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Barcodes symbology

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 17. Sep 2011 · letzter Beitrag vom 18. Sep 2011

Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
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Delphi XE6 Professional

Barcodes symbology

  Alt 17. Sep 2011, 20:21
I'm looking for barcades symbology like: Code 25 (all versions), Databar (all versions), Code 128, EAN 128, MSI and UK Plessey, post codes (Postnet, etc.), EAN-14, ITF-14, Telepen, Channel Code, LOGMARS.

What I need are encode tables (in binary format, because I'm confused if I see wide-narrow variant) and checksum algorithms. Any other routins I already have (reading and parsing input data, rendering, etc.).

I have informations about EAN 2/5/8/13, UPC, Code 39, Code 93 and some medical codes. And I'm interesting in others 1D.

I'm also interesting in 2D codes, but currently I want to learn about more 1D.

Could you share some informations? (Wikipedia is not trusted source in this case)
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