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GetDisplayRect return 0 (left,right,top,bottom)

Ein Thema von jfarissi · begonnen am 28. Apr 2011 · letzter Beitrag vom 28. Apr 2011
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Registriert seit: 11. Apr 2011
3 Beiträge

GetDisplayRect return 0 (left,right,top,bottom)

  Alt 28. Apr 2011, 10:25

GetDisplayRect return 0 (left,right,top,bottom)

I can't show the button in the VST !?
any idea ?

  TNodeData1 = class
    Column0: String;
    Column1: String;
    Column2: String;
    Column3: String;
    Column4: String;
    Column5: String;
    Column6: TButton;


procedure TFormb.DoResize(node: pvirtualnode);
  CellRect: trect;
  d: TNodeData1;
  CellRect := VirtualStringTree1.GetDisplayRect(node, 6, false);
  with d.Column6 do
    Left := CellRect.Left;
    Width := CellRect.Right-CellRect.Left;
    Top := CellRect.Top;
    Height := CellRect.Bottom-CellRect.Top;

Procedure TFormb.SPMEditQueryGrid(DBName, Statement: String; Target:TVirtualStringTree; Titles: Boolean);
Var Col,i,j, Lin, nCol: Integer;
    d: TNodeData1;

      With TQuery.Create(Nil) Do
        DatabaseName := DBName;
        SQL.Text := Statement;
        If Not IsEmpty Then
          //For Col := 0 To FieldCount - 1 Do
          // Target.Header.Columns[col].Text := Fields[Col].FieldName;
          While Not Eof Do
            d.Column1 := Fieldbyname('id_employe').AsString;
            d.Column2 := Fieldbyname('Collaborateur').AsString;
            d.Column3 := Fieldbyname('INTITULE_SERVICE').AsString;
            d.Column4 := formatfloat('0.00',Fieldbyname('NOMBRE_JOURS').Asfloat);
            d.Column5 := formatfloat('0.00',Fieldbyname('Montant').Asfloat);
            edtXnode := Target.AddChild(Target.FocusedNode,d);
            d.Column6 := TButton.Create(self);
            with d.Column6 do
              name := 'tata'+inttostr(incnamebutton)+Fieldbyname('id_employe').AsString;
              Parent := VirtualStringTree1;
              OnClick := ButtonClick;

end; { QueryGrid }


Geändert von Luckie (28. Apr 2011 um 10:34 Uhr) Grund: Delphi Tags ergänzt
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Ort: Barchfeld
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: GetDisplayRect return 0 (left,right,top,bottom)

  Alt 28. Apr 2011, 10:38
TBaseVirtualTree.GetDisplayRect Method
Returns the visible region used by the given node in client coordinates.
function GetDisplayRect(Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextOnly: Boolean; Unclipped:
Boolean = False): TRect;
If the given node cannot be found (because one of its parents is collapsed or it is invisible) then an empty rectangle is
returned. If TextOnly is true then only the text bounds are returned, that is, the resulting rectangle's left and right
border are updated according to the bidi mode, alignment and text width of the node. If Unclipped is true (which only
makes sense if also TextOnly is true) then the calculated text rectangle is not clipped if the text does not entirely fit into
the text space. This is special handling needed for hints.
If Column is NoColumn( see NoColumn Constant, page 686) then the entire client width is used before determining the
node's width otherwise the bounds of the particular column are used.
Column must be a valid column and is used independent of whether the header is visible or not.
Taken from here, hope it helps.
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Registriert seit: 11. Apr 2011
3 Beiträge

AW: GetDisplayRect return 0 (left,right,top,bottom)

  Alt 28. Apr 2011, 13:16
thanks that work
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