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Registriert seit: 11. Jan 2003
38 Beiträge
  Alt 14. Jan 2003, 21:46
Aso danke.
Jetzt meint er aber das ein "Error in module Unit1eclaration of class Tform1 is missing or incorrect.
Er bietet mir sogar die Hilfe an aber die meint dazu nur
The compiler is unable to locate the form's class declaration in the interface sectionThis is probably because the type declaration containing the class has been deleted, commented out, or incorrectly modified. This error occurs if there is no class declaration equivalent to the following:


TForm1 = class(TForm)

Use UNDO to reverse your edits, or correct the declaration manually. For more information about Delphi class declaration syntax, see Class Types.
und genau so ists doch im Quelltext auch

MFG Bloodhound
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