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Registriert seit: 14. Jun 2011 11 Beiträge |
Delphi-Version: 2007
ich muss einen Domainnamen der einen umlaut enthält in den sogenannten Puny Code umwandeln. ich habe auch eine .pas Datei dazu gefunden. ich müsste im Aufruf etwas deklarieren, hab aber keine Ahnung. So müsste ich die funktionen aufrufen: Was mir fehlt, ist : var pc : ???????;
e und d wird wahrscheinlich string sein....
// Beispiel:
procedure TForm_XXXXClick(Sender: TObject); var pc : ???????; begin pc := TPunyClass.Create; e := pc.Encode('müller'); // Verschlüsselt 'müller' zu 'mller-kva' d := pc.Decode(e); // Entschlüsselt 'mller-kva' zu 'müller' end; pc.Free; Hier die .pas datei, in der die Funktionen drin sind.:
besten dank für euere Hilfe
unit puny;
interface const BASE: Longint = 36; TMIN: Longint = 1; TMAX: Longint = 26; SKEW: Longint = 38; DAMP: Longint = 700; INITIAL_BIAS: Longint = 72; INITIAL_N: Longint = 128; Delimiter: WideString = '-'; MAX_INT: Longint = 2147483647; type TPunyClass = class private function GetMinCodePoint(const n: Longint; const data: WideString): Longint; function IsBasic(c: WideString; const n: Longint): Boolean; function Adapt(const delta, numpoints: Longint; const firsttime: Boolean): Longint; function Digit2Codepoint(const d: Longint): Longint; function Codepoint2Digit(const c: Longint): Longint; function UInt(i: Longint): Longint; function Asc(s: WideString): Longint; function AscW(s: WideString): Longint; function PosRev(sub, text: WideString): Longint; public function Encode(input: WideString): WideString; function Decode(input: WideString): WideString; end; implementation function TPunyClass.Encode(input: WideString): WideString; var n, delta, bias, b, l, h, q, m, k, t: Longint; text, output, c: WideString; first: Boolean; begin text := input; output := ''; try n := INITIAL_N; bias := INITIAL_BIAS; b := 0; for l := 1 to Length(text) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, INITIAL_N) = True then begin output := output + c; b := b + 1; end; end; if Length(output) < Length(text) then if Length(output) > 0 then output := output + Delimiter; h := b; delta := 0; while h < Length(text) do begin m := GetMinCodePoint(n, text); delta := delta + UInt(m - n) * (h + 1); n := m; for l := 1 to Length(text) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, n) = True then delta := delta + 1 else if UInt(AscW(c)) = n then begin q := delta; k := BASE; while k <= MAX_INT do begin if k <= (bias + TMIN) then t := TMIN else if k >= (bias + TMAX) then t := TMAX else t := k - bias; if q < t then break; output := output + Chr(Digit2Codepoint(t + ((q - t) Mod (BASE - t)))); q := (q - t) div (BASE - t); k := k + BASE; end; output := output + Chr(Digit2Codepoint(q)); first := False; if h = b then first := True; bias := Adapt(delta, h + 1, first); delta := 0; h := h + 1; end; end; delta := delta + 1; n := n + 1; end; except output := input; end; Result := output; end; function TPunyClass.Decode(input: WideString): WideString; var n, i, bias, l, ps, oldi, w, k, t: Longint; digit: Byte; text, output, c: WideString; first: Boolean; begin text := input; output := ''; try n := INITIAL_N; bias := INITIAL_BIAS; i := 0; ps := PosRev(Delimiter, text); if ps > 0 then begin for l := 1 to (ps - 1) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, INITIAL_N) = True then output := output + c else begin Result := ''; Exit; end; end; end; ps := ps + 1; while ps <= Length(text) do begin oldi := i; w := 1; k := BASE; while ((k <= MAX_INT) and (ps <= Length(text))) do begin c := Copy(text, ps, 1); ps := ps + 1; digit := Codepoint2Digit(Asc(c)); if ((digit >= BASE) or (digit > ((MAX_INT - i) / w))) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; i := i + digit * w; if k <= bias then t := TMIN else if k >= (bias + TMAX) then t := TMAX else t := k - bias; if digit < t then break; if w > (maxint / (base - t)) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; w := w * (BASE - t); k := k + BASE; end; first := False; if oldi = 0 then first := True; bias := Adapt(i - oldi, Length(output) + 1, first); if (i / (Length(output) + 1)) > (MAX_INT - n) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; n := n + i div (Length(output) + 1); i := i mod (Length(output) + 1); if IsBasic(WideChar(n), INITIAL_N) = True then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; output := Copy(output, 1, i) + WideChar(n) + Copy(output, i + 1, Length(output) - (i + 1) + 1); i := i + 1; end; except output := input; end; Result := output; end; function TPunyClass.GetMinCodePoint(const n: Longint; const data: WideString): Longint; var t, a, res: Longint; begin res := 2147483647; for t := 1 to Length(data) do begin a := UInt(AscW(Copy(data, t, 1))); if ((a >= n) and (a < res)) then res := a; end; Result := res; end; function TPunyClass.IsBasic(c: WideString; const n: Longint): Boolean; begin Result := False; if UInt(AscW(c)) < n then Result := True; end; function TPunyClass.Adapt(const delta, numpoints: Longint; const firsttime: Boolean): Longint; var k, dt: Longint; begin dt := delta; if firsttime = True then dt := dt div DAMP else dt := dt div 2; dt := dt + (dt div numpoints); k := 0; while dt > (((BASE - TMIN) * TMAX) div 2) do begin dt := dt div (BASE - TMIN); k := k + BASE; end; Result := k + (((BASE - TMIN + 1) * dt) div (dt + SKEW)); end; function TPunyClass.Digit2Codepoint(const d: Longint): Longint; begin Result := 0; if d < 26 then Result := d + 97 else if d < 36 then Result := d - 26 + 48; end; function TPunyClass.Codepoint2Digit(const c: Longint): Longint; begin Result := BASE; if (c - 48) < 10 then Result := c - 22 else if (c - 65) < 26 then Result := c - 65 else if (c - 97) < 26 then Result := c - 97; end; function TPunyClass.UInt(i: Longint): Longint; begin Result := i; if i < 0 then Result := 65536 + i; end; function TPunyClass.Asc(s: WideString): Longint; var c: WideChar; begin Result := 0; if Length(s) > 0 then begin c := s[1]; Result := Word(c); end; end; function TPunyClass.AscW(s: WideString): Longint; var c: WideChar; begin Result := 0; if Length(s) > 0 then begin c := s[1]; Result := Longint(c); end; end; function TPunyClass.PosRev(sub, text: WideString): Longint; var p: Longint; s: WideString; begin Result := 0; s := ''; for p := 1 to Length(text) do s := s + Copy(text, Length(text) - p + 1, 1); p := Pos(sub, s); if p > 0 then Result := Length(s) - p + 1; end; end. peberhardt |
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Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006 Ort: Barchfeld 27.655 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Wenn Du pc eine Instanz von TPunyClass zuweist, muss die Variable auch vom Typ TPunyClass (oder einem ihrer Vorfahren) sein. Deklarier sie also als TPunyClass, dann sollte es keine Probleme geben.
