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Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2006 18 Beiträge |
man erstelle eine Komponente der abgeleiteten Klasse TScrollBox. Füge in private "procedure ListItemMouseEnter(Sender: TObject);" ein. Starte Programm Erzeuge Dynamisch ein Panel Weise dem Panel folgedes zu: Owner=Self der Komp. Parent=Self der Komp. OnMouseEnter:=ListItemMouseEnter; Fahre mit der Maus auf das Panel -> Event "ListItemMouseEnter" wird ausgelöst. Und jetzt kommts -> ! ![]() ![]() Hilfe ![]()
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Registriert seit: 26. Nov 2003 Ort: Halle/Saale 4.352 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
Zeig mal Deinen Quelltext...
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Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2006 18 Beiträge |
unit Tapi;
interface uses Windows, Classes, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Messages, SysUtils, TapiTypeDef, Dialogs, Graphics; type // Develop-Test TDevTest = record LineAppActive: Boolean; LineActive: Boolean; Text: String; end; // Event-Prozeduren TDevelopTestEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DevTest: TDevTest) of Object; type TTapi = class(TScrollBox) private FLastMessage: String; FTapiList: TStringList; FActiveTapiName: String; // Normale Ausgangs-Events FDevelopTest: TDevelopTestEvent; procedure DevTest(Text: String = ''); // Line-App zum generellen kommunizieren über Tapi-Funktionen - dient zur Aushandlung der API-Version function CloseLineApp: Boolean; function OpenLineApp: Boolean; // Alle Tapi-Geräte erfassen procedure GetTapiList; // Tapi-Gerät öffnen und schließen function OpenLine(ID: Cardinal): Boolean; function CloseLine: Boolean; // Verbindungen in Listen-Ketten verwalten procedure FreeCallCon; procedure AddCallCon(hCall: ThCall); procedure DeleteCallCon(hCall: ThCall); procedure SetCallConItem(hCall: ThCall; Kind: Byte; Item: Variant); // Externes Eingangs-Event der Line-App (Alle aktiven Tapi's) procedure LineAppCallBack(hDevice, dwMsg, dwCallbackInstance, dwParam1, dwParam2, dwParam3: DWORD); stdcall; // Visuelle Liste procedure AddCallListItem(CallTime: TDateTime; Description: String); procedure ListItemMouseEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure ListItemMouseLeave(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function Init: Boolean; procedure Free; function SetActiveTapi(Name: String): Boolean; function Call(Num: String): Boolean; // Test procedure DevTestFiller; procedure DevTestPaint(Text: String); procedure FreeCallList; published property LastMessage: String index 0 read FLastMessage; property TapiList: TStringList index 1 read FTapiList; property ActiveTapiName: String index 2 read FActiveTapiName; property OnDevelopTest: TDevelopTestEvent index 0 read FDevelopTest write FDevelopTest; end; procedure Register; implementation // Privat const ListItemHeight = 20; ListItemHSpace = 5; ListItemVSpace = 3; type // Pointer-Kette für optische Liste in der Scrollbox PCallList = ^TCallList; TCallList = record ID: Cardinal; // ID-Nr PItem: TPanel; // Panel zur optischen Trennung der Listeneinträge LDescription: TLabel; // Anruf-Informationen SCallStatus: TShape; // Ruf-Signalisierung Next: PCallList; // Pointer auf den nächsten Eintrag end; // Array der Tapi-Geräte TTapiDevice = record ID: Cardinal; // Feste ID des Tapi-Gerätes Name: String; // Name des Tapi-Gerätes APIVersion: Cardinal; // Versions-Nummer zur Kontrolle der Kompatibilität zum Programm end; // Pointer-Kette für alle aktiven Rufe PCallCon = ^TCallCon; TCallCon = record hCall: ThCall; // Handle zur Verbindung Incomming: Boolean; // Ein- oder ausgehender Ruf CallerID: String; // Anrufer - Nummer CalledID: String; // Anruf-Empfänger - Nummer Connected: Boolean; // Mit Teilnehmer verbunden PListItem: PCallList; // Pointer auf visuellen Listeneintrag Speed: Cardinal; Next: PCallCon; // Pointer auf die nächste Verbindung end; // Tapi-Haupt-Record TTapiPhone = record DevCount: Cardinal; Devices: Array of TTapiDevice; // Liste der Tapi-Geräte ActiveID: Cardinal; // ID des aktiven Tapi-Gerätes hLineApp: ThLineApp; // Handle der Tapi-Schnittstelle hLine: ThLine; // Handle des aktiven Tapi-Gerätes CallCon: PCallCon; // Pointer auf die erste Verbindung (Ein-, Ausgehend, (nicht) angenommen, Konferenz, usw.) end; var hTapiLib: THandle; // Handle von DLL lineInitializeExW: TlineInitializeExW; lineGetCallInfoW: TlineGetCallInfoW; lineNegotiateAPIVersion: TlineNegotiateAPIVersion; lineGetDevCapsW: TlineGetDevCapsW; lineClose: TlineClose; lineOpenW: TlineOpenW; lineShutdown: TlineShutdown; lineMakeCallW: TlineMakeCallW; InitOK: Boolean; FirstCallListItem: PCallList; TapiPhone: TTapiPhone; SelfOfTTapi: TTapi; (* ------------------------------- Erzeugen --------------------------------- *) constructor TTapi.