Registriert seit: 14. Aug 2004
1.441 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional
AW: Firebird DB - verkleinern ohne Backup/Restore
11. Jan 2013, 15:34
nein ich verwende weder Trigger noch Stored Procedure
Ich habe nun mal ein komplettes Backup und Restore durchgeführt nun ist die DB mit den 550.000 Records gerade mal 1.24GB groß
ich werde mal beobachten wie und was sich tut die nächsten tage
nun schaut das gstat auf alle fälle mal so aus
Database "d:\interbase\system.fdb"
Database header page information:
Flags 0
Checksum 12345
Generation 41
Page size 8192
ODS version 11.2
Oldest transaction 29
Oldest active 30
Oldest snapshot 30
Next transaction 31
Bumped transaction 1
Sequence number 0
Next attachment ID 3
Implementation ID 26
Shadow count 0
Page buffers 4000
Next header page 0
Database dialect 3
Creation date Jan 11, 2013 15:28:32
Attributes force write
Variable header data:
Sweep interval: 20000
Database file sequence:
File d:\interbase\system.fdb is the only file
Analyzing database pages ...
Primary pointer page: 164, Index root page: 165
Average record length: 63.64, total records: 16189
Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0
Data pages: 207, data page slots: 207, average fill: 77%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 0
20 - 39% = 1
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 206
80 - 99% = 0
Index RDB$PRIMARY7 (0)
Depth: 2, leaf buckets: 10, nodes: 16189
Average data length: 1.00, total dup: 0, max dup: 0
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 0
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 10
LOG_ITEM (128)
Primary pointer page: 150, Index root page: 151
Average record length: 99.59, total records: 563616
Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0
Data pages: 10082, data page slots: 10082, average fill: 83%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 2
20 - 39% = 6
40 - 59% = 8
60 - 79% = 4354
80 - 99% = 5712
Depth: 2, leaf buckets: 555, nodes: 563616
Average data length: 2.08, total dup: 12801, max dup: 1
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 0
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 1
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 554
Depth: 2, leaf buckets: 345, nodes: 563616
Average data length: 0.00, total dup: 563502, max dup: 268784
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 0
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 4
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 341
Index RDB$PRIMARY1 (0)
Depth: 2, leaf buckets: 424, nodes: 563616
Average data length: 1.08, total dup: 0, max dup: 0
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 0
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 1
80 - 99% = 423
Primary pointer page: 152, Index root page: 153
Average record length: 42.85, total records: 486
Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0
Data pages: 5, data page slots: 5, average fill: 71%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 0
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 5
80 - 99% = 0
Primary pointer page: 154, Index root page: 155
Average record length: 0.00, total records: 0
Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0
Data pages: 0, data page slots: 0, average fill: 0%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 0
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Index RDB$PRIMARY2 (0)
Depth: 1, leaf buckets: 1, nodes: 0
Average data length: 0.00, total dup: 0, max dup: 0
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Primary pointer page: 158, Index root page: 159
Average record length: 38.54, total records: 13
Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0
Data pages: 1, data page slots: 1, average fill: 9%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Index RDB$PRIMARY3 (0)
Depth: 1, leaf buckets: 1, nodes: 13
Average data length: 1.08, total dup: 0, max dup: 0
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Primary pointer page: 160, Index root page: 161
Average record length: 30.00, total records: 5
Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0
Data pages: 1, data page slots: 1, average fill: 3%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Index RDB$PRIMARY5 (0)
Depth: 1, leaf buckets: 1, nodes: 5
Average data length: 1.20, total dup: 0, max dup: 0
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Primary pointer page: 156, Index root page: 157
Average record length: 44.33, total records: 3
Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0
Data pages: 1, data page slots: 1, average fill: 2%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Index RDB$PRIMARY4 (0)
Depth: 1, leaf buckets: 1, nodes: 3
Average data length: 7.67, total dup: 0, max dup: 0
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Primary pointer page: 162, Index root page: 163
Average record length: 45.80, total records: 5
Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0
Data pages: 1, data page slots: 1, average fill: 4%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Index RDB$PRIMARY6 (0)
Depth: 1, leaf buckets: 1, nodes: 5
Average data length: 10.00, total dup: 0, max dup: 0
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 0
Gruss Hans
2B or not 2B, that is FF