procedure TForm_XXXXClick(Sender: TObject);
var pc : TPunyClass; begin pc := TPunyClass.Create; try e := pc.Encode('müller'); // Verschlüsselt 'müller' zu 'mller-kva' d := pc.Decode(e); // Entschlüsselt 'mller-kva' zu 'müller' finally pc.Free; end; end;
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein) Dieser Tag ist längst gekommen |
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Registriert seit: 25. Mai 2012 59 Beiträge |
// Punycode Konvertierung
// // Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) // http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3492.txt // // Delphi-Unit von Daniel Mitte (2005) // Original-Code von http://www.activevb.de // // Beispiel: // pc := TPunyClass.Create; // e := pc.Encode('müller'); // Verschlüsselt 'müller' zu 'mller-kva' // d := pc.Decode(e); // Entschlüsselt 'mller-kva' zu 'müller' // pc.Free; unit puny; interface const BASE: Longint = 36; TMIN: Longint = 1; TMAX: Longint = 26; SKEW: Longint = 38; DAMP: Longint = 700; INITIAL_BIAS: Longint = 72; INITIAL_N: Longint = 128; Delimiter: WideString = '-'; MAX_INT: Longint = 2147483647; type TPunyClass = class private function GetMinCodePoint(const n: Longint; const data: WideString): Longint; function IsBasic(c: WideString; const n: Longint): Boolean; function Adapt(const delta, numpoints: Longint; const firsttime: Boolean): Longint; function Digit2Codepoint(const d: Longint): Longint; function Codepoint2Digit(const c: Longint): Longint; function UInt(i: Longint): Longint; function Asc(s: WideString): Longint; function AscW(s: WideString): Longint; function PosRev(sub, text: WideString): Longint; public function Encode(input: WideString): WideString; function Decode(input: WideString): WideString; end; implementation function TPunyClass.Encode(input: WideString): WideString; var n, delta, bias, b, l, h, q, m, k, t: Longint; text, output, c: WideString; first: Boolean; begin text := input; output := ''; try n := INITIAL_N; bias := INITIAL_BIAS; b := 0; for l := 1 to Length(text) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, INITIAL_N) = True then begin output := output + c; b := b + 1; end; end; if Length(output) < Length(text) then if Length(output) > 0 then output := output + Delimiter; h := b; delta := 0; while h < Length(text) do begin m := GetMinCodePoint(n, text); delta := delta + UInt(m - n) * (h + 1); n := m; for l := 1 to Length(text) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, n) = True then delta := delta + 1 else if UInt(AscW(c)) = n then begin q := delta; k := BASE; while k <= MAX_INT do begin if k <= (bias + TMIN) then t := TMIN else if k >= (bias + TMAX) then t := TMAX else t := k - bias; if q < t then break; output := output + Chr(Digit2Codepoint(t + ((q - t) Mod (BASE - t)))); q := (q - t) div (BASE - t); k := k + BASE; end; output := output + Chr(Digit2Codepoint(q)); first := False; if h = b then first := True; bias := Adapt(delta, h + 1, first); delta := 0; h := h + 1; end; end; delta := delta + 1; n := n + 1; end; except output := input; end; Result := output; end; function TPunyClass.Decode(input: WideString): WideString; var n, i, bias, l, ps, oldi, w, k, t: Longint; digit: Byte; text, output, c: WideString; first: Boolean; begin text := input; output := ''; try n := INITIAL_N; bias := INITIAL_BIAS; i := 0; ps := PosRev(Delimiter, text); if ps > 0 then begin for l := 1 to (ps - 1) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, INITIAL_N) = True then output := output + c else begin Result := ''; Exit; end; end; end; ps := ps + 1; while ps <= Length(text) do begin oldi := i; w := 1; k := BASE; while ((k <= MAX_INT) and (ps <= Length(text))) do begin c := Copy(text, ps, 1); ps := ps + 1; digit := Codepoint2Digit(Asc(c)); if ((digit >= BASE) or (digit > ((MAX_INT - i) / w))) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; i := i + digit * w; if k <= bias then t := TMIN else if k >= (bias + TMAX) then t := TMAX else t := k - bias; if digit < t then break; if w > (maxint / (base - t)) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; w := w * (BASE - t); k := k + BASE; end; first := False; if oldi = 0 then first := True; bias := Adapt(i - oldi, Length(output) + 1, first); if (i / (Length(output) + 1)) > (MAX_INT - n) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; n := n + i div (Length(output) + 1); i := i mod (Length(output) + 1); if IsBasic(WideChar(n), INITIAL_N) = True then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; output := Copy(output, 1, i) + WideChar(n) + Copy(output, i + 1, Length(output) - (i + 1) + 1); i := i + 1; end; except output := input; end; Result := output; end; function TPunyClass.GetMinCodePoint(const n: Longint; const data: WideString): Longint; var t, a, res: Longint; begin res := 2147483647; for t := 1 to Length(data) do begin a := UInt(AscW(Copy(data, t, 1))); if ((a >= n) and (a < res)) then res := a; end; Result := res; end; function TPunyClass.IsBasic(c: WideString; const n: Longint): Boolean; begin Result := False; if UInt(AscW(c)) < n then Result := True; end; function TPunyClass.Adapt(const delta, numpoints: Longint; const firsttime: Boolean): Longint; var k, dt: Longint; begin dt := delta; if firsttime = True then dt := dt div DAMP else dt := dt div 2; dt := dt + (dt div numpoints); k := 0; while dt > (((BASE - TMIN) * TMAX) div 2) do begin dt := dt div (BASE - TMIN); k := k + BASE; end; Result := k + (((BASE - TMIN + 1) * dt) div (dt + SKEW)); end; function TPunyClass.Digit2Codepoint(const d: Longint): Longint; begin Result := 0; if d < 26 then Result := d + 97 else if d < 36 then Result := d - 26 + 48; end; function TPunyClass.Codepoint2Digit(const c: Longint): Longint; begin Result := BASE; if (c - 48) < 10 then Result := c - 22 else if (c - 65) < 26 then Result := c - 65 else if (c - 97) < 26 then Result := c - 97; end; function TPunyClass.UInt(i: Longint): Longint; begin Result := i; if i < 0 then Result := 65536 + i; end; function TPunyClass.Asc(s: WideString): Longint; var c: WideChar; begin Result := 0; if Length(s) > 0 then begin c := s[1]; Result := Word(c); end; end; function TPunyClass.AscW(s: WideString): Longint; var c: WideChar; begin Result := 0; if Length(s) > 0 then begin c := s[1]; Result := Longint(c); end; end; function TPunyClass.PosRev(sub, text: WideString): Longint; var p: Longint; s: WideString; begin Result := 0; s := ''; for p := 1 to Length(text) do s := s + Copy(text, Length(text) - p + 1, 1); p := Pos(sub, s); if p > 0 then Result := Length(s) - p + 1; end; end. |
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Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006 Ort: Barchfeld 27.655 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Ich habe mir mal ein paar Änderungen erlaubt (allerdings ungetestet). Man könnte noch ein wenig mehr machen, aber das war mir zuviel Aufwand
// Punycode Konvertierung
// // Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) // http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3492.txt // // Delphi-Unit von Daniel Mitte (2005) // Original-Code von http://www.activevb.de // // Beispiel: // pc := TPunyClass.Create; // e := pc.Encode('müller'); // Verschlüsselt 'müller' zu 'mller-kva' // d := pc.Decode(e); // Entschlüsselt 'mller-kva' zu 'müller' // pc.Free; unit puny; interface const BASE: Longint = 36; TMIN: Longint = 1; TMAX: Longint = 26; SKEW: Longint = 38; DAMP: Longint = 700; INITIAL_BIAS: Longint = 72; INITIAL_N: Longint = 128; Delimiter: WideString = '-'; MAX_INT: Longint = $7FFFFFFF; //= MAXINT type TPunyClass = class private function GetMinCodePoint(const n: Longint; const data: WideString): Longint; function IsBasic(c: WideString; const n: Longint): Boolean; function Adapt(const delta, numpoints: Longint; const firsttime: Boolean): Longint; function Digit2Codepoint(const d: Longint): Longint; function Codepoint2Digit(const c: Longint): Longint; function UInt(i: Longint): Longint; function Asc(s: WideString): Longint; function AscW(s: WideString): Longint; function PosRev(sub, text: WideString): Longint; public function Encode(input: WideString): WideString; function Decode(input: WideString): WideString; end; implementation function TPunyClass.Encode(input: WideString): WideString; var n, delta, bias, b, l, h, q, m, k, t: Longint; text, output, c: WideString; first: Boolean; begin text := input; output := ''; try n := INITIAL_N; bias := INITIAL_BIAS; b := 0; for l := 1 to Length(text) do begin //c := Copy(text, l, 1); c := text[l]; if IsBasic(c, INITIAL_N) then begin output := output + c; b := b + 1; end; end; if Length(output) < Length(text) then if