Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2011 127 Beiträge Delphi XE2 Architect |
![]() Nun habe ich das ganze in eine Komponete gepackt. Die auch nun BB Code anzeigen kann, sie funktioniert einwandfrei, aber wenn ich den Server und den Client starte spielt sie vollkommen verrückt und funktioniert nicht gerade gut und hat anzeige Fehler, zum Beispiel das der Inhalt in einem naheliegenden Memo gerendert wird. Ich habe auch schon beim Client versucht die Funktion zu synchroniseren, aber leider ohne erfolg. Ich kann auch nur die Funktion addLine() Synchronisieren. Habe ich einen Fehler im Code? Hier ist die Komponente, wenn jemand das gesamte Programm ansehen will soll er mich einfach anschreiben. Vielen Dank im voraus Ach ähm so ne nebenfrage gibt es in diesen Forum eine Spoiler Funktion?
unit ChatEdit;
interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.StdCtrls, Winapi.CommCtrl, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Contnrs, Vcl.Themes, Vcl.OleCtrls, Vcl.Menus, Vcl.ExtCtrls, mmSystem; type TMyAlign = (myleft, mycenter, myright); TBBCode = (BBcolor, BBsize, BBfont, BBb, BBi, BBright, BBcenter, BBbutton, BBimg, BBcolorEnd, BBsizeEnd, BBfontEnd, BBbEnd, BBiEnd, BBrightEnd, BBcenterEnd, BBbuttonEnd, BBimgEnd, sLinebreak); TBBCodes = class(TObject) from, end_id: Integer; Typ: TBBCode; Value: string; end; TEvents = array of TBBCodes; TChatEdit = class(TCustomControl) private FFont: TFont; FLines: TStringList; Special_Objects: TObjectList; FScrollbar: TScrollBar; current_Height: Integer; procedure setLines(Value: TStringList); procedure setFont(Value: TFont); procedure setScrollbar(Value: TScrollBar); procedure onScrollbarChange(Sender: TObject); function giveNextChars(Text: String; id: Integer; id_to: Integer): String; function findUntil(Input: String; id: Integer; Find: String): Integer; function explode(Input: String; Splitter: String): TStringList; function StrtoCol(Text: String): TColor; function getTextWidth(Text: string): Integer; function searchforBBCodes(Text: String): TEvents; function createTBBCodes(from: Integer; end_id: Integer; Typ: TBBCode; Value: String): TBBCodes; { Private-Deklarationen } protected procedure Paint; override; { Protected-Deklarationen } public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure AddLine(Text: String); function Count: Integer; { Public-Deklarationen } published property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnGesture; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property Font: TFont read FFont write setFont; property Lines: TStringList read FLines write setLines; property Scrollbar: TScrollBar read FScrollbar write setScrollbar; property Anchors; property Align; property Color; property Constraints; property Ctl3D; property PopupMenu; { Published-Deklarationen } end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Chat', [TChatEdit]); end; function CaseStringOf(const Value: string; const Args: array of string) : Integer; begin for Result := 0 to High(Args) do if Args[Result] = Value then Exit; Result := -1; end; constructor TChatEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); var Pfad: String; begin inherited Create(AOwner); FLines := TStringList.Create; FFont := TFont.Create; Special_Objects := TObjectList.Create; Pfad := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); FScrollbar := TScrollBar.Create(Self); FScrollbar.Parent := Self; FScrollbar.Kind := sbVertical; FScrollbar.PageSize := FScrollbar.Max; FScrollbar.Top := 1; FScrollbar.OnChange := onScrollbarChange; FLines.Add(Self.GetNamePath); end; function TChatEdit.createTBBCodes(from: Integer; end_id: Integer; Typ: TBBCode; Value: String): TBBCodes; begin Result := TBBCodes.Create; Result.from := from; Result.end_id := end_id; Result.Typ := Typ; Result.Value := Value; end; function TChatEdit.searchforBBCodes(Text: String): TEvents; var zahl, search_begin, search_end, this_height: Integer; gesamt: String; BB: TStringList; Events: TObjectList; begin Events := TObjectList.Create; zahl := 1; // Intialisierung this_height := 0; while zahl < Length(Text) do begin if Text[zahl] = '&' then begin search_begin := zahl; search_end := findUntil(Text, zahl, ' '); gesamt := lowercase(giveNextChars(Text, zahl, search_end)); search_end := search_end + 2; Events.Add(createTBBCodes(zahl, search_end, sLinebreak, '')); zahl := search_begin + Length(gesamt); end; if Text[zahl] = '[' then begin search_begin := zahl; zahl := zahl + 1; if Text[zahl] <> '/' then begin // Bei Öffnung search_end := findUntil(Text, zahl, ']'); gesamt := lowercase(giveNextChars(Text, zahl, search_end)); BB := explode(gesamt, '='); search_end := search_end + 2; case CaseStringOf(BB[0], ['color', 'size', 'font', 'b', 'i', 'right', 'center', 'button', 'img']) of 0: begin if BB.Count = 2 then Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBcolor, BB[1])); end; 1: begin if BB.Count = 2 then Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBsize, BB[1])); if this_height < Canvas.TextHeight('h') then this_height := Canvas.TextHeight('h'); end; 2: begin if (BB.Count = 2) and (Screen.Fonts.IndexOf(BB[1]) <> -1) then Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBfont, BB[1])); end; 3: begin Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBb, '')); end; 4: begin Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBi, '')); end; 5: begin Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBright, '')); end; 6: begin Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBcenter, '')); end; end; end else begin // Bei Schließung search_end := findUntil(Text, zahl, ']') - 1; gesamt := lowercase(giveNextChars(Text, zahl + 1, search_end)); search_end := search_end + 3; case CaseStringOf(gesamt, ['color', 'size', 'font', 'b', 'i', 'right', 'center', 'button', 'img']) of 0: Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBcolorEnd, '')); 1: Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBsizeEnd, '')); 2: Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBfontEnd, '')); 3: Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBbEnd, '')); 4: Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBiEnd, '')); 5: Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBrightEnd, '')); 6: Events.Add(createTBBCodes(search_begin, search_end, BBcenterEnd, '')); end; gesamt := '/' + gesamt; end; zahl := search_begin + 1 + Length(gesamt); gesamt := ''; end; zahl := zahl + 1; end; SetLength(Result, Events.Count); for zahl := 0 to Events.Count - 1 do begin Result[zahl] := TBBCodes(Events[zahl]); end; end; function TChatEdit.StrtoCol(Text: string): TColor; begin case CaseStringOf(Text, ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'white', 'black', 'brown', 'silver']) of 0: Result := clRed; 1: Result := clYellow; 2: Result := clGreen; 3: Result := clHotLight; 4: Result := clWhite; 5: Result := clBlack; 6: Result := clOlive; 7: Result := clSilver; else Result := clBlack; end; end; function TChatEdit.findUntil(Input: string; id: Integer; Find: string): Integer; var anfang: Integer; begin anfang := id; Result := -1; while Length(Input) >= id do begin if Find = Input[id] then begin Result := (id - 1) - anfang; break; end; id := id + 1; end; end; function TChatEdit.explode(Input: string; Splitter: string): TStringList; var zahl, last_Split: Integer; begin zahl := 1; last_Split := 1; Result := TStringList.Create; while zahl < Length(Input) do begin if Input[zahl] = Splitter then begin if zahl + 1 < Length(Input) then begin Result.Add(giveNextChars(Input, last_Split, zahl - 2)); last_Split := zahl; end; end; zahl := zahl + 1; end; if (last_Split < zahl) and (Result.Count > 0) then Result.Add(giveNextChars(Input, last_Split + 1, (zahl) - (last_Split + 1))); if Result.Count = 0 then Result.Add(Input); end; function TChatEdit.giveNextChars(Text: String; id: Integer; id_to: Integer): String; var gesamt: Integer; begin Result := ''; gesamt := id + id_to; for id := id to gesamt do Result := Result + Text[id]; end; procedure TChatEdit.onScrollbarChange(Sender: TObject); begin Paint; end; destructor TChatEdit.Destroy; begin FFont.Destroy; Special_Objects.Free; FLines.Free; FScrollbar.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TChatEdit.setFont(Value: TFont); begin FFont.Assign(Value); Canvas.Font.Assign(Value); Paint; end; procedure TChatEdit.setLines(Value: TStringList); begin FLines.Assign(Value); Paint; end; procedure TChatEdit.setScrollbar(Value: TScrollBar); begin FScrollbar.Assign(Value); Paint; end; function TChatEdit.getTextWidth(Text: string): Integer; var zahl, active_Event_Index: Integer; Events: TEvents; begin Events := searchforBBCodes(Text); active_Event_Index := 0; Result := 0; zahl := 1; if Length(Events) < 0 then while zahl < Length(Text) do begin if Events[active_Event_Index].from = zahl then begin if Events[active_Event_Index].Typ = sLinebreak then break; if (Events[active_Event_Index].Typ = BBfont) and (Screen.Fonts.IndexOf(Events[active_Event_Index].Value) <> -1) then Canvas.Font.Name := Events[active_Event_Index].Value; if Events[active_Event_Index].Typ = BBfontEnd then Canvas.Font.Name := FFont.Name; if Events[active_Event_Index].Typ = BBsize then Canvas.Font.Size := StrtoInt(Events[active_Event_Index].Value); if Events[active_Event_Index].Typ = BBsizeEnd then Canvas.Font.Size := FFont.Size; if active_Event_Index < Length(Events) - 1 then active_Event_Index := active_Event_Index + 1; zahl := zahl + Events[active_Event_Index].end_id; end; Result := Result + Canvas.TextWidth(Text[zahl]); zahl := zahl + 1; end else Result := Canvas.TextWidth(Text); end; procedure TChatEdit.Paint; var zahl, i, current_width, this_height, this_width, Event_index: Integer; MyAlgin: TMyAlign; Events: TEvents; Linebreak: Boolean; begin inherited; MyAlgin := myleft; Linebreak := false; this_height := 0; // Scrollbar FScrollbar.left := Self.Width - FScrollbar.Width; FScrollbar.height := Self.height - 2; // Rahmen zeichnen Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; Canvas.Rectangle(0, 0, Self.Width - (FScrollbar.Width + 1), Self.height); // Für Text zeichnen vorbereiten Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Canvas.Font := FFont; // Setzen der Zähler werte current_Height := 0; current_width := 2; // Render for zahl := 0 to FLines.Count - 1 do begin // Setzen des Zählers auf 1 da der String erst beim zweitem Anfängt i := 1; Event_index := 0; // Nach BBCodes suchen Events := searchforBBCodes(FLines[zahl]); // Überprüfung der Ziffern while i < Length(FLines[zahl]) do begin if i = Events[Event_index].from then begin case Events[Event_index].Typ of BBcolor: Canvas.Font.Color := StrtoCol(Events[Event_index].Value); BBsize: if Events[Event_index].Value <> '' then Canvas.Font.Size := StrtoInt(Events[Event_index].Value); BBfont: if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf(Events[Event_index].Value) <> -1 then Canvas.Font.Name := FFont.Name; BBb: Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style + [fsBold]; BBi: Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style + [fsItalic]; BBright: MyAlgin := myright; BBcenter: MyAlgin := mycenter; BBbutton: ; BBimg: ; BBcolorEnd: Canvas.Font.Color := FFont.Color; BBsizeEnd: Canvas.Font.Size := FFont.Size; BBfontEnd: Canvas.Font.Name := FFont.Name; BBbEnd: Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style - [fsBold]; BBiEnd: Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style - [fsItalic]; BBrightEnd: begin MyAlgin := myleft; current_width := 2; end; BBcenterEnd: begin MyAlgin := myleft; current_width := 2; end; BBbuttonEnd: ; BBimgEnd: ; sLinebreak: begin Linebreak := true; end; end; i := i + Events[Event_index].end_id; if Event_index < Length(Events) - 1 then Event_index := Event_index + 1; end; // algin case MyAlgin of mycenter: begin this_width := getTextWidth(giveNextChars(FLines[zahl], i + 1, Length(FLines[zahl]))); current_width := (Self.Width - FScrollbar.Width + 1) div 2 - this_width div 2; end; myright: begin this_width := getTextWidth(giveNextChars(FLines[zahl], i + 1, Length(FLines[zahl]) - i)); current_width := (Self.Width - (FScrollbar.Width + 1)) - this_width; end; end; if this_height < Canvas.TextHeight('H') then this_height := Canvas.TextHeight('H'); if Linebreak then begin current_width := 2; current_Height := current_Height + this_height; this_height := Canvas.TextHeight('H'); Linebreak := false; end; // TextZeichnen if FLines[zahl][i] <> ']' then begin Canvas.TextOut(current_width, (current_Height - FScrollbar.Position) + this_height - (Canvas.TextHeight('h') + 2), FLines[zahl][i]); current_width := current_width + Canvas.TextWidth(FLines[zahl][i]); end; i := i + 1; end; // Zurücksetzung Canvas.Font.Color := FFont.Color; Canvas.Font.Size := FFont.Size; Canvas.Font.Name := FFont.Name; Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style - [fsBold]; Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style - [fsItalic]; MyAlgin := myleft; current_width := 2; current_Height := current_Height + this_height; end; Canvas.Font.Color := FFont.Color; Canvas.Font.Name := FFont.Name; Canvas.Font.Style := FFont.Style; Canvas.Font.Size := FFont.Size; if Self.height < current_Height then begin FScrollbar.Enabled := true; FScrollbar.Max := current_Height; FScrollbar.PageSize := Self.height; end else begin FScrollbar.Enabled := false; end; end; function TChatEdit.Count: Integer; begin Result := FLines.Count; end; procedure TChatEdit.Clear; begin FLines.Clear; end; procedure TChatEdit.AddLine(Text: string); begin if FLines[0] = '' then FLines[0] := Text else FLines.Add(Text); Paint; if Self.height < current_Height then FScrollbar.Position := FScrollbar.Max - FScrollbar.PageSize; Paint; end; end. |
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