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Compute screen proportion

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 21. Jul 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Jul 2012
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Compute screen proportion

  Alt 21. Jul 2012, 14:39
I'm just working with images in PS and start think about image proportions. Some images has quite big size and I'm interested what is its proportion. So, I ran Delphi and wrote:

  Ratio: Cardinal;
  Min, Max: Cardinal;
  Min := Math.Min(AWidth, AHeight);
  Max := Math.Max(AWidth, AHeight);
  Ratio := Max - Min;

  Result := Round(Max / Ratio) + (Round(Min / Ratio) / 10);
Returns 3:2, 4:3, 5:4, but not 5:3 (result is 2:2), 16:9 (result is 2:1), 16:10 (result is 3:2), 17:10 (result is 2:1). What's wrong?
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Registriert seit: 7. Jun 2006
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FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 21. Jul 2012, 15:29
It does not work because it does not make any sense.

The ratio X:Y means nothing but the fraction X/Y (“X divided by Y”). You get the ratio by doing this division.

If we do this on a computer, however, the result is naturally going to be a decimal number, e.g. 1.3333[…] for 400:300. Of course we are not happy with this, because what we wanted was a proper fraction.

So we have to go back to fraction arithmetic and do it by hand: How would we tackle 400/300 if we were in 6th grade and not allowed to use decimals? Well, of course we would cancel the fraction. The way we do this is, we find the greatest common divisor, and then divide both sides of the fraction by it. In the case of 400/300, the greatest common divisor is 100, so we end up with our result of 4:3.

Now you only have to translate this into code and you’re done. The only somewhat hard part is to find the greatest common divisor, but luckily you’ll find plenty of algorithms along with their implementations for that on the web.

Geändert von Namenloser (21. Jul 2012 um 15:33 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 11. Jul 2009
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Delphi XE Professional

AW: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 21. Jul 2012, 17:59
not sure, if this method works for each ratio


9 / 16 = 0,5625
1 - 0,5625 = 0,4375
1 / 0,4375 = 2,2857
16 - 9 = 7
7 * 2,2857 = 15,9999 ~ 16
16 * 0,5625 = 9


3 / 5 = 0,6
1 - 0,6 = 0,4
1 / 0,4 = 2,5
5 - 3 = 2
2 * 2,5 = 5
5 * 0,6 = 3

Geändert von freeway (21. Jul 2012 um 18:03 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 7. Jun 2006
Ort: Karlsruhe
3.724 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 21. Jul 2012, 18:24
Well, take a look at what happens when you fill in your intermediate terms instead of using their results:

(16 - 9) * 1 / (1 - (9 / 16)) = 15,9999 ~ 16
16 * (9 / 16) = 9

So at least the second part will always work, but it’s also completely pointless since you need to know the ratio in advance for it to give the correct result

You really shouldn’t just randomly throw together expressions not knowing what you’re doing...
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 21. Jul 2012, 19:43
Next attempt:

function ToFrac(const AValue: Extended; const ADivisor: Word; const AFrac: Boolean): string;
  A, B: Integer;
  I, F: Extended;
  B := ADivisor;
  I := Int(AValue);
  F := Frac(AValue);
  A := Round(F / (1 / B));

  if (F = 0) or (A = 0) then
    Result := Format('%.0f', [I]);

  while (A mod 2 = 0) and (B mod 2 = 0) do
    A := A div 2;
    B := B div 2;
  if (A = B) and (A > 0) then
    I := I + A;
    Result := Format('%.0f', [I])
    Result := Format('%.0f %.0d/%.0d', [I, A, B])

  if AFrac then
    Result := Format('%.0f/%.0d', [(I * B) + A, B])
This one allows to get valid value, but need to know divisor. How to compute it? Or maybe there is some existing open sour ce to work with fractions?
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Registriert seit: 11. Jul 2009
57 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

AW: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 21. Jul 2012, 22:25
first part of your question, i realy don´t understand ???

work with fractions
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AW: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 22. Jul 2012, 08:05
Do you know the difference between display resolution and aspect ratio? Why do you name your thread 'screen proportion' but you refer to images?
Did you bother using google?
I found all answers.

But what the heck:

Most modern screen resulutions are not exactly 16:9, 4:3 etc.

I would recommend using a list of standard ratios, e.g. (4:3, 5:4, 16:9, 16:10), compare the screen dimension (widht / height) with the entries in the list and return the closest candidate or 'none' if the difference is out of tolerance.

Function AspectRatio (aWidth, aHeight : Integer) : String;
  RatioX : Array [0..3] of integer = (4,5,16,16);
  RatioY : Array [0..3] of integer = (3,4,10, 9);

  tolerance = 1E-2;

  diff,dmin, ratio : Double;
  i,j : Integer;

  ratio := aWidht/aHeight;
  dmin := 999;
  for i:=0 to High(RatioX) do begin
    diff := abs(RatioX[i]/RatioY[i] - ratio);
    if diff < dmin then begin
      j := i;
      dmin := diff;

  if diff<tolerance then
     result := Format('%d:%d',[RatioX[j], RatioY[j]])
     result := 'nonstandard';
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 22. Jul 2012, 09:50
Thanks, but for eg. 1024x768 returns 'nonstandard'
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AW: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 22. Jul 2012, 12:01
The code is untested.

What would you do go make it work?
Do you understand the Code?
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Registriert seit: 17. Nov 2005
Ort: Hamburg
1.087 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Professional

AW: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 22. Jul 2012, 12:45
This should work:

FUNCTION AspectRatio(width,height:Integer):String;
FUNCTION LCD(v1,v2:integer):integer;
   if (v1>0) and (v2>0) then begin
         result:=v1 mod v2;
      until v2=0;
var divisor:integer; s:string;
   if divisor=0 then result:='Width or Height <= 0'
      else result:=IntToStr(width div divisor)+':'+IntToStr(height div divisor);
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