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GlassFrame and controls in window

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 9. Aug 2011 · letzter Beitrag vom 10. Aug 2011
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

GlassFrame and controls in window

  Alt 9. Aug 2011, 12:20
Delphi-Version: 2010
I have normal window in application where can set some options. Now I want to make it more "trendy" and I enbled GlassFrame.SheetOfGlass. Unfortunately near all strings (except lists) now are semi-transparent Is possible to fix it?
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Benutzerbild von jaenicke

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2003
Ort: Berlin
9.852 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: GlassFrame and controls in window

  Alt 9. Aug 2011, 13:56
This is the correct behavior, because otherwise it would not look good.

But you have to set DoubleBuffered (of the form) to True and GlowSize of your labels to 5 (or another appropriate value).

This way the letters are visible and have the glow effect to be better readable.
Sebastian Jänicke
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: GlassFrame and controls in window

  Alt 9. Aug 2011, 15:23
Now look not good too. After DoubleBuffered strings are not transparent, but controls are not drawed correctly, for example page control has black background where are tabs and buttons are not rounded (in normal windows they looks to be rounded a bit). Maybe there are required another components instead the ones from Delphi?
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Benutzerbild von jaenicke

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2003
Ort: Berlin
9.852 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: GlassFrame and controls in window

  Alt 9. Aug 2011, 21:27
You have to set DoubleBuffered to False on Controls which do not support it. So it has to be False for a PageControl, but True for the form and a button for example.

Here you see how it looks, I appended the project too:

Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: zip (540,0 KB, 27x aufgerufen)
Sebastian Jänicke
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Registriert seit: 18. Feb 2007
Ort: Schweinfurt
170 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

AW: GlassFrame and controls in window

  Alt 9. Aug 2011, 22:12
sorry to come barging in like that...

that arrow near the minimize button in your screenshot... where does that come from?
Could it be Ultramon? If so, is it any good?
Bitte nicht hauen , ich weiß es nicht besser
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Benutzerbild von jaenicke

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2003
Ort: Berlin
9.852 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: GlassFrame and controls in window

  Alt 10. Aug 2011, 05:40
[OT]that arrow near the minimize button in your screenshot... where does that come from?
This is from TeamViewer, a remote control software.

Ultramon would be useful for me, because it allows to move the window from one monitor to another if my second or third monitor is off. So I can fetch the window from there. I just have to disable the additional taskbar in the setup, because otherwise I can't reach these windows.

Unfortunately there is no standard for additional buttons, so they interfere with teamviewer's at the same position... (But all are useable though.)
Sebastian Jänicke

Geändert von jaenicke (10. Aug 2011 um 05:51 Uhr)
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