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WM_PASTE system-wide hook

Ein Thema von randy_dom · begonnen am 12. Apr 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Apr 2012
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WM_PASTE system-wide hook

  Alt 12. Apr 2012, 17:47
Hi , Is there any way i can hook the Clipboard WM_PASTE operation , i know i must refer to WH_GetMessage hook procedure But really i don't how to implement it .

for WM_COPY i use this in a Hook Dll :

function SysMsgProc(Code:integer; wParam: Word; lParam: Longint) : longint; stdcall;
CallNextHookEx(SysHook, Code, wParam, lParam);
if code = HC_ACTION then
if TMsg(Pointer(lParam)^).message = WM_COPY then
MessageBox(0, 'Copy Operation Detected', 'my DLL', 0);
I need to hook the WM_PASTE for all Processes .

many thanks
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AW: WM_PASTE system-wide hook

  Alt 14. Apr 2012, 17:00
System-wide? Simply put: nope there isn't. Each hook is limited to the window station in which it was installed.

But quite frankly it would make more sense had you also commented on what you are trying to achieve.

Installing a clipboard viewer, for example, is more than enough to achieve what you are trying with the WM_COPY hook you gave as sample code.

Aside from that each global hook (with few exceptions such as low-level keyboard hooks) causes the DLL with the hook function to be injected into the target process. This will only work if the bitness of process and DLL agree. If not, this will simply fail.
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