Registriert seit: 12. Aug 2009 11 Beiträge |
wahrscheinlich bin ich einfach zu dähmlich, habe eine SBF Datei, in der zwei Bilder (JPG) integriert sind, das erste Bild ( 8bit) kann ich ohne weiteres einlesen und darstellen, das zweite Bild bekomme ich aber nicht geregelt. Hier die Unit LibGfl von XNView, kann mir jemand helfen? Ich lege einmal eine solche SBF Datei bei. Vielen lieben Dank unit LibGfl; interface uses windows; {$ALIGN ON} // Aligned record fields {$IFDEF WIN32} // KH: added for use with Win98 {$DEFINE MSWINDOWS} //{$DEFINE UNICODE_SUPPORT} //** remove it: you don't use Unicode or DLL doesn’t support it ** {$ENDIF} const GflDLL = 'libgfl340.dll'; // DLL filename GfleDLL = 'libgfle340.dll'; // DLL filename GFL_VERSION = '340'; GFL_FALSE = 0; GFL_TRUE = 1; type GFL_INT8 = ShortInt; GFL_UINT8 = Byte; PGFL_UINT8 = ^GFL_UINT8; // IN! GFL_INT16 = SmallInt; GFL_UINT16 = Word; PGFL_UINT16 = ^GFL_UINT16; //IS GFL_INT32 = LongInt; GFL_UINT32 = LongWord; PGFL_UINT32 = ^GFL_UINT32; GFL_BOOL = Byte; PGFL_Point = ^TGFL_Point; TGFL_POINT = record x,y: GFL_INT32; end; PGFL_RECT = ^TGFL_RECT; TGFL_Rect = record x,y, w,h: GFL_INT32; end; // ERROR type GFL_ERROR = GFL_INT16; const GFL_NO_ERROR = 0; GFL_ERROR_FILE_OPEN = 1; GFL_ERROR_FILE_READ = 2; GFL_ERROR_FILE_CREATE = 3; GFL_ERROR_FILE_WRITE = 4; GFL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY = 5; GFL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT = 6; GFL_ERROR_BAD_BITMAP = 7; GFL_ERROR_BAD_FORMAT_INDEX = 10; GFL_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS = 50; GFL_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 255; // ORIGIN type type GFL_ORIGIN = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_LEFT = $00; GFL_TOP = $00; GFL_RIGHT = $01; GFL_BOTTOM = $10; GFL_TOP_LEFT = GFL_TOP or GFL_LEFT; GFL_BOTTOM_LEFT = GFL_BOTTOM or GFL_LEFT; GFL_TOP_RIGHT = GFL_TOP or GFL_RIGHT; GFL_BOTTOM_RIGHT = GFL_BOTTOM or GFL_RIGHT; // COMPRESSION type type GFL_COMPRESSION = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_NO_COMPRESSION = 0; GFL_RLE = 1; GFL_LZW = 2; GFL_JPEG = 3; GFL_ZIP = 4; GFL_SGI_RLE = 5; GFL_CCITT_RLE = 6; GFL_CCITT_FAX3 = 7; GFL_CCITT_FAX3_2D = 8; GFL_CCITT_FAX4 = 9; GFL_WAVELET = 10; GFL_LZW_PREDICTOR = 11; GFL_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION = 255; // BITMAP type type GFL_BITMAP_TYPE = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_BINARY = $0001; GFL_GREY = $0002; GFL_COLORS = $0004; GFL_RGB = $0010; GFL_RGBA = $0020; GFL_BGR = $0040; GFL_ABGR = $0080; GFL_BGRA = $0100; GFL_ARGB = $0200; GFL_CMYK = $0400; // gflBitmapGetIsTrueColors GFL_TRUECOLORS = GFL_RGB or GFL_RGBA or GFL_BGR or GFL_ABGR or GFL_BGRA or GFL_ARGB or GFL_CMYK; // gflBitmapGetIs24Bits GFL_IS24BITS = GFL_BGR or GFL_RGB; {* * ~OBSOLETE *} //* Only for gflBitmapTypeIsSupportedByIndex or gflBitmapTypeIsSupportedByName */ GFL_24BITS = $1000; GFL_32BITS = $2000; GFL_48BITS = $4000; GFL_64BITS = $8000; // Color Palette type PGFL_COLORMAP = ^TGFL_COLORMAP; TGFL_COLORMAP = record Red: array[0..255] of GFL_UINT8; Green: array[0..255] of GFL_UINT8; Blue: array[0..255] of GFL_UINT8; Alpha: array[0..255] of GFL_UINT8; end; // Color type PGFL_COLOR = ^TGFL_COLOR; TGFL_COLOR = record Red: GFL_UINT16; Green: GFL_UINT16; Blue: GFL_UINT16; Alpha: GFL_UINT16; end; // BITMAP type PGFL_BITMAP = ^TGFL_BITMAP; PPGFL_BITMAP = ^PGFL_BITMAP; TGFL_BITMAP = record BType: GFL_BITMAP_TYPE; Origin: GFL_ORIGIN; Width: GFL_INT32; Height: GFL_INT32; BytesPerLine: GFL_UINT32; LinePadding: GFL_INT16; BitsPerComponent: GFL_UINT16; //* 1, 8, 10, 12, 16 */ ComponentsPerPixel: GFL_UINT16; //* 1, 3, 4 */ BytesPerPixel: GFL_UINT16; //* Only valid for 8 or more bits */ Xdpi: GFL_UINT16; Ydpi: GFL_UINT16; TransparentIndex: GFL_INT16; // -1 if not used Reserved: GFL_INT16; ColorUsed: GFL_INT32; ColorMap: PGFL_COLORMAP; Data: PGFL_UINT8; Comment: PChar; MetaData: Pointer; XOffset: GFL_INT32; YOffset: GFL_INT32; ExtrasInfo: Pointer; Name: PChar; end; // Channels Order type GFL_CORDER = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_CORDER_INTERLEAVED = 0; GFL_CORDER_SEQUENTIAL = 1; GFL_CORDER_SEPARATE = 2; // Channels Type type GFL_CTYPE = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_CTYPE_GREYSCALE = 0; GFL_CTYPE_RGB = 1; GFL_CTYPE_BGR = 2; GFL_CTYPE_RGBA = 3; GFL_CTYPE_ABGR = 4; GFL_CTYPE_CMY = 5; GFL_CTYPE_CMYK = 6; // Lut Type (For DPX/Cineon) type GFL_LUT_TYPE = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_LUT_TO8BITS = 1; GFL_LUT_TO10BITS = 2; GFL_LUT_TO12BITS = 3; GFL_LUT_TO16BITS = 4; // Callbacks type GFL_HANDLE = Pointer; GFL_ALLOC_CALLBACK = procedure(size: GFL_UINT32; param: Pointer); stdcall; GFL_REALLOC_CALLBACK = procedure(ptr: Pointer; newsize: GFL_UINT32; param: Pointer); stdcall; GFL_FREE_CALLBACK = procedure(buffer: Pointer; param: Pointer); stdcall; GFL_READ_CALLBACK = function(handle: GFL_HANDLE; var buffer: Pointer; size: GFL_UINT32): GFL_UINT32; stdcall; GFL_TELL_CALLBACK = function(handle: GFL_HANDLE): GFL_UINT32; stdcall; GFL_SEEK_CALLBACK = function(handle: GFL_HANDLE; offset: GFL_INT32; origin: GFL_INT32): GFL_UINT32; stdcall; GFL_WRITE_CALLBACK = function(handle: GFL_HANDLE; buffer: Pointer; size: GFL_UINT32): GFL_UINT32; stdcall; GFL_ALLOCATEBITMAP_CALLBACK = function(width: GFL_INT32; height: GFL_INT32; number_component: GFL_INT32; bits_per_component: GFL_INT32; padding: GFL_INT32; bytes_per_line: GFL_INT32; user_params: Pointer): GFL_UINT32; stdcall; GFL_PROGRESS_CALLBACK = procedure(percent: GFL_INT32; user_params: Pointer); stdcall; GFL_WANTCANCEL_CALLBACK = function(user_params: Pointer): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; GFL_VIRTUAL_SAVE_CALLBACK = function(user_params: Pointer): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; type TGFL_LoadCallbacks = record Read: GFL_READ_CALLBACK; Tell: GFL_TELL_CALLBACK; Seek: GFL_SEEK_CALLBACK; AllocateBitmap: GFL_ALLOCATEBITMAP_CALLBACK; AllocateBitmapParams : Pointer; Progress: GFL_PROGRESS_CALLBACK; ProgressParams : Pointer; WantCancel: GFL_WANTCANCEL_CALLBACK; WantCancelParams : Pointer; end; type TGFL_SaveCallbacks = record Write: GFL_WRITE_CALLBACK; Tell: GFL_TELL_CALLBACK; Seek: GFL_SEEK_CALLBACK; GetLine: GFL_VIRTUAL_SAVE_CALLBACK; GetLineParams : Pointer; end; // LOAD_PARAMS Flags const GFL_LOAD_SKIP_ALPHA = $0001; GFL_LOAD_IGNORE_READ_ERROR = $0002; GFL_LOAD_BY_EXTENSION_ONLY = $0004; GFL_LOAD_READ_ALL_COMMENT = $0008; GFL_LOAD_FORCE_COLOR_MODEL = $0010; GFL_LOAD_PREVIEW_NO_CANVAS_RESIZE = $0020; GFL_LOAD_BINARY_AS_GREY = $0040; GFL_LOAD_ORIGINAL_COLORMODEL = $0080; GFL_LOAD_ONLY_FIRST_FRAME = $0100; GFL_LOAD_ORIGINAL_DEPTH = $0200; GFL_LOAD_METADATA = $0400; GFL_LOAD_COMMENT = $0800; GFL_LOAD_HIGH_QUALITY_THUMBNAIL = $1000; GFL_LOAD_EMBEDDED_THUMBNAIL = $2000; GFL_LOAD_ORIENTED_THUMBNAIL = $4000; GFL_LOAD_ORIGINAL_EMBEDDED_THUMBNAIL = $00008000; GFL_LOAD_ORIENTED = $00008000; // LOAD_PARAMS type PGFL_LOAD_PARAMS = ^TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS = record Flags: GFL_UINT32; FormatIndex: GFL_INT32; // -1 for automatic recognition ImageWanted: GFL_INT32; // for multi-page or animated file Origin: GFL_ORIGIN; // default: GFL_TOP_LEFT ColorModel: GFL_BITMAP_TYPE; // Only for 24/32 bits picture, GFL_RGB/GFL_RGBA (default), GFL_BGR/GFL_ABGR, GFL_BGRA, GFL_ARGB */ LinePadding: GFL_UINT32; // 1, 2, 4, ... DefaultAlpha: GFL_UINT8; // Used if alpha doesn't exist in original file & ColorModel=RGBA/BGRA/ABGR/ARGB */ PsdNoAlphaForNonLayer: GFL_UINT8; PngComposeWithAlpha: GFL_UINT8; WMFHighResolution: GFL_UINT8; // for RAW/YUV Width: GFL_INT32; Height: GFL_INT32; Offset: GFL_UINT32; // for RAW ChannelOrder: GFL_CORDER; ChannelType: GFL_CTYPE; // for PCD PcdBase: GFL_UINT16; // PCD -> 2:768x576, 1:384x288, 0:192x144 // For Eps EpsDpi: GFL_UINT16; EpsWidth: GFL_INT32; EpsHeight: GFL_INT32; // For Dpx, Cineon LutType: GFL_LUT_TYPE; // GFL_LUT_TO8BITS, GFL_LUT_TO10BITS, GFL_LUT_TO12BITS, GFL_LUT_TO16BITS */ CompressRatio : GFL_UINT16; MaxFileSize : GFL_UINT32; LutData: PGFL_UINT16; // RRRR.../GGGG..../BBBB..... LutFilename: PChar; // Camera RAW only CameraRawUseAutomaticBalance: GFL_UINT8; CameraRawUseCameraBalance: GFL_UINT8; Reserved4: GFL_UINT16; CameraRawGamma: Single; CameraRawBrightness: Single; CameraRawRedScaling: Single; CameraRawBlueScaling: Single; CameraRawFilterDomain: Single; CameraRawFilterRange: Single; // Own callback Callbacks: TGFL_LoadCallbacks; UserParams: Pointer; end; // SAVE_PARAMS // support of GFL_BITMAP ChannelTypes: GFL_RGB + GFL_RGBA + GFL_BGR // support of GFL_BITMAP OriginTypes: GFL_TOP_LEFT + GFL_BOTTOM_LEFT const GFL_SAVE_REPLACE_EXTENSION = $0001; GFL_SAVE_WANT_FILENAME = $0002; GFL_SAVE_ANYWAY = $0004; GFL_SAVE_ICC_PROFILE = $0008; //* Currently only available for jpeg */ GFL_BYTE_ORDER_DEFAULT = 0; GFL_BYTE_ORDER_LSBF = 1; GFL_BYTE_ORDER_MSBF = 2; type PGFL_SAVE_PARAMS = ^TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS; TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS = record Flags: GFL_UINT32; FormatIndex: GFL_INT32; Compression: GFL_COMPRESSION; Quality: GFL_INT16; // Jpeg + Wic + Fpx CompressionLevel: GFL_INT16; // Png Interlaced: GFL_BOOL; // Gif Progressive: GFL_BOOL; // Jpeg OptimizeHuffmanTable: GFL_BOOL; // Jpeg InAscii: GFL_BOOL; // PPM // For Dpx, Cineon LutType: GFL_LUT_TYPE; //* GFL_LUT_TO8BITS, GFL_LUT_TO10BITS, GFL_LUT_TO12BITS, GFL_LUT_TO16BITS // GFL_BYTE_ORDER 0..2 DpxByteOrder : GFL_UINT8; Reserved3 : GFL_UINT8; LutData: PGFL_UINT16; //* RRRR.../GGGG..../BBBB..... LutFilename: PChar; // For RAW/YUV Offset: GFL_UINT32; ChannelOrder: GFL_CORDER; ChannelType: GFL_CTYPE; // Own callback Callbacks: TGFL_SaveCallbacks; UserParams: Pointer; end; // Color model type GFL_COLORMODEL = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_CM_RGB = 0; GFL_CM_GREY = 1; GFL_CM_CMY = 2; GFL_CM_CMYK = 3; GFL_CM_YCBCR = 4; GFL_CM_YUV16 = 5; GFL_CM_LAB = 6; GFL_CM_LOGLUV = 7; GFL_CM_LOGL = 8; // FILE_INFORMATION type PGFL_FILE_INFORMATION = ^TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION; TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION = record BType: GFL_BITMAP_TYPE; //* Not used */ Origin: GFL_ORIGIN; Width: GFL_INT32; Height: GFL_INT32; FormatIndex: GFL_INT32; FormatName: array[0..7] of char; Description: array[0..63] of char; Xdpi: GFL_UINT16; Ydpi: GFL_UINT16; BitsPerComponent: GFL_UINT16; ComponentsPerPixel: GFL_UINT16; NumberOfImages: GFL_INT32; FileSize: GFL_UINT32; ColorModel: GFL_COLORMODEL; Compression: GFL_COMPRESSION; CompressionDescription: array[0..63] of char; XOffset: GFL_INT32; YOffset: GFL_INT32; end; const GFL_READ = $01; GFL_WRITE = $02; // FORMAT_INFORMATION type PGFL_FORMAT_INFORMATION = ^TGFL_FORMAT_INFORMATION; TGFL_FORMAT_INFORMATION = record Index: GFL_INT32; Name: array[0..7] of char; Description: array[0..63] of char; Status: GFL_UINT32; NumberOfExtension: GFL_UINT32; Extension: array[0..15, 0..7] of char; end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions in LibGflxxx.dll //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Common Memory Handling function gflMemoryAlloc(size: GFL_UINT32): Pointer; stdcall; function gflMemoryRealloc(Ptr: Pointer; size: GFL_UINT32): Pointer; stdcall; procedure gflMemoryFree(Ptr: Pointer); stdcall; // Version Info function gflGetVersion: PChar; stdcall; function gflGetVersionOfLibformat: PChar; stdcall; function gflGetErrorString(error: GFL_ERROR): PChar; stdcall; // Initialization function gflLibraryInit: GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLibraryInitEx(alloc_callback: GFL_ALLOC_CALLBACK; realloc_callback: GFL_REALLOC_CALLBACK; free_callback: GFL_FREE_CALLBACK; user_parms: Pointer): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; procedure gflLibraryExit; stdcall; procedure gflEnableLZW(value: GFL_BOOL); stdcall; procedure gflSetPluginsPathname(const pathname: PChar); stdcall; // Info of supported save params type GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_TYPE= GFL_UINT32; const GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_QUALITY = 0; //* 0<=quality<=100 */ GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 1; //* 0<=level<=9 */ GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_INTERLACED = 2; GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_PROGRESSIVE = 3; GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_OPTIMIZE_HUFFMAN = 4; GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_IN_ASCII = 5; GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_LUT = 6; function gflSaveParamsIsSupportedByIndex(index: GFL_INT32; params_type: GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_TYPE): GFL_Bool; stdcall; function gflSaveParamsIsSupportedByName(const name: PChar; params_type: GFL_SAVE_PARAMS_TYPE): GFL_Bool; stdcall; function gflCompressionIsSupportedByIndex(index: GFL_INT32; comp: GFL_COMPRESSION): GFL_Bool; stdcall; function gflCompressionIsSupportedByName(const