![]() |
Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2010 25 Beiträge Delphi 2 Desktop |
I received a bug report (MadExcept) from my client. Maybe you can determine what made the problem?
Line 251 is
callstack crc : $057d639d, $abfa8e22, $abfa8e22
exception number : 1 exception class : EAccessViolation exception message : Access violation at address 057D639D. Write of address 302AEA36. main thread ($788): 057d639d +0000 ??? 77dd8116 +0095 ADVAPI32.dll RegEnumValueW 769c6a77 +00ea USERENV.dll CreateEnvironmentBlock 769c7745 +001a USERENV.dll ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW 769c1cae +00ed USERENV.dll #149 75e64a6a +1136 cryptnet.dll CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlW 75e62330 +004c cryptnet.dll CryptGetTimeValidObject 75e6245b +0000 cryptnet.dll CertDllVerifyRevocation 77a95f2c +004a CRYPT32.dll CertVerifyRevocation 77a9129f +005c CRYPT32.dll CertGetCertificateChain 76c3317d +0025 wintrust.dll WinVerifyTrust 004d2d3a +02be MyProg.exe uSimpleTrustCheck 251 +106 CheckFileTrust 0066e7f0 +05e0 MyProg.exe uBlaBLa 538 +149 Blabla 00671270 +06ac MyProg.exe uBlaBLa 2067 +197 Blabla 0068183a +040e MyProg.exe uMain 4148 +116 TFClnMain.btnScanClick 004a704c +0064 MyProg.exe Controls TControl.Click 0048c55e +001e MyProg.exe StdCtrls TButton.Click 0048c65c +000c MyProg.exe StdCtrls TButton.CNCommand 004a6b47 +02bb MyProg.exe Controls TControl.WndProc 004aab3e +04fa MyProg.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc 0048c408 +006c MyProg.exe StdCtrls TButtonControl.WndProc 004a67d4 +0024 MyProg.exe Controls TControl.Perform 004aac8f +0023 MyProg.exe Controls DoControlMsg 004ab65b +000b MyProg.exe Controls TWinControl.WMCommand 004a6b47 +02bb MyProg.exe Controls TControl.WndProc 004aab3e +04fa MyProg.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc 004aa268 +002c MyProg.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc 00475ecc +0014 MyProg.exe Classes StdWndProc 77d4e361 +0016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcA 004aac3b +00d7 MyProg.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler 004a746c +0010 MyProg.exe Controls TControl.WMLButtonUp 004a6b47 +02bb MyProg.exe Controls TControl.WndProc 004aab3e +04fa MyProg.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc 0048c408 +006c MyProg.exe StdCtrls TButtonControl.WndProc 004aa268 +002c MyProg.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc 00475ecc +0014 MyProg.exe Classes StdWndProc 77d4bcc7 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA 004c47f4 +00fc MyProg.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage 004c482e +000a MyProg.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage 004c4b3f +00b3 MyProg.exe Forms TApplication.Run 0069027d +01c9 MyProg.exe MyProg 223 +79 initialization ..... cpu registers: eax = 302aea36 ebx = 7c90d977 ecx = 0012dd34 edx = 0012dd2c esi = 0012dd15 edi = 0012dc04 eip = 057d639d esp = 0012dbb9 ebp = 0012dce4 stack dump: 0012dbb9 7f dd 77 34 2b 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 ..w4+........... 