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Class IME

Ein Thema von EWeiss · begonnen am 27. Mär 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 27. Mär 2012
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Class IME

  Alt 27. Mär 2012, 20:48
Hab wieder die Krise

Wer oder was addiert die Class IME zum Projekt?
Obwohl sie nicht Definiert wurde.

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AW: Class IME

  Alt 27. Mär 2012, 21:02
Beantworte das mal selbst.

The IME window class is a predefined system global class that defines the appearance and behavior of the standard IME windows.
The class is similar to common control classes in that the application creates a window of this class by using the CreateWindowEx function.
Like static controls, an IME window does not respond to user input by itself.
Instead, it notifies the IME of user input actions and processes control messages sent to it by the IME or applications to carry out a response to the user action.

IME-aware applications sometimes create customized IME windows using the IME window class.
Use of window customization allows the application to take advantage of the default processing of the IME window while having control of window positioning.
Aber trotzdem seltsam hatte ich noch nie in all meinen Projekten wo CreateWindowEx verwendet wird.

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