffer), nil);
  SetString(result, Buffer, Len);
  if (Len = 0) then
    result := Format('Code: ' + IntToStr(GetLastError) + ' - ' +
      SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), [SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)]);
  result := Format('Code: ' + IntToStr(GetLastError) + ' - ' +
    SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), [ErrorCode, result]);

NewInfoBuf := PWideChar(aall);
if (not WIMSetImageInformation(ImageHandle, NewInfoBuf, pre)) then
  ShowMessage('Error set info ' + ErrCode);
Failed to parse the requested XML data!

Was mache ich hier falsch?

Geändert von SlpLow (19. Nov 2013 um 08:22 Uhr)
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AW: Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

  Alt 19. Nov 2013, 23:32
Windows was unable to parse the requested XML data!
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Der schöne Günther

Registriert seit: 6. Mär 2013
6.189 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

  Alt 20. Nov 2013, 00:04
Altough I personally find your text processing extremely difficult to understand, it produces perfectly valid XML output. At least on some random WIM xml file I found on the interwebs.

I bet your error hails from your 'pre' parameter. When you call WIMGetImageInformation , you're storing the buffer size of the returned XML data. When later writing your modified data by WIMSetImageInformation , you're passing the exact same size. This cannot be right. According to MSDN, you'll have to pass the size (in Bytes) of your new xml block. I'm not sure if the trailing '\0' for termination is counted or not.
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AW: Hilfe beim Übersetzen von C zu Delphi

  Alt 20. Nov 2013, 02:37
Danke! Ich gab ein beispiel aus VC++, um es elegant.
Die Frage war, indem PChar variablen - pName := PChar('Windows 7 HOMEBASIC (x64)').
Und entfernen CR (#13#10) gelöst.

Geändert von SlpLow (20. Nov 2013 um 02:47 Uhr)
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