0012dbc9 dc 12 00 dc 00 00 00 f4 - db 12 00 00 00 00 00 84 ................ 0012dbd9 dd 12 00 a0 c2 46 08 34 - dd 12 00 a0 c2 46 08 2c .....F.4.....F., 0012dbe9 dd 12 00 3c dd 12 00 01 - 00 00 00 18 6a dd 77 34 ...<........j.w4 0012dbf9 2b 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 - 00 00 80 ed 00 00 00 18 +............... 0012dc09 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 70 - dc 12 00 40 00 00 00 00 ...0...p...@.... 0012dc19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 72 - 00 72 00 98 61 9c 76 67 .......r.r..a.vg 0012dc29 00 72 00 00 00 00 00 fc - db 12 00 69 00 6c 00 3c .r.........i.l.< 0012dc39 ea 12 00 00 4b 00 00 78 - dc 12 00 54 70 dd 77 34 ....K..x...Tp.w4 0012dc49 2b 00 00 7c dc 12 00 5c - 9a 80 7c 88 dc 12 00 08 +..|...\..|..... 0012dc59 b9 80 7c 30 3f 17 00 13 - b9 80 7c ec b8 80 7c 24 ..|0?.....|...|$ 0012dc69 00 00 00 e8 df 12 00 3d - fb 90 7c 2c dd 12 00 00 .......=..|,.... 0012dc79 00 00 00 ac dc 12 00 6c - fb 90 7c 71 fb 90 7c 00 .......l..|q..|. 0012dc89 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 3d - fb 90 7c 88 dc 12 00 0c .......=..|..... 0012dc99 e0 12 00 f4 dc 12 00 18 - ee 90 7c 78 fb 90 7c ff ..........|x..|. 0012dca9 ff ff ff 00 4b 00 00 14 - dd 12 00 8e cd df 77 34 ....K.........w4 0012dcb9 2b 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 - 3d 46 08 24 dd 12 00 20 +.......=F.$.... 0012dcc9 dd 12 00 38 00 00 00 28 - dd 00 00 00 00 15 00 d0 ...8...(........ 0012dcd9 da 12 00 ec dc 12 00 00 - 4b 00 00 24 dd 12 00 1b ........K..$.... 0012dce9 81 dd 77 34 2b 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 14 dd 12 00 34 ..w4+..........4 disassembling: 77dd8081 public RegEnumValueW: ; function entry point 77dd8081 mov edi, edi 77dd8083 push ebp 77dd8084 mov ebp, esp 77dd8086 sub esp, $10 77dd8089 push ebx 77dd808a push esi 77dd808b push edi 77dd808c xor edi, edi 77dd808e cmp [ebp+$18], edi 77dd8091 mov [ebp-4], edi 77dd8094 jnz loc_77dfc583 77dd8094 77dd809a mov ebx, [ebp+$20] 77dd809d cmp ebx, edi 77dd809f jz loc_77dd80aa 77dd809f 77dd80a1 cmp [ebp+$24], edi 77dd80a4 jz loc_77dfc583 77dd80a4 77dd80aa loc_77dd80aa: 77dd80aa cmp [ebp+$14], edi 77dd80ad jz loc_77dfc583 77dd80ad 77dd80b3 mov esi, [ebp+$10] 77dd80b6 cmp esi, edi 77dd80b8 jz loc_77dfc583 77dd80b8 77dd80be lea eax, [ebp-4] 77dd80c1 push eax 77dd80c2 push dword ptr [ebp+8] 77dd80c5 call -$180a ($77dd68c0) 77dd80c5 77dd80ca cmp eax, edi 77dd80cc jz loc_77e06a8a 77dd80cc 77dd80d2 mov ecx, [ebp+$14] 77dd80d5 mov cx, [ecx] 77dd80d8 mov [ebp-$c], esi 77dd80db mov esi, [ebp+$24] 77dd80de shl cx, 1 77dd80e1 cmp esi, edi 77dd80e3 mov [ebp-$10], di 77dd80e7 mov [ebp-$e], cx 77dd80eb mov [ebp+8], edi 77dd80ee jz loc_77dfc57b 77dd80ee 77dd80f4 mov ecx, [esi] 77dd80f6 mov [ebp+$18], ecx 77dd80f4 77dd80f9 loc_77dd80f9: 77dd80f9 test al, 1 77dd80fb jnz loc_77e06a96 