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3-dimensional array to list?

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 1. Jun 2011 · letzter Beitrag vom 1. Jun 2011
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 12:40
Delphi-Version: 2010

I have type:

TMatrix = array of array of array of Byte;

I neec it to process graphic, so, array I think is the worst idea. I thought about list: TList<Byte>, how I can make TMatrix list based?
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.869 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: 3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 12:42
Why not a list of vertices?
Markus Kinzler
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: 3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 12:52
What you mean? Could you expand your idea?

BTW: I need it to make Perlin noise.

Geändert von WojTec ( 1. Jun 2011 um 12:56 Uhr)
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AW: 3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 13:18
Why is an array the "worst implementation"?
In most 3D engines, a vector matrix is described and implemented like this:

TVector3f = array[0..2] of single;
TMatrix3f = array[0..2] of TVector3f;

Geändert von blackfin ( 1. Jun 2011 um 13:26 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: 3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 14:12
See yourself:

{ Copyright (C) 2000 Michael Hansen. All Rights Reserved. }

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls,
  ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, GR32_Image, Spin;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Draw: TButton;
    NoiseGen: TButton;
    NoiseRadio: TRadioGroup;
    SmoothRadio: TRadioGroup;
    ViewCombo: TComboBox;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Label2: TLabel;
    Image321: TImage32;
    SpinEdit1: TSpinEdit;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DrawClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure NoiseGenClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Mix;
    procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
    procedure NoiseRadioClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure SmoothRadioClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure ViewComboChange(Sender: TObject);
    procedure SpinEdit1Change(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


  TRGBTripleArray = array [0 .. 32767] of TRGBTriple;

  Bitmap: TBitmap;
  YLine: ^TRGBTripleArray;
  Noise: array of array of array of Byte;
  Layers: array of array of array of Byte;
  InitDone: Boolean = False;

  { Max shr CLayer MUST be > 1 else program exits.
    In other words:  if Max div CLayer*2^CLayer > 1 then close }

  CLayer: Byte = 7; { Actual Layers = CLayer+1 }
  Max: Word = 255; { Actual Size = (Max+1)*(Max+1) }

  { Grain or MixDown Factor, thats like a layers opasity
    in photoshop,127=50% Opaque and 255=100% Opaque.
    Change the grainess with this value. > 127 = more grain. }

  Grain: Byte = 127;

{$R *.DFM}

function freq(xy, layer: Word): Word;
  Result := xy shr layer;

procedure TForm1.Mix;
  x, y: Word;
  c, l: Byte;
  l := ViewCombo.ItemIndex;
  if l = 0 then
    for y := 0 to Max do
      YLine := Bitmap.Scanline[y];
      for x := 0 to Max do
        c := Layers[0, x, y];
        for l := 1 to CLayer do
          c := ((c * Grain) + (Layers[l, x, y] * not Grain)) shr 8;
        FillChar(YLine[x], 3, c);
    for y := 0 to Max do
      YLine := Bitmap.Scanline[y];
      for x := 0 to Max do
        c := Layers[l - 1, x, y];
        FillChar(YLine[x], 3, c);

procedure Init(NumberOFLayers: byte);
  xy, y: Word;
  l: Byte;
  SetLength(Noise, NumberOFLayers + 1);
  SetLength(Layers, NumberOFLayers + 1);

  for l := 0 to NumberOFLayers do
    xy := freq(Max, l);
    SetLength(Noise[l], xy + 1);
    SetLength(Layers[l], Max + 1);
    for y := 0 to xy do
      SetLength(Noise[l, y], xy);
    for y := 0 to Max do
      SetLength(Layers[l, y], Max + 1);

