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Ein Thema von omata · begonnen am 8. Jul 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 3. Jan 2015
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Registriert seit: 26. Aug 2004
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Dateityp: zip (360,5 KB, 125x aufgerufen)

Geändert von omata ( 8. Jul 2012 um 23:43 Uhr)
  Alt 30. Dez 2014, 02:26
thanks omata
but i can't compile at xe7 environment
error code: -15
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Benutzerbild von blawen

Delphi 12 Athens
  Alt 30. Dez 2014, 02:48
error code: -15

Under XE7 I could not compile the code -> Incompatibility of the Unit FastMM4
Newer versions you can find on the Internet, for example here

Ok, I have also seen the problem.
If you convert the document into an image, the error code is displayed.
Wrong character set?

Errors in the procedure TGhostscript.gsWork (?)
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken

Geändert von blawen (30. Dez 2014 um 03:07 Uhr)
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  Alt 3. Jan 2015, 00:54
GPL Ghostscript 9.15 (2014-09-22)
Copyright (C) 2014 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Processing pages 1 through 5.
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  Alt 3. Jan 2015, 01:10
The main problem found

delphi7 PChar <> XE7 PChar

I migrate some codes of "PChar" for Unicode in XE7

PPAnsiChar = array of PAnsiChar;
Tgsapi_init_with_args = function(pinstance: Pgs_main_instance; argc: integer;
argv: PPAnsiChar): integer; stdcall;

and successfully compiled code at Win32&Win64

Finally thank omata very much
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