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; // Self zwischenspeichern - wird benötigt wenn DLL ein Event auslöst (damit Assign funktioniert) SelfOfTTapi:=Self; // ScrollBox formatieren Self.DoubleBuffered:=True; // Flicker-Frei beim verschieben, dafür mehr Speicherbelegung Self.HorzScrollBar.Visible:=False; Self.VertScrollBar.Tracking:=True; // Beim Verschieben gleich zeichnen // Speicher für Liste reservieren FTapiList:=TStringList.Create; // Listen-Ketten initialisieren FirstCallListItem:=nil; TapiPhone.CallCon:=nil; end; (* ------------------------------- Beenden ---------------------------------- *) destructor TTapi.Destroy; begin Free; // Speicher freigeben FTapiList.Free; FreeCallCon; inherited; end; (* ----------------------------- Test - Ausgaben ---------------------------- *) procedure TTapi.DevTest(Text: String = ''); var DevTest: TDevTest; begin if Assigned(onDevelopTest) then begin DevTest.LineAppActive:=TapiPhone.hLineApp>0; DevTest.LineActive:=TapiPhone.hLine>0; DevTest.Text:=Text; onDevelopTest(Self, DevTest); end; end; (* -------------------------- Tapi initialisieren --------------------------- *) function TTapi.Init: Boolean; var InitStateOK: Boolean; begin DevTest('Init Start'); InitStateOK:=True; if hTapiLib=0 then begin // DLL laden hTapiLib:=LoadLibrary(TapiDllName); if hTapiLib>0 then begin try // Speicher für benötigte Funktionen reservieren @lineInitializeExW:=GetProcAddress(hTapiLib, 'lineInitializeExW'); @lineGetCallInfoW:=GetProcAddress(hTapiLib, 'lineGetCallInfoW'); @lineNegotiateAPIVersion:=GetProcAddress(hTapiLib, 'lineNegotiateAPIVersion'); @lineGetDevCapsW:=GetProcAddress(hTapiLib, 'lineGetDevCapsW'); @lineClose:=GetProcAddress(hTapiLib, 'lineClose'); @lineOpenW:=GetProcAddress(hTapiLib, 'lineOpenW'); @lineShutdown:=GetProcAddress(hTapiLib, 'lineShutdown'); @lineMakeCallW:=GetProcAddress(hTapiLib, 'lineMakeCallW'); except on E: Exception do begin InitStateOK:=False; FLastMessage:=E.message+#13#10+SysErrorMessage(GetLastError); end; end; end; end else FLastMessage:='Die Datei "'+TapiDllName+'" konnte nicht geladen werden.'; if InitStateOK then begin // Tapi-App öffnen if TapiPhone.hLineApp=0 then if OpenLineApp=False then InitStateOK:=False; // Tapi-Liste erfassen if InitStateOK then GetTapiList; end; InitOK:=InitStateOK; Result:=InitStateOK; DevTest('Init End'); end; (* ------------------------------ Tapi beenden ------------------------------ *) procedure TTapi.Free; begin InitOK:=False; // Falls aktiv if TapiPhone.hLine>0 then CloseLine; // Tapi-App beenden if TapiPhone.hLineApp>0 then CloseLineApp; // Speicher freigeben SetLength(TapiPhone.Devices, 0); // DLL entladen if hTapiLib>0 then begin FreeLibrary(hTapiLib); hTapiLib:=0; end; end; (* ---------------------------- LineApp öffnen ------------------------------ *) function TTapi.OpenLineApp: Boolean; var ret: Cardinal; LineIExParams: TLineInitializeExParams; begin DevTest('OpenLineApp Start'); Result:=False; LineIExParams.dwTotalSize:=SizeOf(LineIExParams); LineIExParams.dwOptions:=LINEINITIALIZEEXOPTION_USEHIDDENWINDOW; ret:=lineInitializeExW(@TapiPhone.hLineApp, SysInit.HInstance, @TTapi.LineAppCallBack, 'TapiConsoleMonitor', @TapiPhone.DevCount, @APIHighVer, @LineIExParams); if ret=0 then Result:=True else FLastMessage:=GetTapiErrorMessage(ret); DevTest('OpenLineApp End'); end; (* --------------------------- LineApp schließen ---------------------------- *) function TTapi.CloseLineApp: Boolean; var ret: Cardinal; begin DevTest('CloseLineApp Start'); Result:=False; ret:=lineShutdown(TapiPhone.hLineApp); TapiPhone.hLineApp:=0; if ret=0 then Result:=True else FLastMessage:=GetTapiErrorMessage(ret); DevTest('CloseLineApp End'); end; (* ------------------------- Tapi-Geräte erfassen --------------------------- *) procedure TTapi.GetTapiList; var ret, X, DeviceID, Offset, Size, DevAPIVersion: Cardinal; LineExId: TLineExtentionId; Buffer: Array of Byte; begin DevTest('GetTapiList Start'); SetLength(TapiPhone.Devices, 0); ret:=0; // Alle Tapi-Geräte erfassen for X:=0 to TapiPhone.DevCount-1 do begin if ret>0 then DevTest('Device '+IntToStr(X)+':'+GetTapiErrorMessage(ret)); // Prüfen ob das Tapi-Gerät mit der API-Version kompatibel ist ret:=lineNegotiateAPIVersion(TapiPhone.hLineApp, X, APILowVer, APIHighVer, @DevAPIVersion, @LineExId); if ret>0 then Continue; // Vorabfrage, wg. der benötigten Größe (dwNeededSize) SetLength(Buffer, SizeOf(TLineDevCaps)); TLineDevCaps(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwTotalSize:=Length(Buffer); ret:=lineGetDevCapsW(TapiPhone.hLineApp, X, DevAPIVersion, 0, @Buffer[0]); if ret>0 then Continue; // Größe von Buffer anpassen SetLength(Buffer, TLineDevCaps(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwNeededSize); TLineDevCaps(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwTotalSize:=Length(Buffer); // Abfrage DevCaps ret:=lineGetDevCapsW(TapiPhone.hLineApp, X, DevAPIVersion, 0, @Buffer[0]); if ret>0 then Continue; // Ort und Länge des Namens erfassen Offset:=TLineDevCaps(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwLineNameOffset; Size:=TLineDevCaps(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwLineNameSize; // Gerät erfassen DeviceID:=Length(TapiPhone.Devices); SetLength(TapiPhone.Devices, DeviceID+1); TapiPhone.Devices[DeviceID].ID:=X; if Size>0 then TapiPhone.Devices[DeviceID].Name:=PWideChar(@Buffer[Offset]); TapiPhone.Devices[DeviceID].APIVersion:=DevAPIVersion; end; // Liste füllen FTapiList.Clear; for X:=0 to Length(TapiPhone.Devices)-1 do FTapiList.Add(TapiPhone.Devices[X].Name); // Speicher freigeben SetLength(Buffer, 0); DevTest('GetTapiList End'); end; (* ------------------------------ Line öffnen ------------------------------- *) function TTapi.OpenLine(ID: Cardinal): Boolean; var