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New Version of SecureBridge with Support for Android Development in RAD Studio XE5

Ein Thema von Devart Software · begonnen am 22. Okt 2013
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Devart Software

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New Version of SecureBridge with Support for Android Development in RAD Studio XE5

  Alt 22. Okt 2013, 12:00
Devart is glad to present the new version of SecureBridge - clients and servers for SSH, SFTP and SSL protocols - with support for Android application development in RAD Studio XE5 and other features to increase performance and make the application development process more convenient.

The latest release of SecureBridge offers such significant features as:
  • The newest RAD Studio XE5 support, that gives users an opportunity to develop applications using the cutting-edge IDE for all the supported target-platforms: Win32, Win64, Mac OS, iOS, and now – Android.
  • Support for Android application development, which provides an unrivaled opportunity to establish secure connections from mobile applications.
  • Lazarus 1.0.12 is supported.
  • The new version of network security and data protection solutions also includes support for the latest revision of the Internet Protocol – IPv6 – and multiple improvements to increase general performance.

To get a detailed description of the new features in SecureBridge 6.1, users can visit the product page.

Users can evaluate all the advantages of SecureBridge and provide a feedback on the new version by using Devart forums or by e-mail. There is also feedback form in the support zone of every product. Devart team is always glad to have users' comments and take into account all development needs.
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