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TidCookieManager & Redirects

Ein Thema von Ryzinski · begonnen am 7. Nov 2012
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TidCookieManager & Redirects

  Alt 7. Nov 2012, 15:09
I get cookie from InternetGetCookieEx on DownloadComplete WebBrwoser. When trying to login to hotmail it get's through but then get's redirected. Even though Gmail works. I am trying to figure out a universal solution to transfer Authenication from WebBrowser to IdCookieManager for Web Parsing.

Cookies aswell as redirects are enabled on IdHTPP.

Cookies must be allowed
Your browser is currently set to block cookies. Your browser must allow cookies before you can use Windows Live ID.
 function GetCookie(host: string): string;
      hModule: THandle;
      lp: Pointer;
      InternetGetCookieEx: function(lpszUrl, lpszCookieName, lpszCookieData
        : PAnsiChar; var lpdwSize: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; lpReserved: pointer)
        : BOOL; stdCall;
      CookieSize: DWORD;
      CookieData: PAnsiChar;
      hModule := GetModuleHandle('wininet.dll');
      if hModule <> 0 then
        @InternetGetCookieEx := GetProcAddress(hModule, 'InternetGetCookieExA');
        if @InternetGetCookieEx <> nil then
          CookieSize := 1024;
          Cookiedata := AllocMem(CookieSize);
          if InternetGetCookieEx(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(host)), nil, Cookiedata, CookieSize, INTERNET_COOKIE_HTTPONLY, nil) then

procedure EmbeddedWB1DocumentComplete(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch;
  var URL: OleVariant);
  document: IHTMLDocument2;
  cookies: TStringList;
  uri: TIdURI;
  document := EmbeddedWB1.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
  cookies := TStringList.Create;
    uri := TIdURI.Create(document.url);
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