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Registriert seit: 19. Dez 2002
Ort: zuhause?!
227 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Personal
  Alt 12. Jan 2003, 11:33
Hi ... du sollst es ja auch so
- Save the file to your home directory, and it will be loaded
automatically the next time you start your Borland product.

- Home directory: The location of the home directory varies by platform.
 Windows 95/98 (single-user): C:\Windows
 Windows 95/98 (multi-user): C:\Windows\Profiles\<username>
 Windows NT: C:\WINNT\Profiles\<username>
 Windows 2000/XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>
 UNIX and Linux: The home directory can vary. For example, it could
   be /user/<username> or /home/<username> (When you log in,
   you should be in your home directory.)
machen ... es geht wirklich NUR so das Verzeichniss muss GENAU stimmen

MfG BungeeBug
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