name: PChar; comp: GFL_COMPRESSION): GFL_Bool; stdcall; function gflBitmapIsSupportedByIndex(index: GFL_INT32; const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_Bool; stdcall; function gflBitmapIsSupportedByName(const name: PChar; const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_Bool; stdcall; function gflBitmapTypeIsSupportedByIndex(index: GFL_INT32; btype: GFL_BITMAP_TYPE; bits_per_component: GFL_UINT16): GFL_Bool; stdcall; function gflBitmapTypeIsSupportedByName(const name: PChar; btype: GFL_BITMAP_TYPE; bits_per_component: GFL_UINT16): GFL_Bool; stdcall; // Infos of supported Formats function gflGetNumberOfFormat: GFL_INT32; stdcall; function gflGetFormatIndexByName(const name: PChar): GFL_INT32; stdcall; function gflGetFormatNameByIndex(index: GFL_INT32): PChar; stdcall; function gflFormatIsSupported(const name: PChar): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflFormatIsWritableByIndex(index: GFL_INT32): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflFormatIsWritableByName(const name: PChar): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflFormatIsReadableByIndex(index: GFL_INT32): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflFormatIsReadableByName(const name: PChar): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflGetDefaultFormatSuffixByIndex(index: GFL_INT32): PChar; stdcall; function gflGetDefaultFormatSuffixByName(const name: PChar): PChar; stdcall; function gflGetFormatDescriptionByIndex(index: GFL_INT32): PChar; stdcall; function gflGetFormatDescriptionByName(const name: PChar): PChar; stdcall; function gflGetFormatInformationByName(const name: PChar; var info: TGFL_FORMAT_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflGetFormatInformationByIndex(index: GFL_INT32; var info: TGFL_FORMAT_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflGetLabelForColorModel(color_model: GFL_COLORMODEL): PChar; stdcall; function gflGetFileInformation(const filename: PChar; index: GFL_INT32; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; { function gflGetFileInformationEx(const filename: PChar; index: GFL_INT32; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION; load_infos GFL_UINT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; } function gflGetFileInformationFromHandle(handle : GFL_HANDLE; index: GFL_INT32; const callbacks: TGFL_LoadCallbacks; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflGetFileInformationFromMemory(const data: PGFL_UINT8; data_length : GFL_UINT32; index: GFL_INT32; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; procedure gflFreeFileInformation(var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION); stdcall; // Loading and Saving procedure gflGetDefaultLoadParams(var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS); stdcall; procedure gflGetDefaultSaveParams(var params: TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS); stdcall; procedure gflGetDefaultThumbnailParams(var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS); stdcall; procedure gflGetDefaultPreviewParams(var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS); stdcall; function gflLoadBitmap(const filename: PChar; var bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadBitmapFromHandle(handle: GFL_HANDLE; var bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadBitmapFromMemory(const data: PGFL_UINT8; data_length : GFL_UINT32; var bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadThumbnail(const filename: PChar; width, height: GFL_INT32; var bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadThumbnailFromHandle(handle: GFL_HANDLE; width, height: GFL_INT32; var bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadThumbnailFromMemory(const data: PGFL_UINT8; data_length : GFL_UINT32; width, height: GFL_INT32; var bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; const params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSaveBitmap(filename: PChar; const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSaveBitmapIntoHandle(handle: GFL_HANDLE; const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSaveBitmapIntoMemory(var data: PGFL_UINT8; data_length: PGFL_UINT32; const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; const params : TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; // Unicode support {$IFDEF UNICODE_SUPPORT} procedure gflSetPluginsPathnameW(const S: PWideChar); stdcall; function gflLoadBitmapW(const filename: PWideChar; var Bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadThumbnailW(const filename: PWideChar; width, height: GFL_INT32; var bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSaveBitmapW(filename: PWideChar; const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; const params: TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflGetFileInformationW(const filename: PWideChar; index: GFL_INT32; const info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$ENDIF} // Bitmap Memory Handling function gflAllockBitmap(BType: GFL_BITMAP_TYPE; width, height, line_padding: GFL_INT32; const color: PGFL_COLOR): PGFL_BITMAP; stdcall; function gflAllockBitmapEx(BType: GFL_BITMAP_TYPE; width, height: GFL_INT32; bits_per_component: GFL_UINT16; padding: GFL_UINT32; const color: PGFL_COLOR): PGFL_BITMAP; stdcall; procedure gflFreeBitmap(bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP); stdcall; procedure gflFreeBitmapData(bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP); stdcall; function gflCloneBitmap(bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP): PGFL_BITMAP; stdcall; procedure gflBitmapSetName(var bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; const name: PChar); stdcall; // Multi-page file type GFL_FILE_HANDLE = Pointer; function gflFileCreate(var handle: GFL_FILE_HANDLE; const filename: PChar; image_count: GFL_UINT32; var params: TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$IFDEF UNICODE_SUPPORT} //* UNICODE support */ function gflFileCreateW(var handle: GFL_FILE_HANDLE; const filename: PWideChar; image_count: GFL_UINT32; var params: TGFL_SAVE_PARAMS): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$ENDIF} function gflFileAddPicture(handle: GFL_FILE_HANDLE; const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; procedure gflFileClose(handle: GFL_FILE_HANDLE); stdcall; // Bitmap resize const GFL_RESIZE_QUICK = 0; GFL_RESIZE_BILINEAR = 1; GFL_RESIZE_HERMITE = 2; GFL_RESIZE_GAUSSIAN = 