ret, ExtVersion, CallbackInstance, Privileges, MediaModes: Cardinal; begin DevTest('OpenLine Start'); Result:=False; ExtVersion:=0; CallbackInstance:=0; Privileges:=LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR or LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER; // Die Leitung für einen Monitor öffnen // Media - Modes // LINEMEDIAMODE_AUTOMATEDVOICE | LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM | LINEMEDIAMODE_ADSI | LINEMEDIAMODE_DIGITALDATA // LINEMEDIAMODE_G3FAX | LINEMEDIAMODE_G4FAX | LINEMEDIAMODE_INTERACTIVEVOICE | LINEMEDIAMODE_MIXED // LINEMEDIAMODE_TDD | LINEMEDIAMODE_TELETEX | LINEMEDIAMODE_TELEX | LINEMEDIAMODE_VIDEO // LINEMEDIAMODE_VIDEOTEX | LINEMEDIAMODE_VOICEVIEW | LINEMEDIAMODE_UNKNOWN MediaModes:=LINEMEDIAMODE_INTERACTIVEVOICE; // Line öffnen ret:=lineOpenW(TapiPhone.hLineApp, TapiPhone.Devices[ID].ID, @TapiPhone.hLine, TapiPhone.Devices[ID].APIVersion, ExtVersion, CallbackInstance, Privileges, MediaModes, nil); if ret=0 then Result:=True else FLastMessage:=GetTapiErrorMessage(ret); DevTest('OpenLine End'); end; (* ---------------------------- Line schließen ------------------------------ *) function TTapi.CloseLine: Boolean; var ret: Cardinal; begin DevTest('CloseLine Start'); Result:=False; ret:=lineClose(TapiPhone.hLine); TapiPhone.hLine:=0; if ret=0 then Result:=True else FLastMessage:=GetTapiErrorMessage(ret); DevTest('CloseLine End'); end; (* -------------------------- Tapi-Gerät aktivieren ------------------------- *) function TTapi.SetActiveTapi(Name: String): Boolean; var X, ID: Integer; begin DevTest('SetActiveTapi Start'); Result:=False; // Falls ein Tapi-Gerät aktiviert -> beenden if TapiPhone.hLine>0 then CloseLine; FActiveTapiName:=''; // Name suchen ID:=-1; for X:=0 to Length(TapiPhone.Devices)-1 do begin if TapiPhone.Devices[X].Name=Name then begin ID:=X; Break; end; end; if ID=-1 then begin FLastMessage:='Tapi-Gerät "'+Name+'" nicht gefunden.'; Exit; end; // Tapi-Gerät öffnen if OpenLine(ID)=False then Exit; // Name hinterlegen FActiveTapiName:=Name; Result:=True; DevTest('SetActiveTapi End'); end; (* -------------- Speicher für Einfache Listen-Kette freigeben -------------- *) procedure TTapi.FreeCallCon; var TmpCallCon: PCallCon; begin if TapiPhone.CallCon<>nil then begin // Speicher der Untergeordneten Verweise freigeben while TapiPhone.CallCon^.Next<>nil do begin TmpCallCon:=TapiPhone.CallCon^.Next; Dispose(TapiPhone.CallCon); TapiPhone.CallCon:=TmpCallCon; end; // Ersten Verweis freigeben Dispose(TapiPhone.CallCon); end; end; (* ---------------- Neues Element der Listen-Kette hinzufügen --------------- *) procedure TTapi.AddCallCon(hCall: ThCall); var NewCallCon, TmpCallCon: PCallCon; begin // Speicher reservieren New(NewCallCon); // Prüfen ob es sich um das Root-Element handelt if TapiPhone.CallCon=nil then TapiPhone.CallCon:=NewCallCon else begin // Root-Element zwischenspeichern TmpCallCon:=TapiPhone.CallCon; // Letztes Element suchen while TmpCallCon^.Next<>nil do TmpCallCon:=TmpCallCon^.Next; // Verweis auf neues Element setzen TmpCallCon^.Next:=NewCallCon; end; // Veriablen setzen NewCallCon^.hCall:=hCall; NewCallCon^.Incomming:=False; NewCallCon^.CallerID:=''; NewCallCon^.CalledID:=''; NewCallCon^.Connected:=False; NewCallCon^.Speed:=GetTickCount; // Verweis auf ein weiteres Element verhindern NewCallCon^.Next:=nil; end; (* ------------------- Element aus der Listen-Kette löschen ----------------- *) procedure TTapi.DeleteCallCon(hCall: ThCall); var PreCallCon, TmpCallCon: PCallCon; begin // Prüfen ob Root existiert if TapiPhone.CallCon=nil then Exit; // Erstes Element übernehmen TmpCallCon:=TapiPhone.CallCon; // Zwischen-Speicher für davor und danach initialisieren PreCallCon:=nil; repeat // Prüfen ob das zu löschende Handle erreicht ist if TmpCallCon^.hCall=hCall then begin if PreCallCon=nil then TapiPhone.CallCon:=TmpCallCon^.Next else PreCallCon^.Next:=TmpCallCon^.Next; Dispose(TmpCallCon); Exit; end; // Vorhergendes Element zwischenspeichern PreCallCon:=TmpCallCon; // Nächstes Element übernehmen TmpCallCon:=TmpCallCon^.Next; until TmpCallCon=nil; end; (* ------------ Element-Eintrag in der Listen-Kette editieren --------------- *) procedure TTapi.SetCallConItem(hCall: ThCall; Kind: Byte; Item: Variant); var TmpCallCon: PCallCon; begin if TapiPhone.CallCon=nil then Exit; // Element suchen TmpCallCon:=TapiPhone.CallCon; repeat // Element gefunden if TmpCallCon^.hCall=hCall then begin // Item eintragen case Kind of 0 : TmpCallCon^.Incomming:=Item; 1 : TmpCallCon^.CallerID:=Item; 2 : TmpCallCon^.CalledID:=Item; 3 : TmpCallCon^.Connected:=Item; 100 : TmpCallCon^.Speed:=GetTickCount-TmpCallCon^.Speed; end; end; TmpCallCon:=TmpCallCon^.Next; until TmpCallCon=nil; end; (* ---------------- Neues Element der Listen-Kette hinzufügen --------------- *) procedure TTapi.AddCallListItem(CallTime: TDateTime; Description: String); var X: Cardinal; NewCallListItem, TmpCallListItem: PCallList; NewItemWidth, OrgClientWidth: Integer; begin // Breite der Panels bestimmen OrgClientWidth:=Self.ClientWidth; NewItemWidth:=OrgClientWidth-ListItemHSpace*2; // Speicher reservieren New(NewCallListItem); X:=0; // Prüfen ob es sich um das Root-Element handelt if FirstCallListItem=nil then FirstCallListItem:=NewCallListItem else begin // Root-Element zwischenspeichern TmpCallListItem:=FirstCallListItem; // Element