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Ein Thema von Federico Pintado · begonnen am 15. Aug 2013 · letzter Beitrag vom 15. Aug 2013
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Federico Pintado

Registriert seit: 15. Aug 2013
5 Beiträge

Internet Tools

  Alt 15. Aug 2013, 11:09

I am new here! I have a question about this lazarus library. Does a delphi version exist somewhere?

It has XQuery 1.0 / XPath 2.0 among other good things.
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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
Ort: Stadthagen
9.454 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Internet Tools

  Alt 15. Aug 2013, 11:25

I am new here! I have a question about this lazarus library. Does a delphi version exist somewhere?

It has XQuery 1.0 / XPath 2.0 among other good things.
Did you already asked the author?
Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ‎ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60)
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Federico Pintado

Registriert seit: 15. Aug 2013
5 Beiträge

AW: Internet Tools

  Alt 15. Aug 2013, 11:26
Yes. He said he doesn't have Delphi there for a port isn't possible.

I am very suprised that this isn't for delphi already.
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