77dd80fb 77dd8101 lea ecx, [ebp+8] 77dd8104 push ecx 77dd8105 lea ecx, [ebp+$18] 77dd8108 push ecx 77dd8109 push ebx 77dd810a lea ecx, [ebp+$10] 77dd810d push ecx 77dd810e lea ecx, [ebp-$10] 77dd8111 push ecx 77dd8112 push dword ptr [ebp+$c] 77dd8115 push eax 77dd8116 > call -$212 ($77dd7f09) 77dd8116 77dd811b loc_77dd811b: 77dd811b mov [ebp+$c], eax 77dd8116 77dd811e loc_77dd811e: 77dd811e cmp [ebp+$c], edi 77dd8121 jz loc_77dfc6f6 77dd8121 77dd8127 loc_77dd8127: 77dd8127 cmp [ebp-$10], di 77dd812b jnz loc_77dfc726 77dd812b 77dd8131 loc_77dd8131: 77dd8131 cmp esi, edi 77dd8133 jz loc_77dd813a 77dd8133 77dd8135 mov eax, [ebp+$18] 77dd8138 mov [esi], eax 77dd8135 77dd813a loc_77dd813a: 77dd813a mov eax, [ebp+$1c] 77dd813d cmp eax, edi 77dd813f jz loc_77dd8146 77dd813f 77dd8141 mov ecx, [ebp+$10] 77dd8144 mov [eax], ecx 77dd8141 77dd8146 loc_77dd8146: 77dd8146 cmp [ebp-4], edi 77dd8149 jnz loc_77e06b8c 77dd8149 77dd814f loc_77dd814f: 77dd814f mov eax, [ebp+$c] 77dd8149 77dd8152 loc_77dd8152: 77dd8152 pop edi 77dd8153 pop esi 77dd8154 pop ebx 77dd8155 leave 77dd8156 ret $20 77dd8156 77dd8156 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77dd8156 77dfc57b loc_77dfc57b: 77dfc57b mov [ebp+$18], edi 77dfc57e jmp loc_77dd80f9 77dfc57e 77dfc57e ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77dfc57e 77dfc583 loc_77dfc583: 77dfc583 push $57 77dfc585 pop eax 77dfc586 jmp loc_77dd8152 77dfc586 77dfc586 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77dfc586 77dfc6f6 loc_77dfc6f6: 77dfc6f6 cmp ebx, edi 77dfc6f8 jz loc_77dd8127 77dfc6f8 77dfc6fe cmp dword ptr [ebp+$10], 1 77dfc702 jnz loc_77dfc737 77dfc702 77dfc704 loc_77dfc704: 77dfc704 mov ecx, [ebp+$18] 77dfc707 cmp ecx, 2 77dfc70a jbe loc_77dd8127 77dfc70a 77dfc710 mov eax, ecx 77dfc712 shr eax, 1 77dfc714 lea eax, [ebx+eax*2] 77dfc717 cmp [eax-2], di 77dfc71b jnz loc_77e06b79 77dfc71b 77dfc721 jmp loc_77dd8127 77dfc721 77dfc721 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77dfc721 77dfc726 loc_77dfc726: 77dfc726 movzx eax, word ptr [ebp-$10] 77dfc72a mov ecx, [ebp+$14] 77dfc72d shr eax, 1 77dfc72f dec eax 77dfc730 mov [ecx], eax 77dfc732 jmp loc_77dd8131 77dfc732 77dfc732 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77dfc732 77dfc737 loc_77dfc737: 77dfc737 cmp dword ptr [ebp+$10], 2 77dfc73b jz loc_77dfc704 77dfc73b 77dfc73d cmp dword ptr [ebp+$10], 7 77dfc741 jnz loc_77dd8127 77dfc741 77dfc747 jmp loc_77dfc704 77dfc747 77dfc747 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77dfc747 77e06a8a loc_77e06a8a: 77e06a8a mov dword ptr [ebp+$c], 6 77e06a91 jmp loc_77dd8146 77e06a91 77e06a91 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77e06a91 77e06a96 loc_77e06a96: 77e06a96 mov esi, eax 77e06a98 lea eax, [ebp-8] 77e06a9b push eax 77e06a9c and esi, -2 77e06a9f push esi 77e06aa0 call +$2f9af ($77e36454) 77e06aa0 77e06aa5 test eax, eax 77e06aa7 jnz loc_77e06b57 77e06aa7 77e06aad cmp dword ptr [ebp-8], 5 