Registriert seit: 23. Mai 2011 Ort: Görlitz 150 Beiträge Delphi XE Starter |
unit uUpdate;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, UrlMon, ActiveX, StdCtrls, ShellAPI, ComCtrls, WinINet; type TfrmUpdate = class(TForm) btnUpdateCheck: TButton; MemoInfo: TMemo; Fortschritt: TProgressBar; procedure btnUpdateCheckClick(Sender: TObject); Function GetHTML(AUrl: string): string; private { Private-Deklarationen } public { Pu blic-Deklarationen } end; type cDownloadStatusCallback = class(TObject, IUnknown, IBindStatusCallback) private function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall; function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall; function _Release: Integer; stdcall; function OnStartBinding(dwReserved: DWORD; pib: IBinding): HResult; stdcall; function GetPriority(out nPriority): HResult; stdcall; function OnLowResource(reserved: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; function OnProgress(ulProgress, ulProgressMax, ulStatusCode: ULONG; szStatusText: LPCWSTR): HResult; stdcall; function OnStopBinding(HResult: HResult; szError: LPCWSTR) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBindInfo(out grfBINDF: DWORD; var bindinfo: TBindInfo) : HResult; stdcall; function OnDataAvailable(grfBSCF: DWORD; dwSize: DWORD; formatetc: PFormatEtc; stgmed: PStgMedium): HResult; stdcall; function OnObjectAvailable(const IID: TGUID; punk: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; end; var frmUpdate: TfrmUpdate; actual_version, last_version, waiting: string; cDownStatus: cDownloadStatusCallback; Datei, Ziel: PChar; rounds: Integer; usercancel: Boolean = False; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmUpdate.btnUpdateCheckClick(Sender: TObject); begin if btnUpdateCheck.Tag = 1 then begin waiting := ''; rounds := 0; sleep(10); MemoInfo.clear; application.ProcessMessages; cDownStatus := cDownloadStatusCallback.Create; try Datei := 'http://www.DeineHP.de/Setup.exe'; Ziel := 'Setup.exe'; UrlDownloadToFile(nil, Datei, Ziel, 0, cDownStatus); if MessageBox(0, 'DOWNLOAD COMPLETE, RESTART', 'Info', MB_OKCANCEL) = IDOK then Begin ShellExecute(application.Handle, 'open', PChar('Setup.exe'), nil, nil, SW_ShowNormal); application.terminate; End else begin btnUpdateCheck.Caption := 'Please install Update'; btnUpdateCheck.Enabled := False; Exit; end; except showmessage('Download aborted!'); end; end; if btnUpdateCheck.Tag = 0 then begin MemoInfo.clear; last_version := GetHTML('http://www.DeineHP.de/version.txt'); if actual_version <> last_version then begin MemoInfo.lines.add('NEW UPDATE AVAILABLE! ' + last_version); MemoInfo.lines.add ('PRESS "DOWNLOAD NEW UPDATE NOW!" Button to get newest update!'); btnUpdateCheck.Tag := 1; btnUpdateCheck.Caption := 'DOWNLOAD NEW UPDATE NOW!'; btnUpdateCheck.font.size := 18; btnUpdateCheck.font.style := [fsBold]; end else begin MemoInfo.lines.add('YOU USE THE LATEST AVAILABLE VERSION'); MemoInfo.lines.add(GetHTML('http://www.DeineHP.de/news.txt')); MemoInfo.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0); end; end; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback._AddRef: Integer; begin Result := 0; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback._Release: Integer; begin Result := 0; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; begin if (GetInterface(IID, Obj)) then begin Result := 0 end else begin Result := E_NOINTERFACE; end; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.OnStartBinding(dwReserved: DWORD; pib: IBinding): HResult; begin Result := S_OK; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.GetPriority(out nPriority): HResult; begin Result := S_OK; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.OnLowResource(reserved: DWORD): HResult; begin Result := S_OK; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.OnStopBinding(HResult: HResult; szError: LPCWSTR): HResult; stdcall; begin Result := S_OK; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.GetBindInfo(out grfBINDF: DWORD; var bindinfo: TBindInfo): HResult; stdcall; begin Result := S_OK; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.OnDataAvailable(grfBSCF: DWORD; dwSize: DWORD; formatetc: PFormatEtc; stgmed: PStgMedium): HResult; begin Result := S_OK; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.OnObjectAvailable(const IID: TGUID; punk: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; begin Result := S_OK; end; function cDownloadStatusCallback.OnProgress(ulProgress, ulProgressMax, ulStatusCode: ULONG; szStatusText: LPCWSTR): HResult; begin case ulStatusCode of BINDSTATUS_FINDINGRESOURCE: begin frmUpdate.MemoInfo.lines.add('File found on server.'); if (usercancel) then begin Result := E_ABORT; Exit; end; end; BINDSTATUS_CONNECTING: begin frmUpdate.MemoInfo.lines.add('Connecting to Server..'); if (usercancel) then begin Result := E_ABORT; Exit; end; end; BINDSTATUS_BEGINDOWNLOADDATA: begin frmUpdate.Fortschritt.Position := 0; frmUpdate.MemoInfo.lines.add('Start Downloading...'); if (usercancel) then begin Result := E_ABORT; Exit; end; end; BINDSTATUS_DOWNLOADINGDATA: begin frmUpdate.Fortschritt.Position := MulDiv(ulProgress, 100, ulProgressMax); // Form1.memo2.lines.add('Downloading.. PLEASE WAIT'); rounds := rounds + 1; // if rounds = 50 then // begin // rounds := 0; // frmUpdate.MemoInfo.lines.Delete(frmUpdate.MemoInfo.lines.Count - 1); // waiting := waiting + '.'; // frmUpdate.MemoInfo.lines.add('Downloading new Update' + waiting); // end; if (usercancel) then begin Result := E_ABORT; Exit; end; end; BINDSTATUS_ENDDOWNLOADDATA: begin frmUpdate.MemoInfo.lines.add('DOWNLOAD FINISHED!'); end; end; Result := S_OK; end; Function TfrmUpdate.GetHTML(AUrl: string): string; var databuffer: array [0 .. 4095] of char; ResStr: string; hSession, hfile: hInternet; dwindex, dwcodelen, dwread, dwNumber: cardinal; dwcode: array [1 .. 20] of char; res: PChar; Str: PChar; begin ResStr := ''; Result := ''; if pos('http://', lowercase(AUrl)) = 0 then AUrl := 'http://' + AUrl; hSession := InternetOpen('InetURL:/1.0', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0); If assigned(hSession) Then Try hfile := InternetOpenUrl(hSession, PChar(AUrl), nil, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if assigned(hfile) then Try dwindex := 0; dwcodelen := 10; HttpQueryInfo(hfile, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, @dwcode, dwcodelen, dwindex); res := PChar(@dwcode); dwNumber := sizeof(databuffer) - 1; if (res = '200') or (res = '302') then begin while (InternetReadfile(hfile, @databuffer, dwNumber, dwread)) AND (dwread <> 0) do begin databuffer[dwread] := #0; Str := PChar(@databuffer); ResStr := ResStr + Str; end; end else ResStr := 'Status:' + res; Finally InternetCloseHandle(hfile); End; Finally InternetCloseHandle(hSession); End; Result := ResStr; end; end. |
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