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Query problem

Ein Thema von nono74 · begonnen am 30. Dez 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 30. Dez 2012
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Registriert seit: 30. Dez 2012
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AW: Query problem

  Alt 30. Dez 2012, 19:34
hello every bady,
I want to divide students in each level (4 levels) on the classes according to their average.

Assuming we have:

- Level 1: there are 5 classes.
-Level 2: there are 4 classes
-Level 3: there are 6 classes
-Level 4: there are 3 classes

How to assign each student to a class according to their level.

example: Level 1 we have: 5 classes

student 1 to the class number 1
student 2 to the class number 2
student 3 to the class number 3
student 4 to the class number 4
student 5 to the class number 5
student 6 to the class number 1
student 7 to the class number 2
student 8 to the class number 3
student 9 to the class number 4
student 10 to the class number 5
student 11 to the class number 1
Table students, we have:
-number_Niveau (integer)
-number_Classe (integer)
-Class (string)
-Name (string)
- Average (float)

How? because I lose myself in everything.

Thank you in advance....

Geändert von nono74 (30. Dez 2012 um 19:44 Uhr)
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