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Writing macro in delphi for ms word

Ein Thema von apolon · begonnen am 22. Feb 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 23. Feb 2004
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Registriert seit: 12. Apr 2003
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Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 22. Feb 2004, 21:54
Hi All

Sorry I can not speak german well

I have a question.
How can i write a macro for ms Word in delphi?

best regards
some men are born to be heroes
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Re: Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 22. Feb 2004, 22:05
Hi apolon
Unfortunatly I'm not one to be bothered with OLE & Word automation (would be fortunatly for me ).
But maybe this will help you.
I just took a look on google using these searchwords Bei Google suchendelphi AND word AND macro AND ole .
Good look...
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22. Feb 2004, 22:06
Dieses Thema wurde von "Daniel" von "VCL-Komponenten und Controls" nach "Sonstige Fragen zu Delphi" verschoben.
Benutzerbild von Stanlay Hanks
Stanlay Hanks

Registriert seit: 1. Mär 2003
2.078 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 22. Feb 2004, 22:08
Hi apolon!

I'm not sure, but I think, it is not possible to write macros for ms word in delphi because this macros are written in basic or in another ms language (I hope that's right). What do you want to do? Do you want to remote control Word (printing, new document...)? Then you could use the server components that are included in Delphi (7?). Or, if you want to call word macros from delphi: click

Bye, Stanlay

PS: I'm sure, I made a lot of mistakes please ignore them

ps: I see, Robert posted the same link
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Registriert seit: 12. Apr 2003
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Re: Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 22. Feb 2004, 22:12
Hi my friends

Thanks a lot for your answers.

I want to put a memo on form and write VBA Codes then send these codes to word and name them to a macro in my Doc file.

IS it possible?
some men are born to be heroes
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Benutzerbild von Stanlay Hanks
Stanlay Hanks

Registriert seit: 1. Mär 2003
2.078 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 22. Feb 2004, 22:17
Hi! I can't believe that this is possible because the possibility of executing external source in a word document, would be a serious security leak

Bye, Stanlay
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Re: Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 22. Feb 2004, 22:30
As I said I got no experiences with OLE & Word automation, but let me suggest you a way.
As you propably know, these VBA modules are saved in plain text. Maybe you can build one dynamicly and add it to the user's
Now you can access all your macros, just like shown in the link above.
Or you can get a clue of this page, I couldn't without any OLE experiences...

p.s.: Don't hurt me for writing crap
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Benutzerbild von Stanlay Hanks
Stanlay Hanks

Registriert seit: 1. Mär 2003
2.078 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 22. Feb 2004, 22:34
@Robert: Is it possible to change the during using word or editing a word document?
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Re: Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 22. Feb 2004, 22:35
OK, you did it, now i'm curious...
I'll give it a try...
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Re: Writing macro in delphi for ms word

  Alt 23. Feb 2004, 00:08
Sorry, i was forced ( ) to watch "Finding nemo".
I'll get back to it tomorrow...
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