3; GFL_RESIZE_BELL = 4; GFL_RESIZE_BSPLINE = 5; GFL_RESIZE_MITSHELL = 6; GFL_RESIZE_LANCZOS = 7; function gflResize(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; width, height: GFL_INT32; resize_mode, flags: GFL_UINT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; type GFL_MODE = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_MODE_TO_BINARY = 1; GFL_MODE_TO_4GREY = 2; GFL_MODE_TO_8GREY = 3; GFL_MODE_TO_16GREY = 4; GFL_MODE_TO_32GREY = 5; GFL_MODE_TO_64GREY = 6; GFL_MODE_TO_128GREY = 7; GFL_MODE_TO_216GREY = 8; GFL_MODE_TO_256GREY = 9; GFL_MODE_TO_8COLORS = 12; GFL_MODE_TO_16COLORS = 13; GFL_MODE_TO_32COLORS = 14; GFL_MODE_TO_64COLORS = 15; GFL_MODE_TO_128COLORS = 16; GFL_MODE_TO_216COLORS = 17; GFL_MODE_TO_256COLORS = 18; GFL_MODE_TO_RGB = 19; GFL_MODE_TO_RGBA = 20; GFL_MODE_TO_BGR = 21; GFL_MODE_TO_ABGR = 22; GFL_MODE_TO_BGRA = 23; GFL_MODE_TO_ARGB = 24; GFL_MODE_TO_TRUECOLORS = GFL_MODE_TO_RGB; // GFL_MODE_TO_BGR ?? For compatibility type GFL_MODE_PARAMS = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_MODE_NO_DITHER = 0; GFL_MODE_PATTERN_DITHER = 1; GFL_MODE_HALTONE45_DITHER = 2; // Only with GFL_MODE_TO_BINARY GFL_MODE_HALTONE90_DITHER = 3; // Only with GFL_MODE_TO_BINARY GFL_MODE_ADAPTIVE = 4; GFL_MODE_FLOYD_STEINBERG = 5; // Pierre says: Only with GFL_MODE_TO_BINARY // I tested with 8 and 4 Bit and test is OK ?? function gflChangeColorDepth(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; color_mode: GFL_MODE; mode_params: GFL_MODE_PARAMS): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflFlipVertical(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflFlipHorizontal(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflCrop(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; rect: PGFL_RECT): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflAutoCrop(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; var color: TGFL_COLOR; tolerance: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflAutoCrop2(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; var color: TGFL_COLOR; tolerance: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; type GFL_CANVASRESIZE = GFL_UINT32; const GFL_CANVASRESIZE_TOPLEFT = 0; GFL_CANVASRESIZE_TOP = 1; GFL_CANVASRESIZE_TOPRIGHT = 2; GFL_CANVASRESIZE_LEFT = 3; GFL_CANVASRESIZE_CENTER = 4; GFL_CANVASRESIZE_RIGHT = 5; GFL_CANVASRESIZE_BOTTOMLEFT = 6; GFL_CANVASRESIZE_BOTTOM = 7; GFL_CANVASRESIZE_BOTTOMRIGHT = 8; function gflResizeCanvas(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; width, height: GFL_INT32; resize_mode: GFL_CANVASRESIZE; var color: PGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflScaleToGrey(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; width, height: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflRotate(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; angle: GFL_INT32; var color: TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflRotateFine(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; angle: double; var color: TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflBitblt(src: PGFL_BITMAP; rect: PGFL_RECT; dst: PGFL_BITMAP; x_dest, y_dest: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflBitbltEx(src: PGFL_BITMAP; rect: PGFL_RECT; dst: PGFL_BITMAP; x_dest, y_dest: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflMerge(const src: PGFL_BITMAP; origin: PGFL_POINT; opacity: GFL_UINT32; num_bitmap: GFL_INT32; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflCombineAlpha(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; var color: TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSetTransparentColor(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; var mask_color, back_color: TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {** FIXME: I'm not C experts, is it a Pointer of data line y or of all bitmap data #define gflGetBitmapPtr( _bitmap, _y ) \ ((_bitmap)->Data + (_y) * (_bitmap)->BytesPerLine) **} function gflGetBitmapPtr(var bitmap: PGFL_Bitmap; y_line: Integer): PGFL_UINT8; function gflGetColorAt(const src: PGFL_BITMAP; x, y: GFL_INT32; var color: TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSetColorAt(var dst: PGFL_BITMAP; x, y: GFL_INT32; var color: TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflGetColorAtEx(const src: PGFL_BITMAP; ptr: PGFL_UINT8; var color: TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSetColorAtEx(var dst: PGFL_BITMAP; ptr: PGFL_UINT8; var color: TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflReplaceColor(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; color, new_color: PGFL_COLOR; tolerance: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; // EXIF const GFL_EXIF_IFD_0 = $0001; GFL_EXIF_MAIN_IFD = $0002; GFL_EXIF_INTEROPERABILITY_IFD = $0004; GFL_EXIF_IFD_THUMBNAIL = $0008; GFL_EXIF_GPS_IFD = $0010; GFL_EXIF_MAKERNOTE_IFD = $0020; GFL_EXIF_MAKER = $010F; GFL_EXIF_MODEL = $0110; GFL_EXIF_ORIENTATION = $0112; GFL_EXIF_EXPOSURETIME = $829A; GFL_EXIF_FNUMBER = $829D; GFL_EXIF_DATETIME_ORIGINAL = $9003; GFL_EXIF_SHUTTERSPEED = $9201; GFL_EXIF_APERTURE = $9202; GFL_EXIF_MAXAPERTURE = $9205; GFL_EXIF_FOCALLENGTH = $920A; { /* * For advanced developer only!!! */ const GFL_EXIF_BYTE = 1; GFL_EXIF_STRING = 2; GFL_EXIF_USHORT = 3; GFL_EXIF_ULONG = 4; GFL_EXIF_URATIONAL = 5; GFL_EXIF_SBYTE = 6; GFL_EXIF_UNDEFINED = 7; GFL_EXIF_SSHORT = 8; GFL_EXIF_SLONG = 9; GFL_EXIF_SRATIONAL = 10; GFL_EXIF_SINGLEF = 11; GFL_EXIF_DOUBLE = 12; } type PGFL_EXIF_ENTRY = ^TGFL_EXIF_ENTRY; TGFL_EXIF_ENTRY = packed record Flag : GFL_UINT32; // EXIF_...IFD Tag : GFL_UINT32; Name : PChar; Value : PChar; end; PTTabGFL_EXIF_ENTRY = ^TTabGFL_EXIF_ENTRY; TTabGFL_EXIF_ENTRY = array [0..0] of TGFL_EXIF_ENTRY; PGFL_EXIF_DATA = ^TGFL_EXIF_DATA; TGFL_EXIF_DATA = packed record NumberOfItems : GFL_UINT32; ItemsList : PTTabGFL_EXIF_ENTRY; // PGFL_EXIF_ENTRY; end; function gflBitmapHasEXIF(src: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflBitmapGetEXIF(src: PGFL_BITMAP; flags: GFL_UINT32): PGFL_EXIF_DATA; stdcall; procedure gflFreeEXIF(exif: PGFL_EXIF_DATA); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFThumbnail(bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; const thumb_bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapRemoveEXIFThumbnail(src: PGFL_BITMAP); stdcall; // exif from file function gflLoadEXIF(const filename: PChar; flags: GFL_UINT32): PGFL_EXIF_DATA; stdcall; {$IFDEF UNICODE_SUPPORT} //* UNICODE