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FireMonkey iOS Beispiele

Ein Thema von mkinzler · begonnen am 8. Okt 2011

Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
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Delphi 11 Alexandria

FireMonkey iOS Beispiele

  Alt 8. Okt 2011, 14:23
Verschiedene Blogger haben über FireMonkey apps für iOS gebloggt
Anders Ohlsson
Article: GPS and Compass in iOS from Delphi FireMonkey
Getting GPS coordinates and compass heading in an iOS FireMonkey app
PREVIEW: Delphi iOS FireMonkey DataSnap client!
iOS FireMonkey DataSnap client!
Smile! You’re on iOS FireMonkey camera!
Using the Accelerometer in an iOS FireMonkey app
Locking screen rotation in FireMonkey iOS…
FishFacts for iOS FireMonkey!
Super simple SQLite application for iOS FireMonkey
Reading and writing files from an iOS FireMonkey application
Toggling the Status Bar using an iOS FireMonkey application
Manipulating the icon badge numbers from an iOS FireMonkey application
Sending an email from an iOS FireMonkey application
Getting directions from an iOS FireMonkey application
Display a map from an iOS FireMonkey application
Opening a URL from an iOS FireMonkey application
Dialing a phone number from an iOS FireMonkey application
Chris Rolliston:
Converting from a Cocoa string to a Delphi string

Stefaan Lesage:
Configuring Delphi XE2 and your mac to develop, test and deploy iOS apps

FireMonkey iOS Shoot-em-up Video
Markus Kinzler

Geändert von mkinzler (13. Okt 2011 um 21:47 Uhr) Grund: Ergänzungen
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat


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