77e06ab1 jb loc_77e06abd 77e06ab1 77e06ab3 cmp dword ptr [ebp-8], $a 77e06ab7 jbe loc_77e06b57 77e06ab7 77e06abd loc_77e06abd: 77e06abd mov eax, fs:[$18] 77e06ac3 mov ecx, [ebp+$18] 77e06ac6 mov eax, [eax+$30] 77e06ac9 add ecx, 2 77e06acc push ecx 77e06acd push edi 77e06ace push dword ptr [eax+$18] 77e06ad1 call dword ptr [$77dd139c] ; RtlAllocateHeap (ntdll.dll) 77e06ad1 77e06ad7 mov ebx, eax 77e06ad9 cmp ebx, edi 77e06adb jnz loc_77e06ae9 77e06adb 77e06add mov dword ptr [ebp+$c], 8 77e06ae4 jmp loc_77dd8146 77e06ae4 77e06ae4 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77e06ae4 77e06ae9 loc_77e06ae9: 77e06ae9 lea eax, [ebp+8] 77e06aec push eax 77e06aed lea eax, [ebp+$18] 77e06af0 push eax 77e06af1 push ebx 77e06af2 lea eax, [ebp+$10] 77e06af5 push eax 77e06af6 lea eax, [ebp-$10] 77e06af9 push eax 77e06afa push dword ptr [ebp+$c] 77e06afd push esi 77e06afe call +$2f708 ($77e3620b) 77e06afe 77e06b03 cmp eax, edi 77e06b05 mov [ebp+$c], eax 77e06b08 jnz loc_77e06b38 77e06b08 77e06b0a cmp dword ptr [ebp+$10], 1 77e06b0e jz loc_77e06b1c 77e06b0e 77e06b10 cmp dword ptr [ebp+$10], 7 77e06b14 jz loc_77e06b1c 77e06b14 77e06b16 cmp dword ptr [ebp+$10], 2 77e06b1a jnz loc_77e06b20 77e06b1a 77e06b1c loc_77e06b1c: 77e06b1c sub dword ptr [ebp+$18], 2 77e06b1a 77e06b20 loc_77e06b20: 77e06b20 mov ecx, [ebp+$18] 77e06b23 mov edi, [ebp+$20] 77e06b26 mov eax, ecx 77e06b28 shr ecx, 2 77e06b2b mov esi, ebx 77e06b2d rep movsd 77e06b2f mov ecx, eax 77e06b31 and ecx, 3 77e06b34 rep movsb 77e06b36 xor edi, edi 77e06b34 77e06b38 loc_77e06b38: 77e06b38 mov eax, fs:[$18] 77e06b3e mov eax, [eax+$30] 77e06b41 push ebx 77e06b42 push edi 77e06b43 push dword ptr [eax+$18] 77e06b46 call dword ptr [$77dd1394] ; RtlFreeHeap (ntdll.dll) 77e06b46 77e06b4c mov ebx, [ebp+$20] 77e06b4f mov esi, [ebp+$24] 77e06b52 jmp loc_77dd811e 77e06b52 77e06b52 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77e06b52 77e06b57 loc_77e06b57: 77e06b57 lea eax, [ebp+8] 77e06b5a push eax 77e06b5b lea eax, [ebp+$18] 77e06b5e push eax 77e06b5f push ebx 77e06b60 lea eax, [ebp+$10] 77e06b63 push eax 77e06b64 lea eax, [ebp-$10] 77e06b67 push eax 77e06b68 push dword ptr [ebp+$c] 77e06b6b push esi 77e06b6c call +$2f69a ($77e3620b) 77e06b6c 77e06b71 mov esi, [ebp+$24] 77e06b74 jmp loc_77dd811b 77e06b74 77e06b74 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77e06b74 77e06b79 loc_77e06b79: 77e06b79 add ecx, 2 77e06b7c cmp ecx, [esi] 77e06b7e ja loc_77dd8127 77e06b7e 77e06b84 mov [eax], di 77e06b87 jmp loc_77dd8127 77e06b87 77e06b87 ; --------------------------------------------------------- 77e06b87 77e06b8c loc_77e06b8c: 77e06b8c lea eax, [ebp-4] 77e06b8f push eax 77e06b90 call -$3001d ($77dd6b78) 77e06b90 77e06b95 jmp loc_77dd814f
Here's the full source of the unit:
Actually, I never get this error in my computer but maybe you know the problem maker and how to avoid this error? Should I use try except in line 251 or is there any better way?
