Thema: Delphi GroupBox erstellen?

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Ort: Pforzheim
2.458 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

Re: GroupBox erstellen?

  Alt 23. Jun 2004, 00:11
aus der Online-Hlfe:
The GROUPBOX statement creates a group box control. The control is a rectangle that groups other controls together. The controls are grouped by drawing a border around them and displaying the given text in the upper-left corner. The GROUPBOX statement, which you can use only in a DIALOG statement, defines the text, identifier, dimensions, and attributes of a control window.

When the style contains WS_TABSTOP or the text specifies an accelerator, tabbing or pressing the accelerator key moves the focus to the first control within the group.


GROUPBOX text, id, x, y, width, height [, style [, extended-style]]



Specifies the control styles. This value can be a combination of the button class style BS_GROUPBOX and the WS_TABSTOP and WS_DISABLED styles.
If you do not specify a style, the default style is BS_GROUPBOX.

For more information on the text, id, x, y, width, height, style, and extended-style parameters, see Common Statement Parameters.


This example creates a group-box control that is labeled "Options":

GROUPBOX "Options", 101, 10, 10, 100, 100

See Also

So, wenn's das war, dann können wir den Thread schön untergehen lassen, und Mathias mekr nichts
Christian Bootz
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