nach unten verschieben TmpCallListItem^.PItem.Top:=TmpCallListItem^.PItem.Top+ListItemVSpace+ListItemHeight; TmpCallListItem^.PItem.Width:=NewItemWidth; Inc(X); // Letztes Element suchen while TmpCallListItem^.Next<>nil do begin // Nächstes Element TmpCallListItem:=TmpCallListItem^.Next; // Element nach unten verschieben TmpCallListItem^.PItem.Top:=TmpCallListItem^.PItem.Top+ListItemVSpace+ListItemHeight; TmpCallListItem^.PItem.Width:=NewItemWidth; // ID Inc(X); end; // Verweis auf neues Element setzen TmpCallListItem^.Next:=NewCallListItem; end; // Variablen setzen NewCallListItem^.ID:=X; // Panel erzeugen NewCallListItem^.PItem:=TPanel.Create(Self); NewCallListItem^.PItem.Name:='PCallItem'+IntToStr(X); NewCallListItem^.PItem.Visible:=False; NewCallListItem^.PItem.Caption:=''; NewCallListItem^.PItem.Parent:=Self; NewCallListItem^.PItem.Left:=ListItemHSpace; NewCallListItem^.PItem.Top:=ListItemVSpace; NewCallListItem^.PItem.Width:=NewItemWidth; NewCallListItem^.PItem.Height:=ListItemHeight; // Panel-Events NewCallListItem^.PItem.OnMouseEnter:=ListItemMouseEnter; NewCallListItem^.PItem.OnMouseLeave:=ListItemMouseLeave; // Label erzeugen NewCallListItem^.LDescription:=TLabel.Create(NewCallListItem^.PItem); NewCallListItem^.LDescription.Name:='LCallItemDescription'+IntToStr(X); NewCallListItem^.LDescription.Caption:=FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy - hh:nn', CallTime)+' '+Description+' - '+IntTostr(X); NewCallListItem^.LDescription.Parent:=NewCallListItem^.PItem; NewCallListItem^.LDescription.Left:=10; NewCallListItem^.LDescription.Top:=Round(ListItemHeight/2+NewCallListItem^.LDescription.Font.Height/2); // Shape erzeugen NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus:=TShape.Create(NewCallListItem^.PItem); NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Name:='SCallItemStatus'+IntToStr(X); NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Parent:=NewCallListItem^.PItem; NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Shape:=stCircle; NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Width:=Round(ListItemHeight*0.7); NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Height:=NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Width; NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Left:=NewCallListItem^.PItem.Width-NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Width-10; NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Top:=Round(ListItemHeight/2-NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Height/2); NewCallListItem^.SCallStatus.Anchors:=[akTop, akRight]; // Shape Rechtsbündig // Verweis auf ein weiteres Element verhindern NewCallListItem^.Next:=nil; // Kontrollieren ob sich die ScrollBar eingeschlatet hat -> Breite aller zuvorgesetzten Elemente korrigieren if OrgClientWidth<>Self.ClientWidth then begin NewItemWidth:=Self.ClientWidth-ListItemHSpace*2; // Root-Element zwischenspeichern TmpCallListItem:=FirstCallListItem; // neue Breite TmpCallListItem^.PItem.Width:=NewItemWidth; // Letztes Element suchen while TmpCallListItem^.Next<>nil do begin // Nächstes Element TmpCallListItem:=TmpCallListItem^.Next; // neue Breite TmpCallListItem^.PItem.Width:=NewItemWidth; end; end; // Panel anzeigen NewCallListItem^.PItem.Visible:=True; end; (* -------------- Speicher für Einfache Listen-Kette freigeben -------------- *) procedure TTapi.FreeCallList; var TmpCallListItem: PCallList; begin if FirstCallListItem<>nil then begin // Speicher der Untergeordneten Verweise freigeben while FirstCallListItem^.Next<>nil do begin TmpCallListItem:=FirstCallListItem^.Next; FirstCallListItem^.PItem.Visible:=False; FreeAndNil(FirstCallListItem^.LDescription); FreeAndNil(FirstCallListItem^.SCallStatus); FreeAndNil(FirstCallListItem^.PItem); Dispose(FirstCallListItem); FirstCallListItem:=TmpCallListItem; end; // Ersten Verweis freigeben FirstCallListItem^.PItem.Visible:=False; FreeAndNil(FirstCallListItem^.LDescription); FreeAndNil(FirstCallListItem^.SCallStatus); FreeAndNil(FirstCallListItem^.PItem); Dispose(FirstCallListItem); FirstCallListItem:=nil; end; end; (* --------------------- Visuelle Liste zum Test füllen --------------------- *) procedure TTapi.DevTestFiller; begin AddCallListItem(Date+Time-1, 'Herr Black'); AddCallListItem(Date+Time-0.8, 'Frau Haumichblau'); AddCallListItem(Date+Time-0.6, 'Monsinore von der Wehe'); AddCallListItem(Date+Time-0.4, 'Gewerbeküche (57)'); end; procedure TTapi.DevTestPaint(Text: String); var DC: HDC; Canvas: TCanvas; begin DC := GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow()); try Canvas := TCanvas.Create(); try Canvas.Handle := DC; Canvas.Pen.Color := clLime; Canvas.Rectangle(1,1,200,500); Canvas.Font.Size:=16; Canvas.TextOut(1,1, Text); finally Canvas.Free; end; finally ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; end; (* ------------------------------ Maus - Move ------------------------------- *) procedure TTapi.ListItemMouseEnter(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender is TPanel then TPanel(Sender).Color:=clLime; end; (* ----------------------------- Maus - Leave ------------------------------- *) procedure TTapi.ListItemMouseLeave(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender is TPanel then TPanel(Sender).Color:=clBtnFace; end; (* -------------- Event