Registriert seit: 27. Okt 2005 1.110 Beiträge Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise |
Datenbank: MS SQL Server • Version: 2008 • Zugriff über: UniDac
ich steh grad ziemlich aufm Schlauch... Ich hab eine MS SQL Tabelle in der sich zehn Blob Daten Felder befinden --> Typ varbinary(max) In diese will ich Attachments für einen Mail Versand einfügen... Zum Testen habe ich mir eine Form gebastelt in der der folgende Source ausgeführt wird:
In der ListBox lstbox_attachments befindet sich der Pfad inkl. Dateinamen zu den Attachments...
procedure Tmaintenance_testmailing_form.advglowbtn_sendmailClick(Sender: TObject);
var i : Integer; ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms7, ms8, ms9, ms10 : TMemoryStream; sfn1, sfn2, sfn3, sfn4, sfn5, sfn6, sfn7, sfn8, sfn9, sfn10 : String; begin //Check Entries If (StringReplace(edt_mailproject.Text, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]) = EmptyStr) Or (StringReplace(edt_mailapplication.Text, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]) = EmptyStr) Or (StringReplace(edt_mailsubject.Text, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]) = EmptyStr) Or (StringReplace(edt_mailsenderadress.Text, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]) = EmptyStr) Or (StringReplace(edt_mailsendertext.Text, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]) = EmptyStr) Or (StringReplace(edt_mailrecipient.Text, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]) = EmptyStr) Then Begin fnDisplayMyActionBox('ERR', 'Error', 'Entries are not complete!', EmptyStr, EmptyStr, EmptyStr, True); Exit; End; //Check count of Attachments If lstbox_attachments.Count > 10 Then Begin fnDisplayMyActionBox('ERR', 'Error', 'More than 10 Attachments!', 'Only max. 10 Attachments allowed!', EmptyStr, EmptyStr, True); Exit; End; Try //Load Attachments in Memory Streams For i := 0 To lstbox_attachments.Count -1 Do Begin Try Case i of //Attachment #1 0: begin ms1 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms1.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn1 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #2 1: begin ms2 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms2.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn2 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #3 2: begin ms3 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms3.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn3 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #4 3: begin ms4 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms4.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn4 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #5 4: begin ms5 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms5.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn5 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #6 5: begin ms6 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms6.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn6 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #7 6: begin ms7 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms7.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn7 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #8 7: begin ms8 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms8.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn8 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #9 8: begin ms9 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms9.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn9 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; //Attachment #10 9: begin ms10 := TMemoryStream.Create; ms10.LoadFromFile(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); sfn10 := fnGetFileName(lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i]); end; End; Except On E:Exception Do Begin fnDisplayMyActionBox('ERR', 'Error', 'Could not load Attachment into Memory Stream', lstbox_Attachments.Items.Strings[i], E.Message, EmptyStr, True); End; End; End; //Insert Test Record into MS SQL Table Mail Try With (MSSQL_Query1) Do Begin Active := False; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add(' Insert Into "' + ModuleUniDBSchema + '.Mail" '); SQL.Add(' ( '); SQL.Add(' Mail_Project, Mail_Application, Mail_Subject, Mail_SenderAdress, Mail_SenderText, '); SQL.Add(' Mail_Recipient, Mail_CC, Mail_Message, Mail_AttachmentCount, Mail_Stati '); For i := 0 To lstbox_Attachments.Count -1 Do Begin SQL.Add(' , Mail_AttachmentName' + IntToStr(i+1)); SQL.Add(' , Mail_Attachment' + IntToStr(i+1)); End; SQL.Add(' ) '); SQL.Add(' Values( '); SQL.Add(' :Mail_Project, :Mail_Application, :Mail_Subject, :Mail_SenderAdress, :Mail_SenderText, '); SQL.Add(' :Mail_Recipient, :Mail_CC, :Mail_Message, :Mail_AttachmentCount, :Mail_Stati '); For i := 0 To lstbox_Attachments.Count -1 Do Begin SQL.Add(' , :Mail_AttachmentName' + IntToStr(i+1)); SQL.Add(' , :Mail_Attachment' + IntToStr(i+1)); End; SQL.Add(' ) '); ParamByName('Mail_Project').AsString := edt_mailproject.Text; ParamByName('Mail_Application').AsString := edt_mailapplication.Text; ParamByName('Mail_Subject').AsString := edt_mailsubject.Text; ParamByName('Mail_SenderAdress').AsString := edt_mailsenderadress.Text; ParamByName('Mail_SenderText').AsString := edt_mailsendertext.Text; ParamByName('Mail_Recipient').AsString := edt_mailrecipient.Text; ParamByName('Mail_CC').AsString := edt_mailcc.Text; ParamByName('Mail_Message').AsString := mem_mailtext.Text; ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentCount').AsString := IntToStr(lstbox_attachments.Count); ParamByName('Mail_Stati').AsString := '10'; For i := 0 To lstbox_Attachments.Count -1 Do Begin Case i of //Attachment #1 0: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName1').AsString := sfn1; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment1').SetBlobData(ms1.Memory, ms1.Size); end; //Attachment #2 1: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName2').AsString := sfn2; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment2').SetBlobData(ms2.Memory, ms2.Size); end; //Attachment #3 2: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName3').AsString := sfn3; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment3').SetBlobData(ms3.Memory, ms3.Size); end; //Attachment #4 3: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName4').AsString := sfn4; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment4').SetBlobData(ms4.Memory, ms4.Size); end; //Attachment #5 4: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName5').AsString := sfn5; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment5').SetBlobData(ms5.Memory, ms5.Size); end; //Attachment #6 5: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName6').AsString := sfn6; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment6').SetBlobData(ms6.Memory, ms6.Size); end; //Attachment #7 6: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName7').AsString := sfn7; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment7').SetBlobData(ms7.Memory, ms7.Size); end; //Attachment #8 7: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName8').AsString := sfn8; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment8').SetBlobData(ms8.Memory, ms8.Size); end; //Attachment #9 8: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName9').AsString := sfn9; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment9').SetBlobData(ms9.Memory, ms9.Size); end; //Attachment #10 9: begin ParamByName('Mail_AttachmentName10').AsString := sfn10; ParamByName('Mail_Attachment10').SetBlobData(ms10.Memory, ms10.Size); end; End; End; ExecSQL; End; Except On E:Exception Do Begin fnDisplayMyActionBox('ERR', 'MS SQL Error', 'Could not insert Record into Mail Table!', E.Message, EmptyStr, EmptyStr, True); End; End; Finally For i := 0 To lstbox_Attachments.Count -1 Do Begin Case i of 0: begin If (ms1 <> Nil) Then ms1.Free; sfn1 := EmptyStr; end; 1: begin If (ms2 <> Nil) Then ms2.Free; sfn2 := EmptyStr; end; 2: begin If (ms3 <> Nil) Then ms3.Free; sfn3 := EmptyStr; end; 3: begin If (ms4 <> Nil) Then ms4.Free; sfn4 := EmptyStr; end; 4: begin If (ms5 <> Nil) Then ms5.Free; sfn5 := EmptyStr; end; 5: begin If (ms6 <> Nil) Then ms6.Free; sfn6 := EmptyStr; end; 6: begin If (ms7 <> Nil) Then ms7.Free; sfn7 := EmptyStr; end; 7: begin If (ms8 <> Nil) Then ms8.Free; sfn8 := EmptyStr; end; 8: begin If (ms9 <> Nil) Then ms9.Free; sfn9 := EmptyStr; end; 9: begin If (ms10 <> Nil) Then ms10.Free; sfn10 := EmptyStr; end; End; End; End; Der jeweilige MemoryStream ist auch befüllt (im Debug habe ich die Size überprüft, diese ist > 0)... Überseh ich hier grad nen Fehler oder warum bekomm ich immer die Fehlermeldung Invalid class Typecast
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