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Search for multiple files at once in PC

Ein Thema von danten · begonnen am 31. Dez 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 2. Jan 2013

Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2012
Ort: Czech Republic, Prag
126 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Architect

Search for multiple files at once in PC

  Alt 31. Dez 2012, 16:31
Hi all,
please help.
How do I write a function to search for multiple files on your computer at once.
I need to find files:
abcd.exe, 1234.ini, GHIJ.BAT, 0987.dat, tinyplay.exe !!
I use to find one set this feature:
function Tfindplayer.ScanL7(root, filemask: string; hitlist: String): Boolean;
  function ScanDirectory(var path: string): Boolean;
    SRec: TSearchRec;
    pathlen: Integer;
    res: Integer;
    pathlen := Length(path);
    { first pass, files }
    res := FindFirst(path + filemask, faAnyfile+faHidden, SRec);
    If (FileExists(path+'tinyplay.exe') = True) then
        FScanAborted := True;
        sLabel24.Caption := ExtractShortPathName(ExcludeTrailingBackslash(sLabel24.Caption));
        sProgressBar1.Position := sProgressBar1.Position + 10;
    if res = 0 then
        while res = 0 do
          hitlist := (path + SRec.Name);
          res := FindNext(SRec);
    Result := not (FScanAborted or Application.Terminated);
    if not Result then Exit;

    {second pass, directories}
    res := FindFirst(path + '*.*', faDirectory+faHidden, SRec);
    if res = 0 then
        while (res = 0) and Result do
          if ((Srec.Attr and (faReadOnly or faHidden or faSysFile or faDirectory)) <> 0) and
            (Srec.Name <> '.') and
            (Srec.Name <> '..') then
            path := path + SRec.Name + '\';
            Result := ScanDirectory(path);
            SetLength(path, pathlen);
          res := FindNext(SRec);

  FScanAborted := False;
  Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;
    Result := ScanDirectory(root);
    Screen.Cursor := crDefault

function Tfindplayer.L7:boolean;
  Item: string;
  i: integer;
  ch: Char;
  root: string;
  root := 'C:\';
  for ch := 'Ato 'Zdo
    root[1] := ch;
    case GetDriveType(PChar(root)) of
        if not ScanL7(root,'tinyplay.exe', sLabel22.Caption) then
Thanks all.
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat


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