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RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 2. Jan 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 19. Jan 2012
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 2. Jan 2012, 15:01
procedure _CMYToCMYK(const C, M, Y: Single; out Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black: Single);
  var_K: Single;
  var_K := 1;

  if C < var_K then var_K := C;
  if M < var_K then var_K := M;
  if Y < var_K then var_K := Y;

  if var_K = 1 then
  begin //Black
     Cyan := 0;
     Magenta := 0;
     Yellow := 0;
     Cyan := (C - var_K) / (1 - var_K);
     Magenta := (M - var_K) / (1 - var_K);
     Yellow := (Y - var_K) / (1 - var_K);

  Black := var_K;

procedure _CMYKToCMY(const C, M, Y, K: Single; out Cyan, Magenta, Yellow: Single);
  Cyan := (C * (1 - K) + K);
  Magenta := (M * (1 - K) + K);
  Yellow := (Y * (1 - K) + K);

procedure _RGBToCMY(const R, G, B: Byte; out C, M, Y: Single);
  C := 1 - (R / 255);
  M := 1 - (G / 255);
  Y := 1 - (B / 255);

procedure _CMYToRGB(const C, M, Y: Single; out R, G, B: Byte);
  R := Round((1 - C) * 255);
  G := Round((1 - M) * 255);
  B := Round((1 - Y) * 255);

procedure _RGBToCMYK(const R, G, B: Byte; out C, M, Y, K: Single);
  Cyan, Magenta, Yellow: Single;
  _RGBToCMY(R, G, B, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow);
  _CMYToCMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, C, M, Y, K)

procedure _CMYKToRGB(const C, M, Y, K: Single; out R, G, B: Byte);
  Cyan, Magenta, Yellow: Single;
  _CMYKToCMY(C, M, Y, K, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow);
  _CMYToRGB(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, R, G, B);
Formulas I got from EasyRGB. Result are different in this code and Photoshop:

_CMYKToRGB(0.11, 0.13, 0.99, 0, R, G, B); // 227 222 3; ps: 232, 207, 30
_CMYKToRGB(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, R, G, B); // 124 124 64; ps: 150 145 91
Where is bug?
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 2. Jan 2012, 15:16
Where is bug?
Total falsche Formeln?

procedure _RGBToCMY(const R, G, B: Byte; out C, M, Y: Single);
  C := 1 - (R / 255);
  M := 1 - (G / 255);
  Y := 1 - (B / 255);

procedure _CMYToRGB(const C, M, Y: Single; out R, G, B: Byte);
  R := Round((1 - C) * 255);
  G := Round((1 - M) * 255);
  B := Round((1 - Y) * 255);
Cyan <=> Red
Mngenta <=> Green
Yellow <=> Blue

Aber eigentlich ist es so:

Cyan <=> Blue und Green
Mangenta <=> Blue und Red
Yellow <=> Red und Green
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 2. Jan 2012, 15:39
Hm, what is valid formula? I saw on the Internet only this one.
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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
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Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 2. Jan 2012, 18:44
Except from the rounding mismatches in ur formula Online Color Conversion

did u switch off the Color Management in PS?
Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ‎ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 2. Jan 2012, 19:29
@Sir Rufo, what is wrong in this code, please tell me

I set color management policies to off, when was off the same as now.
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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
Ort: Stadthagen
9.454 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 2. Jan 2012, 20:47
try Extended instead of Single
Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ‎ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 2. Jan 2012, 21:19
Could you please explain me why? Why is required extended precision?
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Registriert seit: 22. Jan 2005
350 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 11. Jan 2012, 16:31
Hi WojTec,

have you already found a solution for this?

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Registriert seit: 13. Mai 2010
19 Beiträge

AW: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 16. Jan 2012, 15:57
This could help !

Keyword: RealColorLibrary

Greetings, Alfred.
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Registriert seit: 22. Jan 2005
350 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: RGB/CMK/CMYK conversions

  Alt 19. Jan 2012, 13:54
The formulas in the link from donalfredo seems to be very similiar to Wojtec. I did some research for myself. I get also very similiar results from photoshop as wojtec depending on which profiles i set. I think the differences come from the adobe colormanagement engine. So the photoshop does a full color space conversion between icc profiles and such approximation formulas like "C:=1-(R/255)..." don't work any more.


Geändert von jus (19. Jan 2012 um 14:32 Uhr)
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