von Tapi-Schnittstelle verarbeiten ------------------ *) procedure TTapi.LineAppCallBack(hDevice, dwMsg, dwCallbackInstance, dwParam1, dwParam2, dwParam3: DWORD); stdcall; var ret, X, Size, Offset, CallState: Cardinal; Tmpstr: String; Buffer: Array of Byte; LCI: TLineCallInfo; label Quit; begin // Self ist nil, wenn DLL das Event erzeugt hat if Self<>SelfOfTTapi then Self:=SelfOfTTapi; // hDev enthält ein line- oder call-Handle, zu erfahren über dwMsg DevTest('LineAppCallBack Start'); DevTest('hDevice: '+IntTostr(hDevice)); case dwMsg of LINE_ADDRESSSTATE : TmpStr:='LINE_ADDRESSSTATE'; LINE_CALLINFO : TmpStr:='LINE_CALLINFO'; LINE_CALLSTATE : TmpStr:='LINE_CALLSTATE'; LINE_CLOSE : TmpStr:='LINE_CLOSE'; LINE_DEVSPECIFIC : TmpStr:='LINE_DEVSPECIFIC'; LINE_DEVSPECIFICFEATURE : TmpStr:='LINE_DEVSPECIFICFEATURE'; LINE_GATHERDIGITS : TmpStr:='LINE_GATHERDIGITS'; LINE_GENERATE : TmpStr:='LINE_GENERATE'; LINE_LINEDEVSTATE : TmpStr:='LINE_LINEDEVSTATE'; LINE_MONITORDIGITS : TmpStr:='LINE_MONITORDIGITS'; LINE_MONITORMEDIA : TmpStr:='LINE_MONITORMEDIA'; LINE_MONITORTONE : TmpStr:='LINE_MONITORTONE'; LINE_REPLY : TmpStr:='LINE_REPLY'; LINE_REQUEST : TmpStr:='LINE_REQUEST'; PHONE_BUTTON : TmpStr:='PHONE_BUTTON'; PHONE_CLOSE : TmpStr:='PHONE_CLOSE'; PHONE_DEVSPECIFIC : TmpStr:='PHONE_DEVSPECIFIC'; PHONE_REPLY : TmpStr:='PHONE_REPLY'; PHONE_STATE : TmpStr:='PHONE_STATE'; LINE_CREATE : TmpStr:='LINE_CREATE'; PHONE_CREATE : TmpStr:='PHONE_CREATE'; LINE_AGENTSPECIFIC : TmpStr:='LINE_AGENTSPECIFIC'; LINE_AGENTSTATUS : TmpStr:='LINE_AGENTSTATUS'; LINE_APPNEWCALL : TmpStr:='LINE_APPNEWCALL'; LINE_PROXYREQUEST : TmpStr:='LINE_PROXYREQUEST'; LINE_REMOVE : TmpStr:='LINE_REMOVE'; PHONE_REMOVE : TmpStr:='PHONE_REMOVE'; else TmpStr:='dwMsg unbekannt'; end; DevTest(TmpStr); DevTest('dwParam1: '+IntTostr(dwParam1)+' | '+'dwParam2: '+IntTostr(dwParam2)+' | '+'dwParam3: '+IntTostr(dwParam3)); (* Beschreibung für Parameter 1 - 3 ================================ LINE_ADDRESSSTATE ================= dwParam1: The address identifier of the address that changed status. dwParam2: The address state that changed. Can be one or more of the LINEADDRESSSTATE_ constants. dwParam3: Unused. LINE_APPNEWCALL =============== dwParam1: Identifier of the address on the line on which the call appears. An address identifier is permanently associated with an address; the identifier remains constant across operating system upgrades. dwParam2: The application's handle to the new call. dwParam3: The applications privilege to the new call (LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER or LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR). LINE_APPNEWCALLHUB ================== dwParam1: The tracking level on the new hub, as defined by one of the LINECALLHUBTRACKING_ Constants. dwParam2: Unused. dwParam3: Unused. LINE_CALLINFO ============= dwParam1: The call information item that has changed. Can be one or more of the LINECALLINFOSTATE_ constants. dwParam2: Unused. dwParam3: Unused. LINE_CALLHUBCLOSE ================= dwParam1: Reserved. Set to 0. dwParam2: Reserved. Set to 0. dwParam3: Reserved. Set to 0. LINE_CALLSTATE ============== dwParam1 -------- The new call state. This parameter must be one and only one of the following LINECALLSTATE_ constants. dwParam1 Meaning LINECALLSTATE_BUSY dwParam2 contains details about the busy mode. This parameter uses one of the LINEBUSYMODE_ constants. LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED dwParam2 contains details about the connected mode. This parameter uses one of the LINECONNECTEDMODE_ constants. LINECALLSTATE_DIALTONE dwParam2 contains details about the dial tone mode. This parameter uses one of the LINEDIALTONEMODE_ constants. LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING dwParam2 contains details about the connected mode. This parameter uses one of the LINEOFFERINGMODE_ constants. LINECALLSTATE_SPECIALINFO dwParam2 contains the details about the special information mode. This parameter uses one of the LINESPECIALINFO_ constants. LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED dwParam2 contains details about the disconnect mode. This parameter uses one of the LINEDISCONNECTMODE_ constants. dwParam2 -------- Call-state-dependent information. See dwParam1. Note In circumstances where a delayed response is appropriate, use LINEDISCONNECTMODE_TEMPFAILURE. Where a blacklisted response is appropriate, use LINEDISCONNECT_BLOCKED. For further information, see LINEDISCONNECTMODE_ Constants. If dwParam1 is LINECALLSTATE_CONFERENCED, dwParam2 contains the hConfCall parameter of the parent call of the conference of which the subject hCall is a member. If the call specified in dwParam2 was not previously considered by the application to be a parent conference call (hConfCall, the application must do so as a result of this message. If the application does not have a handle to the parent call of the conference (because it has previously called lineDeallocateCall on that handle) dwParam2 is set to NULL. dwParam3 -------- If zero, this parameter indicates that there has been no change in the application's privilege for the call. If nonzero, it specifies the application's privilege for the call. This occurs in the following situations: (1) The first time that the application is given a handle to this