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procedure entry point not located on vista

Ein Thema von notidaho · begonnen am 25. Mai 2011 · letzter Beitrag vom 26. Mai 2011
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Registriert seit: 19. Mai 2011
8 Beiträge

procedure entry point not located on vista

  Alt 25. Mai 2011, 01:59
Hi guys

I adapted a small app in delphi 5 which simply searches a member database and replaces corrupt date (00/00/0000) with todays date, to temporarily solve a clients reoccurring corruption.

I had to install AdsDataSet to compile and build the code.

The app runs fine on my PC (XP pro sp3), I just put it in any directory with a Members table (Members.adt) and it displays which dates it has changed - perfect.

However when I run it on my clients PC (vista Business sp1) when logged in as Admin it will not run and I get the message:

The procedure entry point AdsGetDataLength could not be located in the ACE32.dll

I feel this is either a vista issue or that my built delphi app requires some components/library that exists only on my PC. Since I am new to Delphi I have no idea if this is true.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Many thanks,
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Benutzerbild von Aphton

Registriert seit: 31. Mai 2009
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Turbo Delphi für Win32

AW: procedure entry point not located on vista

  Alt 25. Mai 2011, 03:45
As you maybe alreay know, Dlls (Dynamic Link Libraries) provide developers with functions which they can work with.
These functions need to be imported at compile-time which is automatically done by delphi.

Now, the problem is, that the function "AdsGetDataLength" doesnt exist in that dll you are trying to import it from! Thus you get the error-message!

I guess you are using different versions of "ACE32.dll".
One possible solution: Use the proper version of the dll. Include it in your executable's directory!
But then you would have to ship out both the exe and the dll.
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Registriert seit: 19. Mai 2011
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AW: procedure entry point not located on vista

  Alt 25. Mai 2011, 11:24
Thanks for your answer Aphton..

Just to clarify - if I copy the ace32.dll from my Windows/system32 in to the directory of the app(.exe) on the Vista machine it may allow the app to run?

Will replacing the ace32 on the vista machine not interfere with any other programs they have?

How come my ace32 is special anyway? Is it not possible for me to alter this function in the code so that my .exe can run on any machine?

Sorry for the questions, I'm VERY new to Delphi :p
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Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: procedure entry point not located on vista

  Alt 25. Mai 2011, 11:37
Will replacing the ace32 on the vista machine not interfere with any other programs they have?
It does not replace the VISTA DLL (you add it as a local version). Your application only use the version from the application folder.
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Benutzerbild von Aphton

Registriert seit: 31. Mai 2009
1.198 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

AW: procedure entry point not located on vista

  Alt 25. Mai 2011, 12:24
Right, thats two pairs of shoes.

When loading dlls, the loader first searches in the app-path, then some other places and eventually in the system directory.

Btw. This has not much to do with delphi.
das Erkennen beginnt, wenn der Erkennende vom zu Erkennenden Abstand nimmt

Geändert von Aphton (25. Mai 2011 um 12:32 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 19. Mai 2011
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AW: procedure entry point not located on vista

  Alt 25. Mai 2011, 13:40
Thanks guys it's slow making more sense.

Sorry if it's not strictly Delphi Aphton but I'm finding the DLLs/paths issues are more of an issue than the code itself :p

It seems the ace32.dll and adsloc32.dll from my Windows/system32 are required in the .exe directory upon execution anywhere (though weirdly the .exe can run by itself in some locations on my PC).

My ace32 and adsloc32 are both about 50% larger than the standard ones on the clients PC and the coding PC which is usually used to compile/build any apps (my company sells membership/till software but no longer have original programmers :p).

I believe this is to do with me having installed either a newer version of AdsDataSet or AdsServer than our software was designed on.

I replaced my ace32 and adsloc32 with the standard ones so that I could compile apps which run on ANY of our clients computers, but the 'Advantage' tab disappeared from my component panel.

When I try to add the TAdsDataSet component package guess what it tells me: "procedure entry point AdsGetDataLength could not be located in dll Ace32".

In this case I can just ship out my ace32.dll no problem but in future -
Perhaps I need to try install an old version of TAdsDataSet?
or should I just compile/build all apps on the coding PC to avoid compatibility issues?

Thanks again

Geändert von notidaho (25. Mai 2011 um 13:43 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 24. Feb 2007
Ort: Baden
1.566 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: procedure entry point not located on vista

  Alt 25. Mai 2011, 13:53
In this case I can just ship out my ace32.dll no problem but in future
You can allways include the current needed DLL-Version to your application-setup. (new App-Version -> new Setup-Package)

If you prefer a single EXE distribution...

You can try to use a older version of TAdsDataSet which works with the "standard" DLL
You can give your application a prerequests-list and the users have to install all the application needs.
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Registriert seit: 19. Mai 2011
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AW: procedure entry point not located on vista

  Alt 26. Mai 2011, 00:50

Asking clients to install anything extra isn't possible (they are leisure centre staff).

I am unsure what you mean by including dlls or setting up paths. I am using Delphi 5 and can't see a "new app-version -> new setup-package" anywhere on the IDE.
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