support */ function gflLoadEXIFW(const filename: PWideChar; flags: GFL_UINT32): PGFL_EXIF_DATA; stdcall; {$ENDIF} //****** GPo 2008 //***** all exif and iptc records changed to packed records //***** {/* * For Advanced developer only Exif 2 /*} const GFL_EXIF_BYTE = 1; GFL_EXIF_STRING = 2; GFL_EXIF_USHORT = 3; GFL_EXIF_ULONG = 4; GFL_EXIF_URATIONAL = 5; GFL_EXIF_SBYTE = 6; GFL_EXIF_UNDEFINED = 7; GFL_EXIF_SSHORT = 8; GFL_EXIF_SLONG = 9; GFL_EXIF_SRATIONAL = 10; GFL_EXIF_SINGLEF = 11; GFL_EXIF_DOUBLE = 12; type PGFL_EXIF_ENTRYEX= ^TGFL_EXIF_ENTRYEX; TGFL_EXIF_ENTRYEX = packed record Tag: GFL_UINT16; Format: GFL_UINT16; lfd: GFL_INT32; NumberOfComponents: GFL_INT32; Value: GFL_UINT32; DataLength: GFL_INT32; Data: Pointer; Next: PGFL_EXIF_ENTRYEX; end; PGFL_EXIF_DATAEX = ^TGFL_EXIF_DATAEX; TGFL_EXIF_DATAEX = packed record Root: PGFL_EXIF_ENTRYEX; UseMsbf: GFL_INT32; end; function gflBitmapGetEXIF2(bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP): PGFL_EXIF_DATAEX; stdcall; procedure gflFreeEXIF2(exif_data: PGFL_EXIF_DATAEX); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIF2(bitmap : PGFL_BITMAP; const exif : PGFL_EXIF_DATAEX); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFValueString2(exif: PGFL_EXIF_DATAEX; ifd, tag: GFL_UINT16; const value: PChar); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFValueInt2(exif: PGFL_EXIF_DATAEX; ifd,tag: GFL_UINT16; format, value: GFL_UINT32); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFValueRational2(exif: PGFL_EXIF_DATAEX; ifd, tag: GFL_UINT16; p,q: GFL_UINT32); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFValueRationalArray2(exif: PGFL_EXIF_DATAEX; ifd, tag: GFL_UINT16; const pq: PGFL_UINT32; count: GFL_INT32); stdcall; // IPTC const GFL_IPTC_BYLINE = $50; GFL_IPTC_BYLINETITLE = $55; GFL_IPTC_CREDITS = $6e; GFL_IPTC_SOURCE = $73; GFL_IPTC_CAPTIONWRITER = $7a; GFL_IPTC_CAPTION = $78; GFL_IPTC_HEADLINE = $69; GFL_IPTC_SPECIALINSTRUCTIONS = $28; GFL_IPTC_OBJECTNAME = $05; GFL_IPTC_DATECREATED = $37; GFL_IPTC_RELEASEDATE = $1e; GFL_IPTC_TIMECREATED = $3c; GFL_IPTC_RELEASETIME = $23; GFL_IPTC_CITY = $5a; GFL_IPTC_STATE = $5f; GFL_IPTC_COUNTRY = $65; GFL_IPTC_COUNTRYCODE = $64; GFL_IPTC_SUBLOCATION = $5c; GFL_IPTC_ORIGINALTRREF = $67; GFL_IPTC_CATEGORY = $0f; GFL_IPTC_COPYRIGHT = $74; GFL_IPTC_EDITSTATUS = $07; GFL_IPTC_PRIORITY = $0a; GFL_IPTC_OBJECTCYCLE = $4b; GFL_IPTC_JOBID = $16; GFL_IPTC_PROGRAM = $41; GFL_IPTC_KEYWORDS = $19; GFL_IPTC_SUPCATEGORIES = $14; GFL_IPTC_CONTENT_LOCATION = $1b; GFL_IPTC_PROGRAM_VERSION = $46; GFL_IPTC_CONTACT = $76; type PGFL_IPTC_ENTRY = ^TGFL_IPTC_ENTRY; TGFL_IPTC_ENTRY = packed record Id : GFL_UINT32; Name : PChar; Value : PChar; end; PTTabGFL_IPTC_ENTRY = ^TTabGFL_IPTC_ENTRY; TTabGFL_IPTC_ENTRY = array [0..0] of TGFL_IPTC_ENTRY; PGFL_IPTC_DATA = ^TGFL_IPTC_DATA; TGFL_IPTC_DATA = packed record NumberOfItems : GFL_UINT32; ItemsList : PTTabGFL_IPTC_ENTRY; // PGFL_IPTC_ENTRY; end; function gflBitmapHasIPTC(src: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflBitmapGetIPTC(src: PGFL_BITMAP; flags: GFL_UINT32): PGFL_IPTC_DATA; stdcall; function gflBitmapSetIPTC(src: PGFL_BITMAP; iptc_data: PGFL_IPTC_DATA): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; procedure gflFreeIPTC(iptc_data: PGFL_IPTC_DATA); stdcall; function gflNewIPTC(): PGFL_IPTC_DATA; stdcall; function gflBitmapGetIPTCValue(src: PGFL_BITMAP; id: GFL_UINT32; value: PChar; value_length: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSetIPTCValue(iptc_data: PGFL_IPTC_DATA; id: GFL_UINT32; value: PChar): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflRemoveIPTCValue(iptc_data: PGFL_IPTC_DATA; id: GFL_UINT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; // from file function gflLoadIPTC(filename: PChar): PGFL_IPTC_DATA; stdcall; function gflSaveIPTC(filename: PChar; iptc_data: PGFL_IPTC_DATA): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$IFDEF UNICODE_SUPPORT} //* UNICODE support */ function gflLoadIPTCW(const filename: PWideChar): PGFL_IPTC_DATA; stdcall; function gflSaveIPTCW(const filename: PWideChar; const iptc_data: PGFL_IPTC_DATA): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$ENDIF} function gflBitmapHasICCProfile(const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; //* pData must be freed by gflFreeMemory */ procedure gflBitmapGetICCProfile(const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var pData: PGFL_UINT8; pLength: PGFL_UINT32); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapCopyICCProfile(const src, dst: PGFL_BITMAP); stdcall; procedure gflBitmapRemoveICCProfile(bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP); stdcall; // XMP function gflBitmapGetXMP(const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var pData: PGFL_UINT8; pLength: PGFL_UINT32): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; procedure gflBitmapRemoveMetaData(src: PGFL_BITMAP); stdcall; function gflJPEGGetComment(filename: PChar; comment: PChar; max_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflJPEGSetComment(filename: PChar; comment: PChar): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; procedure gflBitmapSetComment(src: PGFL_BITMAP; comment: PChar); stdcall; function gflPNGGetComment(filename: PChar; comment: PChar; max_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflPNGSetComment(filename: PChar; comment: PChar): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$IFDEF UNICODE_SUPPORT} //* UNICODE support */ function gflJPEGGetCommentW(const filename: PWideChar; comment: PChar; max_size: Integer): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflJPEGSetCommentW(const filename: PWideChar; comment: PChar): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflPNGGetCommentW(const filename: PWideChar; comment: PChar; max_size: Integer): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflPNGSetCommentW(const filename: PWideChar; comment: PChar): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$ENDIF} // DPX LUT function gflIsLutFile(const filename: PChar): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflIsCompatibleLutFile(const filename: PChar; const components_per_pixel, bits_per_component: GFL_INT32; lut_type: GFL_LUT_TYPE): GFL_BOOL; stdcall; function gflApplyLutFile(src: PGFL_BITMAP; var dst: PGFL_BITMAP; const filename: PChar; lut_type: GFL_LUT_TYPE): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // functions in LibGflExxx.dll //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function gflGetNumberOfColorsUsed(src: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_UINT32; stdcall; function gflNegative(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflBrightness(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; brightness: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflContrast(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; contrast: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflGamma(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; gamma: double): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLogCorrection(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflNormalize(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEqualize(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEqualizeOnLuminance(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflBalance(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; var color: PGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflAdjust(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; brightness: GFL_INT32; contrast: GFL_INT32; gamma: double): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflAdjustHLS(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; hue: GFL_INT32; lightness: GFL_INT32; saturation: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflAutomaticContrast(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflAutomaticLevels(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflAverage(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; filter_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSoften(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; percentage: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflBlur(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; percentage: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflGaussianBlur(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; filter_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflMaximum(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; filter_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflMinimum(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; filter_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflMedianBox(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; filter_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflMedianCross(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; filter_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSharpen(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; percentage: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEnhanceDetail(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEnhanceFocus(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflFocusRestoration(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEdgeDetectLight(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEdgeDetectMedium(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEdgeDetectHeavy(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEmboss(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflEmbossMore(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSepia(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; percent: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflSepiaExt(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; percent: GFL_INT32; var color: PGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflReduceNoise(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflDropShadow(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; size, depth, keep_size: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; // CONVOLVE type PGFL_FILTER = ^TGFL_FILTER; TGFL_FILTER = record Size: GFL_INT16; Matrix: array[0..15, 0..7] of GFL_INT16; Divisor: GFL_INT16; Bias: GFL_INT16; end; function gflConvolve(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; var filter: PGFL_FILTER): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; // SWAP COLORS type GFL_SWAPCOLORS_MODE = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_SWAPCOLORS_RBG = 0; GFL_SWAPCOLORS_BGR = 1; GFL_SWAPCOLORS_BRG = 2; GFL_SWAPCOLORS_GRB = 3; GFL_SWAPCOLORS_GBR = 4; function gflSwapColors(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; mode: GFL_SWAPCOLORS_MODE): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; // JPEG LOSSLESS type GFL_LOSSLESS_TRANSFORM = GFL_UINT16; const GFL_LOSSLESS_TRANSFORM_NONE = 0; GFL_LOSSLESS_TRANSFORM_ROTATE90 = 1; GFL_LOSSLESS_TRANSFORM_ROTATE180 = 2; GFL_LOSSLESS_TRANSFORM_ROTATE270 = 3; GFL_LOSSLESS_TRANSFORM_VERTICAL_FLIP = 4; GFL_LOSSLESS_TRANSFORM_HORIZONTAL_FLIP = 5; function gflJpegLosslessTransform(filename: PChar; transform: GFL_LOSSLESS_TRANSFORM): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function gflConvertBitmapIntoDIB(src: PGFL_BITMAP; var hDIB: THANDLE): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflConvertBitmapIntoDIBSection(const bitmap: PGFL_BITMAP; var hDIB: HBITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflConvertBitmapIntoDDB(src: PGFL_BITMAP; var hBitmap: HBITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflConvertBitmapIntoDDBEx(src: PGFL_BITMAP; var hBitmap: HBITMAP; var background_color : TGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflConvertDIBIntoBitmap(hDIB: THANDLE; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflConvertDDBIntoBitmap(hBitmap: HBITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadBitmapIntoDIB(filename: PChar; var hDIB: THANDLE; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadBitmapIntoDIBSection(filename: PChar; var hDib: HBITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflLoadBitmapIntoDDB(filename: PChar; var hBitmap: HBITMAP; var params: TGFL_LOAD_PARAMS; var info: TGFL_FILE_INFORMATION): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflAddText(src: PGFL_BITMAP; text, font_name: PChar; x, y, font_size, orientation: GFL_INT32; italic, bold, strike_out, underline, antialias: GFL_BOOL; var color: PGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$IFDEF UNICODE_SUPPORT} //** Unicode support function gflAddTextW(dst: PGFL_BITMAP; text, font_name: PWideChar; x, y, font_size, orientation: GFL_INT32; italic, bold, strike_out, antialias, underline: GFL_Bool; var color: PGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$ENDIF} function gflGetTextExtent(var text, font_name: PChar; var font_size, orientation: GFL_INT32; var