call; (2) When the application is the target of a call handoff (even if the application already was an owner of the call). This parameter uses one of the following LINECALLPRIVILEGE_ constants. LINE_CLOSE ========== dwParam1: Unused. dwParam2: Unused. dwParam3: Unused. LINE_CREATE =========== dwParam1: The hDeviceID of the newly created device. dwParam2: Unused. dwParam3: Unused. LINE_DEVSPECIFIC ================ dwParam1: Device specific. dwParam2: Device specific. dwParam3: Device specific. LINE_DEVSPECIFICEX ================== dwParam1: Device specific. dwParam2: Device specific. dwParam3: Device specific. LINE_DEVSPECIFICFEATURE ======================= dwParam1: Device specific. dwParam2: Device specific. dwParam3: Device specific. LINE_GATHERDIGITS ================= dwParam1: The reason why digit gathering was terminated. This parameter must be one and only one of the LINEGATHERTERM_ constants. dwParam2: Unused. dwParam3: The "tick count" (number of milliseconds since Windows started) at which the digit gathering completed. For TAPI versions earlier than 2.0, this parameter is unused. LINE_GENERATE ============= dwParam1: The reason why digit or tone generation was terminated. This parameter must be one and only one of the LINEGENERATETERM_ constants. dwParam2: Unused. dwParam3: The "tick count" (number of milliseconds since Windows started) at which the digit or tone generation completed. For API versions earlier than 2.0, this parameter is unused. LINE_LINEDEVSTATE ================= dwParam1 -------- The line device status item that has changed. The parameter can be one or more of the LINEDEVSTATE_ constants. dwParam2 -------- The interpretation of this parameter depends on the value of dwParam1. If dwParam1 is LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING, dwParam2 contains the ring mode with which the switch instructs the line to ring. Valid ring modes are numbers in the range one to dwNumRingModes, where dwNumRingModes is a line device capability. If dwParam1 is LINEDEVSTATE_REINIT, and the message was issued by TAPI as a result of translation of a new API message into a REINIT message, then dwParam2 contains the dwMsg parameter of the original message (for example, LINE_CREATE or LINE_LINEDEVSTATE). If dwParam2 is zero, this indicates that the REINIT message is a "real" REINIT message that requires the application to call lineShutdown at its earliest convenience. dwParam3 -------- The interpretation of this parameter depends on the value of dwParam1. If dwParam1 is LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING, dwParam3 contains the ring count for this ring event. The ring count starts at zero. If dwParam1 is LINEDEVSTATE_REINIT, and the message was issued by TAPI as a result of translation of a new API message into a REINIT message, then dwParam3 contains the dwParam1 parameter of the original message (for example, LINEDEVSTATE_TRANSLATECHANGE or some other LINEDEVSTATE_ value, if dwParam2 is LINE_LINEDEVSTATE, or the new device identifier, if dwParam2 is LINE_CREATE). LINE_MONITORDIGITS ================== dwParam1: The low-order byte contains the last digit received in a text representation. dwParam2: The digit mode that was detected. This parameter must be one and only one of the LINEDIGITMODE_ constants. dwParam3: The "tick count" (number of milliseconds since Windows started) at which the specified digit was detected. For TAPI versions earlier than 2.0, this parameter is unused. LINE_MONITORMEDIA ================= dwParam1: The new media type (or mode). This parameter must be one and only one of the LINEMEDIAMODE_ constants. dwParam2: Unused. dwParam3: The "tick count" (number of milliseconds since Windows started) at which the specified media was detected. For TAPI versions earlier than 2.0, this parameter is unused. LINE_MONITORTONE ================ dwParam1: The application-specific dwAppSpecific member of the LINEMONITORTONE structure for the tone that was detected. dwParam2: Unused. dwParam3: The "tick count" (number of milliseconds since Windows started) at which the tone was detected. For API versions earlier than 2.0, this parameter is unused. LINE_REMOVE =========== dwParam1: Identifier of the line device that was removed. dwParam2: Reserved. Set to zero. dwParam3: Reserved. Set to zero. LINE_REPLY ========== dwParam1: The request identifier for which this is the reply. dwParam2: The success or error indication. The application should cast this parameter into a LONG. Zero indicates success; a negative number indicates an error. dwParam3: Unused. LINE_REQUEST ============ dwParam1: The request mode of the newly pending request. This parameter uses the LINEREQUESTMODE_ constants. dwParam2: The conditions for this parameter are, if dwParam1 is set to LINEREQUESTMODE_DROP, dwParam2 contains the hWnd of the application requesting the drop. Otherwise, dwParam2 is unused. dwParam3: If dwParam1 is set to LINEREQUESTMODE_DROP, the low-order word of dwParam3 contains the wRequestID as specified by the application that requested the drop. Otherwise, dwParam3 is unused. *) if dwMsg=LINE_APPNEWCALL then begin DevTest('Neuer Anruf'); // Neue Call-Verbindung hinzufügen AddCallCon(dwParam2); end; if (dwMsg=LINE_REPLY) and (dwParam2=0) then begin DevTest('Neuer Anruf'); // Neue Call-Verbindung