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Keyboard Hook

Ein Thema von danten · begonnen am 4. Mär 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 1. Feb 2017
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Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2012
Ort: Czech Republic, Prag
126 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Architect

Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 14:16
I have a problem with the application.
I created a Keyboard Hook and wants to work on another computer than just for me.
Can you please help.

  TMainForm = class(TForm)
    lbl: TLabel;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);

  MainForm: TMainForm;
  MainHook : HHOOK;
  Wnd1,Wnd2 : array[0..255] of char;


{$R *.dfm}

function GetCapsLockStatus: Integer;
   Result := GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL);

function KeyboardHook(Code: Integer; wParam : WPARAM;
  lParam : LPARAM): Longint; stdcall;
  Buffer : TEventMsg;

  procedure TranslateKey(Key : Byte);
    if (Key <> VK_LBUTTON) and (Key <> VK_RBUTTON) then
      GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow, Wnd2, SizeOf(Wnd2));
      if wnd1 <> wnd2 then
      Wnd1 := Wnd2;
    with MainForm do
      case Key of
        VK_RETURN : lbl.Caption := ('[Enter]');
        VK_BACK : lbl.Caption := ('[Backspace]');
        VK_ESCAPE : lbl.Caption := ('[Esc]');
        VK_SHIFT : lbl.Caption := ('[Shift]');
        VK_MENU : lbl.Caption := ('[Alt]');
        VK_CONTROL : lbl.Caption := ('[Ctrl]');
        VK_DELETE : lbl.Caption := ('[Delete]');
        VK_SPACE : lbl.Caption := ('[SPACE]');
        VK_NUMLOCK : lbl.Caption := ('[NumLock]');
        VK_SEPARATOR : lbl.Caption := ('[Separator]');
        VK_SUBTRACT : lbl.Caption := ('[Subtract]');
        VK_DECIMAL : lbl.Caption := ('[Decimal]');
        VK_DIVIDE : lbl.Caption := ('[Divide]');
        VK_SCROLL : lbl.Caption := ('[Scroll]');
        VK_LSHIFT : lbl.Caption := ('[Left Shift]');
        VK_RSHIFT : lbl.Caption := ('[Right Shift]');
        VK_LCONTROL : lbl.Caption := ('[Left Control]');
        VK_RCONTROL : lbl.Caption := ('[Right Control]');
        VK_LMENU : lbl.Caption := ('[Left Menu]');
        VK_RMENU : lbl.Caption := ('[Right Menu]');
        VK_PLAY : lbl.Caption := ('[Play]');
        VK_ZOOM : lbl.Caption := ('[Zoom]');
        VK_LBUTTON : lbl.Caption := ('[Left mouse button]');
        VK_RBUTTON : lbl.Caption := ('[Right mouse button]');
        VK_CANCEL : lbl.Caption := ('[Control-break processing]');
        VK_MBUTTON : lbl.Caption := ('[Rolout mouse button]');
        VK_TAB : lbl.Caption := ('[Tab]');
        VK_CLEAR : lbl.Caption := ('[Clear]');
        VK_PAUSE : lbl.Caption := ('[Pause]');
        VK_CAPITAL : lbl.Caption := ('[CapsLock]');
        VK_PRIOR : lbl.Caption := ('[Page UP]');
        VK_NEXT : lbl.Caption := ('[Page DOWN]');
        VK_END : lbl.Caption := ('[End]');
        VK_HOME : lbl.Caption := ('[Home]');
        VK_LEFT : lbl.Caption := ('[Left]');
        VK_RIGHT : lbl.Caption := ('[Right]');
        VK_UP : lbl.Caption := ('[Up]');
        VK_DOWN : lbl.Caption := ('[Down]');
        VK_SELECT : lbl.Caption := ('[Select]');
        VK_PRINT : lbl.Caption := ('[Print]');
        VK_EXECUTE : lbl.Caption := ('[Execute]');
        VK_SNAPSHOT : lbl.Caption := ('[Print Screen]');
        VK_INSERT : lbl.Caption := ('[Ins]');
        VK_HELP : lbl.Caption := ('[Help]');
        VK_F1 : lbl.Caption := ('[F1]');
        VK_F2 : lbl.Caption := ('[F2]');
        VK_F3 : lbl.Caption := ('[F3]');
        VK_F4 : lbl.Caption := ('[F4]');
        VK_F5 : lbl.Caption := ('[F5]');
        VK_F6 : lbl.Caption := ('[F6]');
        VK_F7 : lbl.Caption := ('[F7]');
        VK_F8 : lbl.Caption := ('[F8]');
        VK_F9 : lbl.Caption := ('[F9]');
        VK_F10 : lbl.Caption := ('[F10]');
        VK_F11 : lbl.Caption := ('[F11]');
        VK_F12 : lbl.Caption := ('[F12]');
        VK_F13 : lbl.Caption := ('[F13]');
        VK_F14 : lbl.Caption := ('[F14]');
        VK_F15 : lbl.Caption := ('[F15]');
        VK_F16 : lbl.Caption := ('[F16]');
        VK_F17 : lbl.Caption := ('[F17]');
        VK_F18 : lbl.Caption := ('[F18]');
        VK_F19 : lbl.Caption := ('[F19]');
        VK_F20 : lbl.Caption := ('[F20]');
        VK_F21 : lbl.Caption := ('[F21]');
        VK_F22 : lbl.Caption := ('[F22]');
        VK_F23 : lbl.Caption := ('[F23]');
        VK_F24 : lbl.Caption := ('[F24]');
        188 : lbl.Caption := ',';
        192 : lbl.Caption := '`';
        222 : lbl.Caption := Chr(39);
        220 : lbl.Caption := '';
        219 : lbl.Caption := '[';
        221 : lbl.Caption := ']';
        186 : lbl.Caption := ';';
        191 : lbl.Caption := '/';
        190 : lbl.Caption := '.';
        187 : lbl.Caption := '=';
        189 : lbl.Caption := '-';
        65 : lbl.Caption := 'a';
        66 : lbl.Caption := 'b';
        67 : lbl.Caption := 'c';
        68 : lbl.Caption := 'd';
        69 : lbl.Caption := 'e';
        70 : lbl.Caption := 'f';
        71 : lbl.Caption := 'g';
        72 : lbl.Caption := 'h';
        73 : lbl.Caption := 'i';
        74 : lbl.Caption := 'j';
        75 : lbl.Caption := 'k';
        76 : lbl.Caption := 'l';
        77 : lbl.Caption := 'm';
        78 : lbl.Caption := 'n';
        79 : lbl.Caption := 'o';
        80 : lbl.Caption := 'p';
        81 : lbl.Caption := 'q';
        82 : lbl.Caption := 'r';
        83 : lbl.Caption := 's';
        84 : lbl.Caption := 't';
        85 : lbl.Caption := 'u';
        86 : lbl.Caption := 'v';
        87 : lbl.Caption := 'w';
        88 : lbl.Caption := 'x';
        89 : lbl.Caption := 'y';
        90 : lbl.Caption := 'z';
        VK_NUMPAD0 : lbl.Caption := '0';
        VK_NUMPAD1 : lbl.Caption := '1';
        VK_NUMPAD2 : lbl.Caption := '2';
        VK_NUMPAD3 : lbl.Caption := '3';
        VK_NUMPAD4 : lbl.Caption := '4';
        VK_NUMPAD5 : lbl.Caption := '5';
        VK_NUMPAD6 : lbl.Caption := '6';
        VK_NUMPAD7 : lbl.Caption := '7';
        VK_NUMPAD8 : lbl.Caption := '8';
        VK_NUMPAD9 : lbl.Caption := '9';
        48 : lbl.Caption := 'é';
        49 : lbl.Caption := '+';
        50 : lbl.Caption := 'ě';
        51 : lbl.Caption := 'š';
        52 : lbl.Caption := 'č';
        53 : lbl.Caption := 'ř';
        54 : lbl.Caption := 'ž';
        55 : lbl.Caption := 'ý';
        56 : lbl.Caption := 'á';
        57 : lbl.Caption := 'í';

