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UniDac 4.3.8 Encryption nicht kompatibel zu UniDac 4.5.9

Ein Thema von Darlo · begonnen am 24. Okt 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Okt 2012
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Registriert seit: 28. Jul 2008
Ort: München
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Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Enterprise

AW: UniDac 4.3.8 Encryption nicht kompatibel zu UniDac 4.5.9

  Alt 24. Okt 2012, 13:05
Hier die Antwort von DevArt:

You can also use another workaround that does not require using UniDAC 4.3.
A database that was encrypted using UniDAC 4.3, can be decrypted with UniDAC 4.5.9 using only the first character of the encryption key.
In your example, you can use the '.' key to decrypt the database encrypted with UniDAC 4.3.
So, in order to re-encrypt your database with a correct key, you should perform the following steps using UniDAC 4.5.9:
- first, connect to the database using a '.' key;
- then call the TLiteUtils.EncryptDatabase(UniConnection1, '.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx$') class method to change the encryption key;
- now you can disconnect from the database and connect to it again using the correct key.

Das klappt auch super. Nur kann ich immer noch nicht die verschlüsselte Sqlite Datenbank mit einem
DB-Tool z.b. sqliteExpert öffnen, hier heißt es immer noch:

File is encrypted or not a SQLite3 database or encryption key does not match.
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