Length(output) > 0 then output := output + Delimiter; h := b; delta := 0; while h < Length(text) do begin m := GetMinCodePoint(n, text); delta := delta + UInt(m - n) * (h + 1); n := m; for l := 1 to Length(text) do begin c := text[l]; if IsBasic(c, n) then delta := delta + 1 else if UInt(AscW(c)) = n then begin q := delta; k := BASE; while k <= MAX_INT do begin if k <= (bias + TMIN) then t := TMIN else if k >= (bias + TMAX) then t := TMAX else t := k - bias; if q < t then break; output := output + Chr(Digit2Codepoint(t + ((q - t) Mod (BASE - t)))); q := (q - t) div (BASE - t); k := k + BASE; end; output := output + Chr(Digit2Codepoint(q)); first := h = b; bias := Adapt(delta, h + 1, first); delta := 0; h := h + 1; end; end; delta := delta + 1; n := n + 1; end; except output := input; end; Result := output; end; function TPunyClass.Decode(input: WideString): WideString; var n, i, bias, l, ps, oldi, w, k, t: Longint; digit: Byte; text, output, c: WideString; first: Boolean; begin text := input; output := ''; try n := INITIAL_N; bias := INITIAL_BIAS; i := 0; ps := PosRev(Delimiter, text); if ps > 0 then begin for l := 1 to (ps - 1) do begin c := text[l]; if IsBasic(c, INITIAL_N) then output := output + c else begin Result := ''; Exit; end; end; end; ps := ps + 1; while ps <= Length(text) do begin oldi := i; w := 1; k := BASE; while ((k <= MAX_INT) and (ps <= Length(text))) do begin c := text[ps]; ps := ps + 1; digit := Codepoint2Digit(Asc(c)); if ((digit >= BASE) or (digit > ((MAX_INT - i) / w))) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; i := i + digit * w; if k <= bias then t := TMIN else if k >= (bias + TMAX) then t := TMAX else t := k - bias; if digit < t then break; if w > (maxint / (base - t)) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; w := w * (BASE - t); k := k + BASE; end; first := oldi = 0; bias := Adapt(i - oldi, Length(output) + 1, first); if (i / (Length(output) + 1)) > (MAX_INT - n) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; n := n + i div (Length(output) + 1); i := i mod (Length(output) + 1); if IsBasic(WideChar(n), INITIAL_N) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; output := Copy(output, 1, i) + WideChar(n) + Copy(output, i + 1, Length(output) - (i + 1) + 1); i := i + 1; end; except output := input; end; Result := output; end; function TPunyClass.GetMinCodePoint(const n: Longint; const data: WideString): Longint; var t, a, res: Longint; begin res := MAX_INT; for t := 1 to Length(data) do begin a := UInt(AscW(Copy(data, t, 1))); if ((a >= n) and (a < res)) then res := a; end; Result := res; end; function TPunyClass.IsBasic(c: WideString; const n: Longint): Boolean; begin Result := UInt(AscW(c)) < n; end; function TPunyClass.Adapt(const delta, numpoints: Longint; const firsttime: Boolean): Longint; var k, dt: Longint; begin dt := delta; if firsttime then dt := dt div DAMP else dt := dt div 2; dt := dt + (dt div numpoints); k := 0; while dt > (((BASE - TMIN) * TMAX) div 2) do begin dt := dt div (BASE - TMIN); k := k + BASE; end; Result := k + (((BASE - TMIN + 1) * dt) div (dt + SKEW)); end; function TPunyClass.Digit2Codepoint(const d: Longint): Longint; begin Result := 0; if d < 26 then Result := d + 97 else if d < 36 then Result := d - 26 + 48; end; function TPunyClass.Codepoint2Digit(const c: Longint): Longint; begin Result := BASE; if (c - 48) < 10 then Result := c - 22 else if (c - 65) < 26 then Result := c - 65 else if (c - 97) < 26 then Result := c - 97; end; function TPunyClass.UInt(i: Longint): Longint; begin Result := i; if i < 0 then Result := 65536 + i; end; function TPunyClass.Asc(s: WideString): Longint; var c: WideChar; begin Result := 0; if Length(s) > 0 then begin c := s[1]; Result := Word(c); end; end; function TPunyClass.AscW(s: WideString): Longint; var c: WideChar; begin Result := 0; if s <> '' then begin c := s[1]; Result := Longint(c); end; end; function TPunyClass.PosRev(sub, text: WideString): Longint; var p: Longint; s: WideString; begin Result := 0; s := ''; for p := 1 to Length(text) do s := s + Copy(text, Length(text) - p + 1, 1); p := Pos(sub, s); if p > 0 then Result := Length(s) - p + 1; end; end.
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein) Dieser Tag ist längst gekommen |
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