    if GetCapsLockStatus > 0 then
     lbl.Caption := AnsiUpperCase(lbl.Caption);
    end else
     lbl.Caption := AnsiLowerCase(lbl.Caption);

  Result := 0;
  Buffer := PEventMsg(lParam)^;

  if Buffer.Message = WM_KEYDOWN then

procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  MainHook := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_JOURNALRECORD, KeyboardHook, hInstance, 0);
  MainForm.Icon := Application.Icon;

procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
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Benutzerbild von Luckie

Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2002
37.621 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Professional

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 14:25
I created a Keyboard Hook and wants to work on another computer than just for me.
Sorry but I don't understand what you mean esspecially the part after the "and" does not make any sense to me.
Ein Teil meines Codes würde euch verunsichern.
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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
Ort: Stadthagen
9.454 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 14:26
Could u give us more details on "i have a problem"?
Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ‎ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60)
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Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2012
Ort: Czech Republic, Prag
126 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Architect

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 14:33
When I run the program on a PC with Windows XP, the program does not work.
When I run the program on a PC with Windows 7, the program does not work.
When I run the program in VirtualBox, so also does not work.
When I run programv computer where I created it, so it works perfectly.
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: 7z KeyHook.7z (10,7 KB, 45x aufgerufen)

Geändert von danten ( 4. Mär 2012 um 14:45 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.287 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 15:05 ?
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.
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Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2012
Ort: Czech Republic, Prag
126 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Architect

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 15:29
Thank you, but I do not want to use external DLLs.
It would not write my code to make it work without DLL?

Please show the code or modify my code.
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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
Ort: Stadthagen
9.454 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 15:45
if u want to have a global keyhook u have to use a dll. there is no alternative!
Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ‎ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60)
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Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2012
Ort: Czech Republic, Prag
126 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Architect

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 16:22
Sorry, I somehow do not understand.
Creating a program for creating tutorials and sample code from one part.
It shows users what button was pressed the keyboard.

I do not do any program on stealing data from the computer as some keylogery.

Very please someone who has the time to download the attachment KeyHook.7z above and added a piece of code to me so angry.
For you, it's a matter of a few lines and I did a lot of help in further work.

Thank you for your help.

Geändert von danten ( 4. Mär 2012 um 18:45 Uhr) Grund: request for a big help - desperation
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Benutzerbild von Luckie

Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2002
37.621 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Professional

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 18:58
if u want to have a global keyhook u have to use a dll. there is no alternative!
That is not quite correct. It depends on the hook type. Some global hooks don't need a DLL.
Ein Teil meines Codes würde euch verunsichern.
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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
Ort: Stadthagen
9.454 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Keyboard Hook

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 19:18
if u want to have a global keyhook u have to use a dll. there is no alternative!
That is not quite correct. It depends on the hook type. Some global hooks don't need a DLL.
We are talking about a global hook for the Keyboard ... not about some hooks
Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ‎ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60)
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