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Ein Thema von Ryzinski · begonnen am 2. Okt 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 6. Okt 2012
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AW: PHP4Delphi

  Alt 5. Okt 2012, 16:05
Erm.. you are probably confusing something here. Do you think both are interchangable?

Delphi4PHP is: The language PHP + some PHP classes that resemble something that would look like some sort of 'VCL' components to a delphi developer.

The PSVLib you linked to are additional PHP classes to extend the PHP 'VCL'.

Nevertheless, everything in Delphi4PHP is pure PHP.

Phalanger is something completely different. Phalanger takes pure PHP code, and compiles it to run on the .NET Framework (which is a great idea btw. and a massive performance gain). This would i.e. allow you to compile phpBB to .NET code and write phpBB plugins in C#, VB or Oxygene for .NET.

Of course it would be possible to take a Delphi4PHP project, and compile this to .NET through phalanger. But nobody with a sane mind would bother doing this. Sane guys would directly take Oxygene and write ASP.NET (MVC) applications

Btw: Delphi4PHP (lastly named RadPHP) will be revived in the new "Html5Builder", coming next year.

So, what are you now exactly referring to, and what is your specific question?
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
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AW: PHP4Delphi

  Alt 5. Okt 2012, 16:09
Btw: Delphi4PHP (lastly named RadPHP) will be revived in the new "Html5Builder", coming next year.
It's already there. As sinngle product or as part of RadStudio XE3
Markus Kinzler
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AW: PHP4Delphi

  Alt 5. Okt 2012, 17:11
Erm.. you are probably confusing something here. Do you think both are interchangable?

Delphi4PHP is: The language PHP + some PHP classes that resemble something that would look like some sort of 'VCL' components to a delphi developer.


He is NOT talking about Delphi4PHP he IS talking about Php4Delphi.

This has nothing to do with the Emarcadero-Product. Look at the sourceforge-link
Kölner Delphi Usergroup:
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Registriert seit: 2. Okt 2012
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AW: PHP4Delphi

  Alt 5. Okt 2012, 21:55
PHP4Delphi or PHP5Delphi the new revision is basicly php inside delphi. Allows you to execute php code,set variables,read variables,set array or delete array etc.

Like Phalanger but not limited. Phalanger is not compatible with many PHP extensions they even don't even have curl extension.

Problem with PHP4DELPHI is that it dosen't work with 64 bits ASM changes are needed. I have no experiance with ASM.

Regarding performance.. PHP 5.3.17 can use ZEND Optimizer which compiles the code, that does the same thing that Phalanger uses plus it can use XQuery by Zorba. And I've tested it.

PHP is also much more regulary updated.

Geändert von Ryzinski ( 6. Okt 2012 um 01:02 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 2. Okt 2012
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AW: PHP4Delphi

  Alt 6. Okt 2012, 01:02
I need advice if i should just write a wrapper for php5ts.dll? The functions are easy to get via bindump.

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