hinzufügen AddCallCon(dwParam3); end; if dwMsg=LINE_CALLSTATE then begin case dwParam1 of LINECALLSTATE_IDLE : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_IDLE'; LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING'; LINECALLSTATE_ACCEPTED : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_ACCEPTED'; LINECALLSTATE_DIALTONE : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_DIALTONE'; LINECALLSTATE_DIALING : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_DIALING'; LINECALLSTATE_RINGBACK : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_RINGBACK'; LINECALLSTATE_BUSY : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_BUSY'; LINECALLSTATE_SPECIALINFO : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_SPECIALINFO'; LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED'; LINECALLSTATE_PROCEEDING : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_PROCEEDING'; LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLD : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLD'; LINECALLSTATE_CONFERENCED : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_CONFERENCED'; LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLDPENDCONF : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLDPENDCONF'; LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLDPENDTRANSFER : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLDPENDTRANSFER'; LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED'; LINECALLSTATE_UNKNOWN : TmpStr:='LINECALLSTATE_UNKNOWN'; else TmpStr:='dwParam1 unbekannt'; end; DevTest(TmpStr); case dwParam1 of LINECALLSTATE_IDLE : DeleteCallCon(hDevice); // Element aus der Listen-Kette löschen LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING : SetCallConItem(hDevice, 0, True); // Eingehender Ruf LINECALLSTATE_DIALTONE : SetCallConItem(hDevice, 0, False); // Ausgehender Ruf LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED : SetCallConItem(hDevice, 3, True); // Ruf angenommen LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED : begin SetCallConItem(hDevice, 3, False); // Verbindung getrennt DeleteCallCon(hDevice); // Element aus der Listen-Kette löschen end; LINECALLSTATE_RINGBACK : SetCallConItem(hDevice, 100, 0); end; end; ret:=0; if dwMsg = LINE_CALLINFO then begin //LCI.dwTotalSize:=380; //ret:=Tapi.lineGetCallInfoW(hDev, @LCI); // Vorabanfrage wg. neededSize SetLength(Buffer, SizeOf(TLineCallInfo)); TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwTotalSize:=Length(Buffer); ret:=lineGetCallInfoW(hDevice, @Buffer[0]); if ret>0 then goto Quit; // Speicher reservieren SetLength(Buffer, TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwNeededSize); TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwTotalSize:=Length(Buffer); // Abfrage ret:=lineGetCallInfoW(hDevice, @Buffer[0]); (* TmpStr:=''; case TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwBearerMode of LINEBEARERMODE_VOICE : TmpStr:='LINEBEARERMODE_VOICE'; LINEBEARERMODE_SPEECH : TmpStr:='LINEBEARERMODE_SPEECH'; LINEBEARERMODE_MULTIUSE : TmpStr:='LINEBEARERMODE_MULTIUSE'; LINEBEARERMODE_DATA : TmpStr:='LINEBEARERMODE_DATA'; LINEBEARERMODE_ALTSPEECHDATA : TmpStr:='LINEBEARERMODE_ALTSPEECHDATA'; LINEBEARERMODE_NONCALLSIGNALING : TmpStr:='LINEBEARERMODE_NONCALLSIGNALING'; LINEBEARERMODE_PASSTHROUGH : TmpStr:='LINEBEARERMODE_PASSTHROUGH'; LINEBEARERMODE_RESTRICTEDDATA : TmpStr:='LINEBEARERMODE_RESTRICTEDDATA'; else TmpStr:='dwBearerMode unbekannt'; end; Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add(TmpStr); TmpStr:=''; CallState:=TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwCallStates; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_UNKNOWN > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_UNKNOWN'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_INTERACTIVEVOICE > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_INTERACTIVEVOICE'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_AUTOMATEDVOICE > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_AUTOMATEDVOICE'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_G3FAX > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_G3FAX'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_TDD > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_TDD'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_G4FAX > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_G4FAX'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_DIGITALDATA > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_DIGITALDATA'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_TELETEX > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_TELETEX'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_VIDEOTEX > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_VIDEOTEX'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_TELEX > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_TELEX'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_MIXED > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_MIXED'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_ADSI > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_ADSI'+'|'; if CallState and LINEMEDIAMODE_VOICEVIEW > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINEMEDIAMODE_VOICEVIEW'+'|'; Delete(TmpStr, Length(TmpStr), 1); Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add('Status: '+TmpStr); TmpStr:=''; CallState:=TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwCallStates; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_ACCEPTED > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_ACCEPTED'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_IDLE > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_IDLE'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_ACCEPTED > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_ACCEPTED'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_DIALTONE > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_DIALTONE'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_DIALING > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_DIALING'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_RINGBACK > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_RINGBACK'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_BUSY > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_BUSY'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_SPECIALINFO > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_SPECIALINFO'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_PROCEEDING > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_PROCEEDING'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLD > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLD'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_CONFERENCED > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_CONFERENCED'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLDPENDCONF > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLDPENDCONF'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLDPENDTRANSFER > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_ONHOLDPENDTRANSFER'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED'+'|'; if CallState and LINECALLSTATE_UNKNOWN > 0 then TmpStr:=TmpStr+'LINECALLSTATE_UNKNOWN'+'|'; Delete(TmpStr, Length(TmpStr), 1); Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add('Status: '+TmpStr); *) // Anrufer Size:=TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwCallerIDSize; Offset:=TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwCallerIDOffset; SetCallConItem(hDevice, 1, String(PWideChar(@Buffer[Offset]))); if Size>0 then DevTest('Anrufer: '+PWideChar(@Buffer[Offset])); // Anruf-Empfänger Size:=TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwCalledIDSize; Offset:=TLineCallInfo(Pointer(Buffer)^).dwCalledIDOffset; SetCallConItem(hDevice, 2, String(PWideChar(@Buffer[Offset]))); if Size>0 then DevTest('Anruf-Empfänger: '+PWideChar(@Buffer[Offset])); end; Quit: SetLength(Buffer, 0); if ret<>0 then DevTest(GetTapiErrorMessage(ret)); DevTest('LineAppCallBack End'); end; (* ------------------------------ Anrufen ----------------------------------- *) function TTapi.Call(Num: String): Boolean; var ret: Cardinal; hC: ThCall; begin DevTest('Call Start'); Result:=False; if TapiPhone.hLine=0 then begin FLastMessage:='Kein Tapi-Gerät aktiv.'; Exit; end; ret:=lineMakeCallW(TapiPhone.hLine, @hC, PWideChar(Num), 0, nil); if ret=0 then Result:=True else FLastMessage:=IntToStr(ret)+': '+GetTapiErrorMessage(ret); DevTest('Call End'); end; (* ---------------------- Komponenten-Registrierung ------------------------- *) procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Matthias', [TTapi]); end; end.
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Registriert seit: 1. Jan 2010 Ort: Leer 594 Beiträge Delphi XE3 Professional |
Er meint bestimmt das im Auswertenfenster Sender als Wert () angezeigt wird.
Das liegt daran das Sender = TObject ist und TObject selber keine Properties die dort angezeigt werden könnten. Du musst den Sender dementsprechend casten. zB bei einem Button Klick:
procedure TForm4.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
begin (Sender as TButton).Caption := 'Test'; end;
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Registriert seit: 20. Jan 2006 Ort: Lübbecke 11.609 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Er meint bestimmt das im Auswertenfenster Sender als Wert () angezeigt wird.
Das liegt daran das Sender = TObject ist und TObject selber keine Properties die dort angezeigt werden könnten. Wenn Sender = nil wäre, dann würde das auch so dargestellt. |
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Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2006 18 Beiträge |
(Sender as TPanel).Color:=clLime;
geht auch nicht... ![]()
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Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2006 18 Beiträge |
Panel -> ParentBackground:=False;
ist die Lösung! ![]()
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Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2006 18 Beiträge |
Entschuldigung - Sender war nicht leer!
Aber die Anzeige der lokalen Variablen "Sender = ()" verleitet dazu dies zu Glauben. Gruß Matthias PS: Frohe Ostern
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Registriert seit: 19. Apr 2011 293 Beiträge Delphi 2009 Enterprise |
Aber die Anzeige der lokalen Variablen "Sender = ()" verleitet dazu dies zu Glauben.
![]() Verstehe sowieso nicht, wieso Delphi hier keinen Typecast auf Sender.ClassName vornehmen kann. |
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