italic, bold, strike_out, underline, antialias: GFL_BOOL; var text_width, text_height: GFL_INT32): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflImportFromClipboard(dst: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflExportIntoClipboard(dst: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflImportFromHWND(hBitmap: HWND; rect: PGFL_RECT; var dst: PGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; // LINE STYLE type GFL_LINE_STYLE = GFL_UINT32; const GFL_LINE_STYLE_SOLID = 0; GFL_LINE_STYLE_DASH = 1; GFL_LINE_STYLE_DOT = 2; GFL_LINE_STYLE_DASHDOT = 3; GFL_LINE_STYLE_DASHDOTDOT = 4; function gflDrawLineColor(src: PGFL_BITMAP; x0, y0, x1, y1: GFL_INT32; line_width: GFL_UINT32; line_color: PGFL_COLOR; line_style: GFL_LINE_STYLE; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflDrawPolylineColor(src: PGFL_BITMAP; points: PGFL_POINT; num_points: GFL_INT32; line_width: GFL_UINT32; line_color: PGFL_COLOR; line_style: GFL_LINE_STYLE; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflDrawPolygonColor(src: PGFL_BITMAP; points: PGFL_POINT; num_points: GFL_INT32; fill_color: PGFL_COLOR; line_width: GFL_UINT32; line_color: PGFL_COLOR; line_style: GFL_LINE_STYLE; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflDrawRectangleColor(src: PGFL_BITMAP; x0, y0, width, height: GFL_INT32; fill_color: PGFL_COLOR; line_width: GFL_UINT32; line_color: PGFL_COLOR; line_style: GFL_LINE_STYLE; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflDrawPointColor(src: PGFL_BITMAP; x0, y0, width, height: GFL_INT32; line_width: GFL_UINT32; line_color: PGFL_COLOR; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; function gflDrawCircleColor(src: PGFL_BITMAP; x, y, radius: GFL_INT32; fill_color: PGFL_COLOR; line_width: GFL_UINT32; line_color: PGFL_COLOR; line_style: GFL_LINE_STYLE; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP): GFL_ERROR; stdcall; {$ENDIF} // lokale declarations added GPo 2008 function gflBitmapGetIsTrueColors(bitmap: PGFL_Bitmap): boolean; function gflBitmapGetIs24Bits(bitmap: PGFL_Bitmap): boolean; //************************************************** **************************** implementation //************************************************** **************************** //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // functions in LibGflxxx.dll //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // {** FIXME: I'm not C experts, is it a Pointer of data line y or of all bitmap data #define gflGetBitmapPtr( _bitmap, _y ) \ ((_bitmap)->Data + (_y) * (_bitmap)->BytesPerLine) } function gflGetBitmapPtr(var bitmap: PGFL_Bitmap; y_line: Integer): PGFL_UINT8; begin If y_line >= bitmap.Height then y_line:= bitmap.Height-1 else if y_line < 0 then y_line:= 0; Result:= PGFL_UINT8(Integer(bitmap.Data) + (y_line* Integer(bitmap.BytesPerLine))); end; function gflBitmapGetIsTrueColors(bitmap: PGFL_Bitmap): boolean; begin Result:= bitmap.BType and GFL_TRUECOLORS = bitmap.BType; end; function gflBitmapGetIs24Bits(bitmap: PGFL_Bitmap): boolean; begin Result:= bitmap.BType and GFL_IS24BITS = bitmap.BType; end; function gflMemoryAlloc; external GflDLL; function gflMemoryRealloc; external GflDLL; procedure gflMemoryFree; external GflDLL; function gflGetVersion; external GflDLL; function gflGetVersionOfLibformat; external GflDLL; function gflLibraryInit; external GflDLL; function gflLibraryInitEx; external GflDLL; procedure gflLibraryExit; external GflDLL; procedure gflEnableLZW; external GflDLL; procedure gflSetPluginsPathname; external GflDLL; function gflGetNumberOfFormat; external GflDLL; function gflGetFormatIndexByName; external GflDLL; function gflGetFormatNameByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflSaveParamsIsSupportedByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflSaveParamsIsSupportedByName; external GflDLL; function gflCompressionIsSupportedByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflCompressionIsSupportedByName; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapIsSupportedByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapIsSupportedByName; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapTypeIsSupportedByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapTypeIsSupportedByName; external GflDLL; function gflFormatIsSupported; external GflDLL; function gflFormatIsWritableByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflFormatIsWritableByName; external GflDLL; function gflFormatIsReadableByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflFormatIsReadableByName; external GflDLL; function gflGetDefaultFormatSuffixByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflGetDefaultFormatSuffixByName; external GflDLL; function gflGetFormatDescriptionByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflGetFormatDescriptionByName; external GflDLL; function gflGetFormatInformationByName; external GflDLL; function gflGetFormatInformationByIndex; external GflDLL; function gflGetErrorString; external GflDLL; function gflGetLabelForColorModel; external GflDLL; function gflGetFileInformation; external GflDLL; function gflGetFileInformationFromMemory; external GflDLL; function gflGetFileInformationFromHandle; external GflDLL; procedure gflFreeFileInformation; external GflDLL; procedure gflGetDefaultLoadParams; external GflDLL; procedure gflGetDefaultSaveParams; external GflDLL; procedure gflGetDefaultPreviewParams; external GflDLL; procedure gflGetDefaultThumbnailParams; external GflDLL; function gflLoadBitmap; external GflDLL; function gflLoadBitmapFromHandle; external GflDLL; function gflLoadBitmapFromMemory; external GflDLL; function gflLoadThumbnail; external GflDLL; function gflLoadThumbnailFromHandle; external GflDLL; function gflLoadThumbnailFromMemory; external GflDLL; function gflSaveBitmap; external GflDLL; function gflSaveBitmapIntoHandle; external GflDLL; function gflSaveBitmapIntoMemory; external GflDLL; //** Unicode support {$IFDEF UNICODE_SUPPORT} procedure gflSetPluginsPathnameW; external GflDLL; function gflGetFileInformationW; external GflDLL; function gflLoadBitmapW; external GflDLL; function gflLoadThumbnailW; external GflDLL; function gflSaveBitmapW; external GflDLL; function gflLoadEXIFW; external GflDLL; function gflLoadIPTCW; external GflDLL; function gflSaveIPTCW; external GflDLL; function gflFileCreateW; external GflDLL; function gflJPEGGetCommentW; external GflDLL; function gflJPEGSetCommentW; external