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Look for specified sequence in stream

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 19. Sep 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 19. Sep 2013
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Look for specified sequence in stream

  Alt 19. Sep 2013, 12:40
Delphi-Version: 2010
Hello, today I have a bit more advanced problem. I need (1) search stream for specified bytes sequence and (2) do it fast. I've no idea how to do it. Please F1.
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Benutzerbild von Union

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3.492 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

AW: Look for specified sequence in stream

  Alt 19. Sep 2013, 12:59
You should use a TMemoryStream. Then, you should iterate directly through the stream's memory like:
Size := MyStream.Size;
Memory := MyStream.Memory;
StreamPos := 0;
while StreamPos < Size do
  FirstStreamPos := StreamPos;
  Buffer := Byte(Pointer(Longint(Memory)+StreamPos)^);
if the Buffer variable corresponds to the first byte of the sequence searched, then iterate through the sequence as long as buffer and sequence's bytes are the same. When a difference is found, exit. If you reach the end of the sequence without finding a difference, you found the sequence and have the starting position in a value previously saved (e.g. FirstStreamPos). You could also incorprate asm code and split the sequnce in 4, 2, 1 byte parts to increase comparison and copy operations speed.
Ibi fas ubi proxima merces
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
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Benutzerbild von Bummi

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AW: Look for specified sequence in stream

  Alt 19. Sep 2013, 13:53
If the filesize is not to big, you could use a MemoryStream and POS

  ms: TMemoryStream;
  ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
    Caption := IntToStr(Pos(RawByteString(#$89#$50), RawByteString(ms.Memory)));
    // Caption := IntToStr(Pos(RawByteString('PNG'),RawByteString(ms.Memory)))
Thomas Wassermann H₂♂
Das Problem steckt meistens zwischen den Ohren
H₂ (wenn bei meinen Snipplets nichts anderes angegeben ist Lizenz: WTFPL)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Look for specified sequence in stream

  Alt 19. Sep 2013, 14:04
Ok, I wrote this and don't know how implement your description

  TOffsets = array of Cardinal;

function OffsetsLookup(const AStream: TStream; const APattern: TBytes): TOffsets; overload;
  Memory: TMemoryStream;
  Buffer: Byte;
  Offset: Cardinal;
  SetLength(Result, 0);

  Memory := TMemoryStream.Create;
    Memory.CopyFrom(AStream, 0);
    Memory.Position := 0;

    while Memory.Size - Memory.Position < Length(APattern) do
      Offset := Memory.Position;
      Buffer := Byte(Pointer(Longint(Memory) + Offset)^);

      // ????? :(

function OffsetsLookup(const AFileName, APattern: string): TOffsets; overload;
  Stream: TStream;
  Pattern: TBytes;
  I: Integer;
  Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;

    SetLength(Pattern, Length(APattern));
    for I := 1 to Length(Pattern) do
      Pattern[I] := Ord(AnsiChar(APattern[I]));

    Result := OffsetsLookup(Stream, Pattern);
  {Stream := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead);
    SetLength(Pattern, Length(APattern));

    for I := 1 to Length(Pattern) do
      Pattern[I] := Ord(AnsiChar(APattern[I]));

    Result := OffsetsLookup(Stream, Pattern);


OffsetsLookup('binary.dat', 'ABC')

Geändert von WojTec (19. Sep 2013 um 14:20 Uhr) Grund: Code update
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FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: Look for specified sequence in stream

  Alt 19. Sep 2013, 15:37
Since the key word used here was fast, I would recommend something like Boyer Moore. And if it's more than one sequence to look for, Aho-Corasick. Typical implementations of these algorithms should already include stream functionality. The larger stack and needle are, the more speed improvements this will give.
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Benutzerbild von Union

Registriert seit: 18. Mär 2004
Ort: Luxembourg
3.492 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

AW: Look for specified sequence in stream

  Alt 19. Sep 2013, 15:57
You should eliminate object access there by copying the values to local variables.
  Position, Size : int64;
  MemoryPtr : Pointer;
  PatternLen : int64;
  MaxPosition : int64;
  Memory := TMemoryStream.Create;
    Memory.CopyFrom(AStream, 0);
    Memory.Position := 0;
    // Work only with variables to eliminate Object access
    MemoryPtr := Memory.Memory;
    Position := Memory.Position;
    Size := Memory.Size;
    PatternLen := Length(APattern);

    // No calculation of end condition
    MaxPosition := Size - PatternLen + 1;

    while Position < MaxPosition do
      Offset := Position;
      Buffer := Byte(Pointer(Longint(MemoryPtr) + Offset)^);

      // ????? :(
Ibi fas ubi proxima merces
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: AW: Look for specified sequence in stream

  Alt 19. Sep 2013, 16:41
Since the key word used here was fast, I would recommend something like Boyer Moore. And if it's more than one sequence to look for, Aho-Corasick.
Wow, I didn't know about Boyer-Moore and Aho-Corasick, but as I see I go in right direction, because what I tried to do was similar to BM

Typical implementations of these algorithms should already include stream functionality.
Do you know some? I found for strings, but as I understand is applicable for any data where need to find sequence.

You should eliminate object access there by copying the values to local variables.
For performance?

function OffsetsLookup(const AStream: TStream; const APattern: TBytes): TOffsets; overload;
  Position, Size, Offset: int64;
  PatternLen, MaxPosition: Int64;
  Memory: TMemoryStream;
  MemoryPtr: Pointer;
  Buffer: Byte;
  SetLength(Result, 0);

  Memory := TMemoryStream.Create;
    Memory.CopyFrom(AStream, 0);
    Memory.Position := 0;

    // Work only with variables to eliminate Object access
    MemoryPtr := Memory.Memory;
    Position := Memory.Position;
    Size := Memory.Size;
    PatternLen := Length(APattern);

    // No calculation of end condition
    MaxPosition := Size - PatternLen + 1;

    while Position < MaxPosition do
      Offset := Position;
      Buffer := Byte(Pointer(Longint(MemoryPtr) + Offset)^);

      // ????? :(
And don't know how to operate on raw binary data. I found these implementations for strings:

Code: <-- this looking good
Don't know how to apply for streams in above function

BTW: what's the difference between Boyer-Moore and Boyer-Moore-Horspool? I read in Wikipedia, but don't understan, for me is the same
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