Unit Name: uSimpleTrustCheck Author: ACE-ppc Date: 04-Apr-2005 Purpose: Unit for simple check if a file is Trusted History: V1.0: Erste Version v1.1: Speicher Leaks beseitigt, WINTRUST_DATA Struktur angepasst -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit uSimpleTrustCheck; interface function CheckFileTrust(const sFilename: string): Boolean; implementation uses Windows, SysUtils; const //Kostanten für die dwUnionChoice in WINTRUST_DATA WTD_CHOICE_FILE = 1; WTD_CHOICE_CATALOG = 2; //Konstanten für dwStateAction WTD_STATEACTION_IGNORE = 0; WTD_STATEACTION_VERIFY = 1; //UI Konstanten für WINTRUST_DATA WTD_UI_NONE = 2; //kein UI anzeigen //Konstanten zur Prüfung auf zurückgezogene Zertifikate WTD_REVOKE_NONE = 0; // keine zusätzliche Prüfun //Konstanten für TrustProvider WTD_SAFER_FLAG = 256; // für Winxp Sp2 benötigt //Wintrust Action GUID´s WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2: TGUID = '{00AAC56B-CD44-11d0-8CC2-00C04FC295EE}'; type CATALOG_INFO = record cbStruct: DWORD; // = sizeof(WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO) sCatalogFile: array[0..MAX_PATH] of WCHAR; // Dateiname incl. Pfad zur CAT Datei end; PCATALOG_INFO = ^CATALOG_INFO; WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO = record cbStruct: DWORD; // = sizeof(WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO) dwCatalogVersion: DWORD; // optional pcwszCatalogFilePath: LPCWSTR; // benötigt, Dateiname incl. Pfad zur CAT Datei pcwszMemberTag: LPCWSTR; // benötigt, tag zum Mitglied im Katalog pcwszMemberFilePath: LPCWSTR; // benötigt, Dateiname incl. Pfad hMemberFile: THANDLE; // optional end; PWINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO = ^WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO; WINTRUST_FILE_INFO = record cbStruct: DWORD; // = sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO) pcwszFilePath: LPCWSTR; // benötigt, Dateiname incl. Pfad pgKnownSubject: PGUID; // optional hFile: THANDLE; // optional end; PWINTRUST_FILE_INFO = ^WINTRUST_FILE_INFO; WINTRUST_DATA = packed record cbStruct: DWORD; // = sizeof(WINTRUST_DATA) pPolicyCallbackData: pointer; // optional - auf 0 setzen pSIPClientData: pointer; // optional - auf 0 setzen dwUIChoice: DWORD; // benötigt, UI auswahl fdwRevocationChecks: DWORD; // benötigt, auf zurückgezogene Zertifikate prüfen (online ben.) dwUnionChoice: DWORD; // benötigt, welche Datenstruktur soll verwendet werden pWTDINFO: pointer; // Pointer zu einer der Wintrust_X_Info Strukturen pFake: pointer; //Fake Pointer - nötig damit der Speicer wieder freigegeben wird pFake1: pointer; //Fake Pointer - nötig damit der Speicer wieder freigegeben wird pFake2: pointer; //Fake Pointer - nötig damit der Speicer wieder freigegeben wird pFake3: pointer; //Fake Pointer - nötig damit der Speicer wieder freigegeben wird dwStateAction: DWORD; hWVTStateData: THANDLE; pwszURLReference: PWChar; dwProvFlags: DWORD; dwUIContext: DWORD; end; PWINTRUST_DATA = ^WINTRUST_DATA; //Handle und Pointer auf KatalogAdminKontext HCatAdmin = THANDLE; PHCatAdmin = ^HCatAdmin; var hLibWintrust : THANDLE; //dynamische Dll Aufrufe - keine Statische einbindung möglich CryptCATAdminAcquireContext : function(PHCatAdmin: PHCatAdmin; pgSubsystem: PGUID; dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; CryptCATAdminReleaseContext : function(HCatAdmin: HCatAdmin; dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle: function(hFile: THANDLE; pHashSize: PDWORD; pbHash: PByteArray; dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash: function(HCatAdmin: HCatAdmin; pbHash: PByteArray; pHashSize: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; phPrevCatInfo: PHandle): THANDLE; stdcall; CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext: function(hCatInfo: THANDLE; psCatInfo: PCATALOG_INFO; dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext: function(HCatAdmin: HCatAdmin; hCatInfo: THANDLE; dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; WinVerifyTrust : function(hwnd: THANDLE; pgActionID: PGUID; pWintrustData: PWINTRUST_DATA): Longint; stdcall; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funcktion: CheckFileTrust Date: 02-Mrz-2005 Arguments: const sFilename: string Result: Boolean Description: Prüft ob die angegebene Datei Trusted ist -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function CheckFileTrust(const sFilename: string): Boolean; var //Byte Array und Counter aByteHash : array[0..255] of Byte; iByteCount : Integer; hCatAdminContext : HCatAdmin; WTrustData : WINTRUST_DATA; WTDCatalogInfo : WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO; WTDFileInfo : WINTRUST_FILE_INFO; CatalogInfo : CATALOG_INFO; hFile : THANDLE; hCatalogContext : THANDLE; swFilename : WideString; swMemberTag : WideString; ilRet : Longint; x : Integer; begin //Standard Result setzen Result := False; //Sicherheitsabfrage ob Datei existiert if FileExists(sFilename) = False then Exit; //String in Widestring wandeln swFilename := sFilename; ZeroMemory(@CatalogInfo, SizeOf(CatalogInfo)); ZeroMemory(@WTDFileInfo, SizeOf(WTDFileInfo)); ZeroMemory(@WTDCatalogInfo, SizeOf(WTDCatalogInfo)); ZeroMemory(@WTrustData, SizeOf(WTrustData)); //Catalog Admin Kontext öffnen und falls nicht möglich Prozedur verlassen if CryptCATAdminAcquireContext(@hCatAdminContext, nil, 0) = False then Exit; //Filehandle auf die zu prüfende Datei holen hFile := CreateFile(PChar(string(sFilename)), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); //Wenn das Handle nicht erhalten wurde Prozedur verlassen if hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin CloseHandle(hFile); Exit; end; //iaBytescount nach größe des Arrays setzen iByteCount := SizeOf(aByteHash); //ByteArray mit Hash füllen lassen und die Größe in iByteCount bekommen CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle(hFile, @iByteCount, @aByteHash, 0); // MemberTag brechnen (vom ByteArray auf HEX) for x := 0 to iByteCount - 1 do begin swMemberTag := swMemberTag + IntToHex(aByteHash[x], 2); end; //FileHandle schließen - wird nicht mehr gebraucht CloseHandle(hFile); //Erste Prüfung erfolgt mit WINTRUST_DATA.dwUnionChoice := WTD_CHOICE_CATALOG; //also muss WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO gefüllt werden // //Handle auf den Katalog Kontext holen hCatalogContext := CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash(hCatAdminContext, @aByteHash, iByteCount, 0, nil); //Wenn das Handle 0 ist muss die Prüfung mit der //WINTRUST_DATA.dwUnionChoice := WTD_CHOICE_FILE; Struktur durchgeführt werden if hCatalogContext = 0 then begin //CatalogContext = 0 also // //WINTRUST_FILE_INFO Struktur initialisieren und füllen WTDFileInfo.cbStruct := SizeOf(WTDFileInfo); WTDFileInfo.pcwszFilePath := PWideChar(swFilename); WTDFileInfo.pgKnownSubject := nil; WTDFileInfo.hFile := 0; //WINTRUST_DATA Struktur initialisieren und füllen WTrustData.cbStruct := SizeOf(WTrustData); WTrustData.dwUnionChoice := WTD_CHOICE_FILE; //WINTRUST_FILE_INFO Struktur wählen WTrustData.pWTDINFO := @WTDFileInfo; //Pointer zu WINTRUST_FILE_INFO WTrustData.dwUIChoice := WTD_UI_NONE; WTrustData.fdwRevocationChecks := WTD_REVOKE_NONE; WTrustData.dwStateAction := WTD_STATEACTION_IGNORE; WTrustData.dwProvFlags := WTD_SAFER_FLAG; //UI bei XP SP2 unterbinden WTrustData.hWVTStateData := 0; WTrustData.pwszURLReference := nil; end else begin //CatalogContext <> 0 also CATALOG_INFO benutzen // //CATALOG_INFO Struktur füllen CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext(hCatalogContext, @CatalogInfo, 0); //WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO Struktur initialisieren und füllen WTDCatalogInfo.cbStruct := SizeOf(WTDCatalogInfo); WTDCatalogInfo.pcwszCatalogFilePath := CatalogInfo.sCatalogFile; WTDCatalogInfo.pcwszMemberFilePath := PWideChar(swFilename); WTDCatalogInfo.pcwszMemberTag := PWideChar(swMemberTag); //WINTRUST_DATA Struktur initialisieren und füllen WTrustData.cbStruct := SizeOf(WTrustData); WTrustData.dwUnionChoice := WTD_CHOICE_CATALOG; //WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO Struktur wählen WTrustData.pWTDINFO := @WTDCatalogInfo; //Pointer zu WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO WTrustData.dwUIChoice := WTD_UI_NONE; WTrustData.fdwRevocationChecks := WTD_REVOKE_NONE; WTrustData.pPolicyCallbackData := nil; WTrustData.pSIPClientData := nil; WTrustData.dwStateAction := WTD_STATEACTION_VERIFY; WTrustData.dwProvFlags := 0; //WTD_SAFER_FLAG; //UI bei XP SP2 unterbinden WTrustData.hWVTStateData := 0; WTrustData.pwszURLReference := nil; end; //WinVerifyTrust aufrufen um die Prüfung durchzuführen ilRet := WinVerifyTrust(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2, @WTrustData); //Wenn Erg. 0 ist dann ist das File Trusted - alle anderen Werte sind Fehlercodes if ilRet = 0 then begin Result := True end else Result := False; //Handle zum Catalogfile schließen CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext(hCatAdminContext, hCatalogContext, 0); //Catalog Admin Kontext schließen CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(hCatAdminContext, 0); end; initialization //Dynamisches laden der Dll und deren Funktionen hLibWintrust := LoadLibrary('wintrust.dll'); if hLibWintrust >= 32 then { success } begin CryptCATAdminAcquireContext := GetProcAddress(hLibWintrust, 'CryptCATAdminAcquireContext'); CryptCATAdminReleaseContext := GetProcAddress(hLibWintrust, 'CryptCATAdminReleaseContext'); CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle := GetProcAddress(hLibWintrust, 'CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle'); CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash := GetProcAddress(hLibWintrust, 'CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash'); CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext := GetProcAddress(hLibWintrust, 'CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext'); CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext := GetProcAddress(hLibWintrust, 'CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext'); WinVerifyTrust := GetProcAddress(hLibWintrust, 'WinVerifyTrust'); end; finalization FreeLibrary(hLibWintrust); end. Geändert von SirThornberry (10. Nov 2011 um 12:41 Uhr) Grund: Code-Tags durch Delphi-Tags ersetzt |
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n/a Beiträge |
1. Why do you post this instead of zipping the information?
2. Why don't you try your proposal yourself and send it to the customer? 3. Why don't you talk to the customer? |
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2010 25 Beiträge Delphi 2 Desktop |
I already put the information using CODE tag.