GflDLL; function gflPNGGetCommentW; external GflDLL; function gflPNGSetCommentW; external GflDLL; function gflAddTextW; external GfleDLL; {$ENDIF} //** function gflAllockBitmap; external GflDLL; function gflAllockBitmapEx; external GflDLL; procedure gflFreeBitmap; external GflDLL; procedure gflFreeBitmapData; external GflDLL; function gflCloneBitmap; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapSetName; external GflDLL; function gflFileCreate; external GflDLL; function gflFileAddPicture; external GflDLL; procedure gflFileClose; external GflDLL; function gflResize; external GflDLL; function gflScaleToGrey; external GflDLL; function gflChangeColorDepth; external GflDLL; function gflFlipVertical; external GflDLL; function gflFlipHorizontal; external GflDLL; function gflCrop; external GflDLL; function gflAutoCrop; external GflDLL; function gflAutoCrop2; external GflDLL; function gflResizeCanvas; external GflDLL; function gflRotate; external GflDLL; function gflRotateFine; external GflDLL; function gflBitblt; external GflDLL; function gflBitbltEx; external GflDLL; function gflMerge; external GflDLL; function gflCombineAlpha; external GflDLL; function gflSetTransparentColor; external GflDLL; function gflGetColorAt; external GflDLL; function gflSetColorAt; external GflDLL; function gflGetColorAtEx; external GflDLL; function gflSetColorAtEx; external GflDLL; function gflReplaceColor; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapHasEXIF; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapGetEXIF; external GflDLL; procedure gflFreeEXIF; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFThumbnail; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapRemoveEXIFThumbnail; external GflDLL; function gflLoadEXIF; external GflDLL; // exif 2 function gflBitmapGetEXIF2; external GflDLL; procedure gflFreeEXIF2; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIF2; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFValueString2; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFValueInt2; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFValueRational2; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapSetEXIFValueRationalArray2; external GflDLL; // iptc function gflBitmapHasIPTC; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapGetIPTC; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapGetIPTCValue; external GflDLL; function gflNewIPTC; external GflDLL; procedure gflFreeIPTC; external GflDLL; function gflSetIPTCValue; external GflDLL; function gflRemoveIPTCValue; external GflDLL; function gflLoadIPTC; external GflDLL; function gflSaveIPTC; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapSetIPTC; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapHasICCProfile; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapGetICCProfile; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapCopyICCProfile; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapRemoveICCProfile; external GflDLL; function gflBitmapGetXMP; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapRemoveMetaData; external GflDLL; procedure gflBitmapSetComment; external GflDLL; function gflJPEGGetComment; external GflDLL; function gflJPEGSetComment; external GflDLL; function gflPNGGetComment; external GflDLL; function gflPNGSetComment; external GflDLL; function gflIsLutFile; external GflDLL; function gflIsCompatibleLutFile; external GflDLL; function gflApplyLutFile; external GflDLL; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // functions in LibGflExxx.dll //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function gflGetNumberOfColorsUsed; external GfleDLL; function gflNegative; external GfleDLL; function gflBrightness; external GfleDLL; function gflContrast; external GfleDLL; function gflGamma; external GfleDLL; function gflLogCorrection; external GfleDLL; function gflNormalize; external GfleDLL; function gflEqualize; external GfleDLL; function gflEqualizeOnLuminance; external GfleDLL; function gflBalance; external GfleDLL; function gflAdjust; external GfleDLL; function gflAdjustHLS; external GfleDLL; function gflAutomaticContrast; external GfleDLL; function gflAutomaticLevels; external GfleDLL; function gflAverage; external GfleDLL; function gflSoften; external GfleDLL; function gflBlur; external GfleDLL; function gflGaussianBlur; external GfleDLL; function gflMaximum; external GfleDLL; function gflMinimum; external GfleDLL; function gflMedianBox; external GfleDLL; function gflMedianCross; external GfleDLL; function gflSharpen; external GfleDLL; function gflEnhanceDetail; external GfleDLL; function gflEnhanceFocus; external GfleDLL; function gflFocusRestoration; external GfleDLL; function gflEdgeDetectLight; external GfleDLL; function gflEdgeDetectMedium; external GfleDLL; function gflEdgeDetectHeavy; external GfleDLL; function gflEmboss; external GfleDLL; function gflEmbossMore; external GfleDLL; function gflSepia; external GfleDLL; function gflSepiaExt; external GfleDLL; function gflReduceNoise; external GfleDLL; function gflDropShadow; external GfleDLL; function gflConvolve; external GfleDLL; function gflSwapColors; external GfleDLL; function gflJpegLosslessTransform; external GfleDLL; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function gflConvertBitmapIntoDIB; external GfleDLL; function gflConvertBitmapIntoDIBSection; external GfleDLL; function gflConvertBitmapIntoDDB; external GfleDLL; function gflConvertBitmapIntoDDBEx; external GfleDLL; function gflConvertDIBIntoBitmap; external GfleDLL; function gflConvertDDBIntoBitmap; external GfleDLL; function gflLoadBitmapIntoDIB; external GfleDLL; function gflLoadBitmapIntoDIBSection; external GfleDLL; function gflLoadBitmapIntoDDB; external GfleDLL; function gflAddText; external GfleDLL; function gflGetTextExtent; external GfleDLL; function gflImportFromClipboard; external GfleDLL; function gflExportIntoClipboard; external GfleDLL; function gflImportFromHWND; external GfleDLL; function gflDrawLineColor; external GfleDLL; function gflDrawPolylineColor; external GfleDLL; function gflDrawPolygonColor; external GfleDLL; function gflDrawRectangleColor; external GfleDLL; function gflDrawPointColor; external GfleDLL; function gflDrawCircleColor; external GfleDLL; {$ENDIF} //************************************************** **************************** initialization gflLibraryInit; finalization gflLibraryExit; end. |
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