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Mysql Typs (Null) Typ (Integer)

Ein Thema von question · begonnen am 25. Aug 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 25. Aug 2013
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Mysql Typs (Null) Typ (Integer)

  Alt 25. Aug 2013, 20:27
I am using Delphi with mysql, i have a table which contains the data.For example
Table A has ID,Name,Phone and so on , the empty field are filled with "Null"
ID=1, Name=To,Phone=null,

I would like to copy the data from Table A to Table B, but the problem is, if there is no value in a filed then its filled with '0' instead of Null and i got a error messege

"Variante des Typs (Null) konnte nicht in Typ (Integer) konvertiert werden."


my question is, why one table put Null and others 0,since both are same field and same type

need suggestion, i wanna filled the emtpy field not with 0 rather Null,how to do it?

    Query.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE ID = :ID');
    Query.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := NewID;

    while (Query.Eof) and (Query.RecordCount > 0) do


      QueryB.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO `TableB` (`ParentID`,`NewID`, and so on
      QueryB.ParamByName('ParentID').AsInteger := Query.FieldByName('ParentID').AsInteger;
      QueryB.ParamByName('NewID').AsInteger := NewID;
I would like to fill the empty field with "null" instad of "0" what should i change ?
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Benutzerbild von sx2008

Registriert seit: 16. Feb 2008
Ort: Baden-Württemberg
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Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: Mysql Typs (Null) Typ (Integer)

  Alt 25. Aug 2013, 21:43
// Fill a parameter with NULL
QueryB.ParamByName('NewID').Value := Null;

// Fill a field with NULL
QueryB['SomeField'] := Null;
// alternative way to set a field to NULL

// testing if a field is NULL
if Query.FieldByName('SomeField').IsNull then ...

// Copy a Field that might be NULL
// the VCL converts different datatypes on the fly e.g. from Integer -> string
QueryB['DestinationField'] := QueryA['SourceField'];
// this is the same as (long version of the line above)
QueryB.FieldByName('DestinationField').Value := QueryA.FieldByName('SourceField').Value;

// and some bonus info...
// how to set the SQL string of a query in a single line without using .Clear() followed by a .Add()
Query.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE ID = :ID';
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AW: Mysql Typs (Null) Typ (Integer)

  Alt 25. Aug 2013, 22:17
QueryA.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := QueryBID.AsInteger //this using the field of VCL Component)
QueryYA.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := ueryB.FieldByName(('ID').AsInteger;// this using sqil query fieldbyname
value of both query can be different, i mean Null and 0?
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Benutzerbild von Valle

Registriert seit: 26. Dez 2005
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AW: Mysql Typs (Null) Typ (Integer)

  Alt 25. Aug 2013, 23:22
You can copy data without using Delphi:

-- untested, might need some more parenthesis
INSERT INTO `B` (foo, bar)
SELECT foo, bar FROM `A` WHERE id = 42;
That requires less network traffic and should be much faster.

Maybe that would be a better alternative for you.
Valentin Voigt
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Benutzerbild von sx2008

Registriert seit: 16. Feb 2008
Ort: Baden-Württemberg
2.332 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: Mysql Typs (Null) Typ (Integer)

  Alt 25. Aug 2013, 23:41
QueryA.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := QueryBID.AsInteger //this using the field of VCL Component)
QueryYA.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := ueryB.FieldByName(('ID').AsInteger;// this using sqil query fieldbyname
If you want to transfer a Value that could be both a integer or NULL you have to use the data type "Variant".
A Variant can contain different data type like integer, floats, booleans, strings.
And a Variant can also be Null !
This means that Variant is a nullable data type.
To get or set the value of a field you can use the property Value .
The Properties AsString, AsInteger, AsBoolean,... are specialised properties.

// your code example using property Value instead of property AsInteger
QueryA.ParamByName('ID').Value := QueryBID.Value; //this using the field of VCL Component)
QueryYA.ParamByName('ID').Value := ueryB.FieldByName(('ID').Value;// this using sqil query fieldbyname
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