I know the problem is WinVerifyTrust and somehow access violation error occured after calling RegEnumValueW. WinVerifyTrust function is called from wintrust.dll therefore I don't know how to debug it. That's why I ask this question on this forum instead of asking this question to my customer. |
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Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006 Ort: Barchfeld 27.656 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
![]() WinVerifyTrust := GetProcAddress(hLibWintrust, 'WinVerifyTrust');
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein) Dieser Tag ist längst gekommen |
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Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2003 Ort: Bockwen 12.235 Beiträge Delphi 2006 Professional |
Please use a Title which describes your problem. With that title, nobody knows the problem by reading it.
If somebody with the same problem will use the search, he/she will not find the result in this thread (because of the title which don't describe the problem). ![]()
Mit Source ist es wie mit Kunst - Hauptsache der Künstler versteht's |
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Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005 Ort: Stadthagen 9.454 Beiträge Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise |
Und wer hat die deutschen Kommentare im Quelltext geschrieben?
Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
![]() Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60) |
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2010 25 Beiträge Delphi 2 Desktop |
@DeddyH: Yeah I will add:
Thanks for the correction.
if not assigned (WinVerifyTrust ) then
@SirThornberry: Next time I will make the title clearly. |
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Registriert seit: 9. Jun 2011 678 Beiträge FreePascal / Lazarus |
That's a widely spread code sample that I've seen in many many places while looking for code to compare to find a bug in my own implementation. And like with a lot of code snippets found on the net, in the end you'll be faster if you implement it yourself.
I'll give you a hint at what to look for: //Fake Pointer - nötig damit der Speicer wieder freigegeben wird Open up MSDN, compare the data structure, and implement this one correctly to avoid further problems (these fake pointers, where someone misunderstood what unions are, make all following fields invalid / pointing to something else than the name suggests). |
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2010 25 Beiträge Delphi 2 Desktop |
I just searched similar function to verify file trust. I got code by Craig Peterson in StackOverflow.
MSDN say
PWinTrustFileInfo = ^TWinTrustFileInfo; TWinTrustFileInfo = record cbStruct: DWORD; // = sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO) pcwszFilePath: PWideChar; // required, file name to be verified hFile: THandle; // optional, open handle to pcwszFilePath pgKnownSubject: PGUID; // optional: fill if the subject type is known end; PWinTrustData = ^TWinTrustData; TWinTrustData = record cbStruct: DWORD; pPolicyCallbackData: Pointer; pSIPClientData: Pointer; dwUIChoice: DWORD; fdwRevocationChecks: DWORD; dwUnionChoice: DWORD; pFile: PWinTrustFileInfo; dwStateAction: DWORD; hWVTStateData: THandle; pwszURLReference: PWideChar; dwProvFlags: DWORD; dwUIContext: DWORD; end;
Something like that?
typedef struct _WINTRUST_DATA {
DWORD cbStruct; LPVOID pPolicyCallbackData; LPVOID pSIPClientData; DWORD dwUIChoice; DWORD fdwRevocationChecks; DWORD dwUnionChoice; union { struct WINTRUST_FILE_INFO_ *pFile; struct WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO_ *pCatalog; struct WINTRUST_BLOB_INFO_ *pBlob; struct WINTRUST_SGNR_INFO_ *pSgnr; struct WINTRUST_CERT_INFO_ *pCert; }; DWORD dwStateAction; HANDLE hWVTStateData; WCHAR *pwszURLReference; DWORD dwProvFlags; DWORD dwUIContext; } WINTRUST_DATA, *PWINTRUST_DATA; I also get similar function by rllibby and I'll try to compare them. |
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