procedure InterpolateRect(Rect: TRect; v1, v2, v3, v4: byte; layer: byte);
  c, x, y, dx, dy, dxy, dxX, dyY: Word;
  { Interpolation between the values v1..v4 in the size of rect }
  with Rect do
    dx := Right - Left;
    dy := Bottom - Top;
    dxy := dx * dy;
    for y := 0 to dy do
      dyY := dy - y;
      for x := 0 to dx do
        dxX := dx - x;
        c := (v1 * dyY * dxX) div dxy + (v2 * dyY * x) div dxy + (v3 * y * dxX)
          div dxy + (v4 * y * x) div dxy;
        Layers[layer, Left + x, Top + y] := c;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  x: Byte;
  if Max shr CLayer < 1 then
    exit; { see introduction }
  Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
  Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
  Bitmap.SetSize(Max + 1, Max + 1);
  ViewCombo.Items.Add('Mixed Layers');
  for x := 0 to CLayer do
    ViewCombo.Items.Add('Layer ' + IntToStr(x + 1));
  NoiseRadio.ItemIndex := 0;
  SmoothRadio.ItemIndex := 0;
  ViewCombo.ItemIndex := 0;
  InitDone := true;

procedure TForm1.DrawClick(Sender: TObject);
  x, y: Word;
  l, cl: Byte;
  sc: Single;
  Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
  { No Interpolation and layer[0] fill }
  for l := 0 to CLayer do
    for x := 0 to Max do
      for y := 0 to Max do
        Layers[l, x, y] := Noise[l, freq(x, l), freq(y, l)];
  { Interpolation }
  if SmoothRadio.ItemIndex = 0 then
    for l := 1 to CLayer do
      y := 0;
      cl := freq(Max, l);
      sc := Max / cl;
        x := 0;
          InterpolateRect(Rect(Round(x * sc), Round(y * sc),
              Round((x * sc) + sc), Round((y * sc) + sc)), Noise[l, x, y],
            Noise[l, x + 1, y], Noise[l, x, y + 1], Noise[l, x + 1, y + 1], l);
        until x = cl;
      until y = cl;
  Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

procedure TForm1.NoiseGenClick(Sender: TObject);
  x, y, l: Word;
  { Grayscale noise }
  if NoiseRadio.ItemIndex = 0 then
    for l := 0 to CLayer do
      for x := 0 to freq(Max, l) do
        for y := 0 to freq(Max, l) do
          Noise[l, x, y] := Random(32768);
  { Monochrome noise }
  if NoiseRadio.ItemIndex = 1 then
    for l := 0 to CLayer do
      for x := 0 to freq(Max, l) do
        for y := 0 to freq(Max, l) do
          if Random(32768) > 16384 then
            Noise[l, x, y] := 255
            Noise[l, x, y] := 0;
  // ViewCombo.ItemIndex:=0

procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
  { Release memory used }
  YLine := nil;

procedure TForm1.NoiseRadioClick(Sender: TObject);
  if InitDone then

procedure TForm1.SmoothRadioClick(Sender: TObject);
  if InitDone then

procedure TForm1.SpinEdit1Change(Sender: TObject);
  Grain := SpinEdit1.Value;

procedure TForm1.ViewComboChange(Sender: TObject);
  if InitDone then

When I want to use bigger bitmap, AVs are raised. So, this is reason I'm looking for better structure than array.
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Benutzerbild von Memnarch

Registriert seit: 24. Sep 2010
737 Beiträge

AW: 3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 14:24
Eh..if you get Avs, its not a problem of arrays in general, its a problem of your memorymanagement o.O(someone correct me if iam wrong)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: 3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 15:53
H,. but in this exapmle if I set larger bitmap size, AV is here, if smaller is ok.
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Registriert seit: 23. Jan 2008
3.687 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

AW: 3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 16:32
Arrays are already the most compact structure here. And it's not even the arrays (memorywise) that are your problem, the problem is, that the algorithm is constrained to a certain size. (You didn't write it yourself i guess.)

Currently, your arrays are sized like this:
Noise: 8*127*127
Layers: 8*128*128
These are fixed values, and do not depend on image size anywhere in the code you've shown. But because Layers[a, x, y] sometimes is accessed with image width and height for x and y, you run out of bounds on images larger than 128 pixel in any axis. (InterpolateRect() is such a candidate for example, if the passed Rect is >128².) You either need to make the current algo depend on image size, or upsample from 128x128. A list however, won't do anything at all. Especially nothing good.
"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When a million people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion." (Richard Dawkins)

Geändert von Medium ( 1. Jun 2011 um 16:37 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: 3-dimensional array to list?

  Alt 1. Jun 2011, 18:07
But this is problem I don;t know how to make it workable for any size
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